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Everything posted by TheSnowStorm

  1. HOW TO TROLL A FANBASE: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31760415/ns/entertainment-music/?GT1=43001
  2. Mike Tyson's Punch Out BIonic Comando Final Fantasy 2 and 3 Fire Emblem Mother Vice Ninja Gaiden Super Mario Bros. 3
  3. Ah, so they arranged the Hyrule Symphony version of the song. Good shit.
  4. I can not fathom the impact that MJ had one so many lives. Seriously, he touched so many people lives through his singing and dancing.
  5. Man, this is like when Tupac or Cobain died. They were the voice of their generation. However MJ's voice spread out for four generations (70s, 80s, 90s, 00s) and like every last of that generation have been effected by it. It ain't a Generation X, Y Z, or Baby Boomers thing, everyone is affected by it.
  6. Man, this is like when Tupac or Cobain died. They were the voice of their generation. However MJ's voice spread out for four generations (70s, 80s, 90s, 00s) and like every last of that generation have been effected by it. It ain't a Generation X, Y Z, or Baby Boomers thing, everyone is affected by it.
  7. This Saturday and Sunday.
  8. (Note to self - Do not get banned near the time of a meetup so I get infomation) I might come if I have time.
  9. You know, I'm upset that I was never touched my Michael. Ah well, I'll masturbate about that thought tonight in tribute to him.
  10. "Maybe he's sleeping". Is it wrong for me that I laughed at that? Also, I know a little bit of the vocals as well as sme of the chords but I wanna get better at it.
  11. B.E.T. just finished their tribute for MIcheal. And Salluz, yeah, a music tribute collab would be good, man. I thinking of learning Stranger in Moscow on the piano in his honor.
  12. I will listen to the download only to listen to the two preview tracks.
  13. Because of that I'm gonna play that game. Anyways, I really need a XBOX360. MVC2 remake and now TMNT 4? Oh hell yeah!
  14. Yeah, a lot of folks have those unused warehouse Dreamcast that SEGA never release after SEGA lost their profits. If I had the money, I would buy one. I also want to emulate one but I don't know how much of a strain that would put on my computer.
  15. Capcom Vs. Multiple Copyright Lawsuits. I always wanted to see something like DC and Marvel Vs. Tokyo Pop and Viz Media but then Capcom made a game inspired by my stupidity: "Common Sense Vs. Stupid Statements". Or you can tell Capcom to suck your dick for breaking up with Marvel and download M.U.G.E.N. and mash up every fuckin childhood character to fight in your wild fantasies.
  16. I just want a Capcom Vs. Your Childhood game, please.
  17. The fact that Capcom lost the rights to design any Marvel-related game impacted the limited sales of the PS2 copies, thus the increase of the price.
  18. k i think I'm gonna rob the Game Crazy near my house now and steal a X360 now that Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is gonna be on the XBLA. It's too bad that Capcom lost the rights to publish Marvel games...
  19. I get enough time line theories about the series since I go to a forums about Zelda but now I'm seeing this on OCR. You guys make me sad. I did a time line of the main games of the series on this Zelda site. Sure I'm missing a few games due to the fact I was rushing to get to a class but whatever: Next time watch me do a Fire Emblem and Final Fantsy time line
  20. WTF why Chun-Li has no thunder thighs and also, it's been a while since I've seen both artwork. Thanks for the memories. It's not box art but it's official art with the main character and his smirk:
  21. I can go to jail if I play Timespliters in real life.
  22. I think if we look into a park in my fair city (ahem Forest Park), they do allow BBQ Pits (I think, gotta check later.)
  23. June sounds good.
  24. Oh wow. Damn, that's too much money for my taste. Yeah, if they got their start that way then maybe but who knows.
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