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Everything posted by TheSnowStorm

  1. 17, huh? Wow, I'm 19. Scary. Right now, since you're young, I say start building a package of your works and start getting into some software and composing. Also, it's not a bad idea to do some networking.
  2. You know, I find it funny that everyone didn't go into a shitstorm when Kojima stated that video games isn't art, but when Robert says that it ain't everyone wants to get upset!
  3. That's the reason why I had this: (inb4theinfamousflamewarsofvideogamescanbeartthread)
  4. An . . .interesting video that compares how movies struggle to be an art form back during the 1920s, just like video games is struggling to be an art form in these days. (inb4theinfamousflamewarsofvideogamescanbeartthread)
  5. Also, modding is good in the eyes of the industry! Many 1st person shooters are modded each day! That will look good on your record!
  6. Damn, where's that picture of the father and son talking about going into music for the girls?! (DrakeSword posted it on off-topic area.) Seems like everyone has a full-rance of inspirations coming to friends, video game composers, and just music itself, huh?
  7. It's that bad and it's that old, huh? In 1999, I never even heard of NWC, nevermind MIDI! Yeah, it's still around and kickin' and free. . .for the trail verison (which is more like a lifetime). That got some bullshit "30-day free trail" which doesn't really expire. Yeah, Digital Orchestrator Plus is cool. I might check it out. NWC . . . I don't really use it for composing (it's confusing as hell to compose with) more so for priting sheet music.
  8. Since I'm working on a music composition portfolio during my college years, I need a decent set up. One of my first goals is to get a MIDI keyboard to making composing music easy. What would be a good keyboard for somebody with decent music experince (piano/keyboarding for seven years), but who's also just starting composing music during the summer? I also must note I'm looking for a keyboard under $120.00 USD I use Anvil Studios and Noteworthy Composer to write my songs and dragging and drop notes does cramp my hands at time.
  9. This was just a random thing that popped in my head last night while I was working on a MIDI song. Who or what gave your inspiration to go into music? Do you consider this person (these people) or thing (or these things) as a major impact of your musicanship? What inspired me to pick up the violin was during a field trip in the 2nd grade, we were treated with a grant to see the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra play for the local grammar shchools in the area. Watching the musicians play such beatiful melodies and sounds of passion (cheesy as fuck, I know) stirred something in me to pick up the violin and be play like them. Also, a family friend and a member of my former church was also a member of the orchestra and would play for the church inspired me as well because he was just amazing! So during my 3rd grade year, I decided to learn to the play the violin because I thought it was a beatiful insturment to play. What inpsired me to play the piano about three years later was that the family friend told me that if I want to know the true background of music and it's base, I would need to learn the piano. That, and he got fucked over in college because they made him play the piano, an insturment he never had prior tranining with.
  10. Wingless just basically stated everything I wanted to say. If you want to make games, THEN FUCKIN' SHOW THE WORLD THAT YOU WANT TO!!!! -Work on an indie game -Build a portfolio -BLOG about game design and blog abotu what you want to see in gaming, blog about where do you think the industry is going! Since Wingless just say everything I wanted to, I got nothing more to say EXPECT don't believe the bullshit colleges like DeVry, Standford-Brown, ITT Tech, etc. GET NETWORKING GODDAMMIT!!! Go to trade shows, talk to the ones in the business and MAKE FRIENDS AND CONTACT WITH THEM!!!! EDIT: Here's some books that I think you'll enjoy: http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Video-Games-Essential-Introduction/dp/0415977215
  11. I dunno why, but Mortal Kombat 3 used to scare me because of the gruesome fatalities. I was afraid that somebody would rip my head off or burn me alive as a child.
  12. You think they would ever come to the Midwest? God, I wish I could have gone.
  13. Maybe it's because I'm not a remixer, but I thought it was the remixer job to make a "new" song out of the original piece, to add his own flavor to the song.
  14. I still got my Sega Genesis and a few working games as well as my Nintendo 64. I'm jealous of my brother due to he kept the Super Nintendo and he has a NES. I'm thinking of stealing them when I go to his house. We did had a SEGA CD but it got damaged.
  15. See, that was just the scalp, it wasn't anything major like the head. Usually in fiction, if a character has God-like healing factor and if they're immortal like Syler and Claire, usually the best way to kill them is to behead them. How else will the brain tell the body to heal itself? (Unless the creators want to go on a humorous path and have Syler or Claire's body walk to the head and put itself back together.) Remember that dream Claire's bio grandmother had where one of the villains from Level 5 beheaded Claire and Claire didn't recover? All they have to do is behead Syler. That what Hiro should have done to Adam instead of just buring him alive. Ah, Adam the Gajin . .. I for one didn't like him. He didn't had that true cruel evil aura like Syler. Adam was just some wanpanese gajin bitch who only became evil because some dude took his girlfriend.
  16. So why did Heroes took the Time Paradox path where [spoilers]Future Peter goes back in the past, "kills" his brother Nate, revieves his brother, and did the time paradox/butterfly effect? Weird plot twist.{/spoiler] I would say, Heroes: Villains has redeem itself after the crap that was the second season. It went back to the roots of the original Heroes and didn't try to do anything new.
  17. You mean this boring ass Lupin song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MwoZ4qliEw lyrics: lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third lupin the third lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third lupin the third lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third lupin the third lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third lupin the third lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third lupin the third lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third lupin the third lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third lupin the third lupin lupin lupin lupin lupin the third
  18. I sense judge hate coming in 3. . . 2. . .1
  19. Well that means I'll have to kill you! Also, greatest Batman Beyond scene ever:
  20. I'll kill for a copy of this!
  21. LET THE MEMORIES TAKE YOU OVER!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gKWBTgCmVw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7RYmWZhMFk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB613GWrV-s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gucY34gA8eY&feature=related
  22. Well' date=' you're not kidding! The percussion was recorded from shoes in a dryer?! NO! I MUST MAKE YOU SUCCUMB TO THE NOSTALGIA!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFkPXgBx6kk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11H9Ee3hf68&feature=related I think AS will only run their original shows.
  23. I thought this topic was reflecting on our childhood memories we got from Toonami, not attack everyone who don't like a show! I finally understand this video after eight years. Growing up and not fearing your future.
  24. These lovely ladies says "hi"!
  25. A show of hands: Who remember this logo? Memories . . . -Who's the fuck is this piece of shit fagot and what did they did to my Tom?! Also, what did they did to SARA, Tom's friend? Another good anime series Adult Swim used to air: Case Closed was the shit! Not as great or darker as The Kodachi Case Files, but damn Case Closed was another of my Adult Swim favorites! I learned how to make a bomb out of a glass bottle and plant food from this anime!
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