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Everything posted by TheSnowStorm

  1. You got to be joking? I didn't like Foster but dammit, at least that show had standards compare to come of the crap on CN now! Is Ed,Edd,and Eddy gone as well? Big O was awesome! I remember when the show was the only anime show on the Sunday block. Did the ran through the entire series or did CN took a shit on it and left it alone?
  2. He appears that he had done so.
  3. Toonami died when they took off all the awesome anime and cartoon series: -Batman: Animated Series -Sailor Moon S (Never really cared for Classic, R, or SS) -Dragon Ball -Static Shock (I think it was on that block) -Super: Animated Series -Outlaw Stars -Yuu Yuu Hakusho -Samurai Jack -Any reruns of 90s action cartoons
  4. Wow . . .DJP is one handsome man I mean, so that's how DJ looks, huh? Nice house. This is a good interview and yeah, I can see why DJP is so passionate about making video game music an art form. And it's good to see Martin back doing his thing. Haven't seen him since the fall of Tech TV.
  5. I wouldn't call them missions, more like things you need to do to advance the plot such as defeat Team Rocket, restore the soul of that dead mother in that graveyard, shit like that.
  6. Oh? I'm sorry that I have good taste in good anime music and not the genetic bullshit pop shit. You know, real music? Here you go! Now, if you excuse me, after listening to that shit, I must kill myself. It's sadden me. I was watching a few old anime shows and a lot of them uses orchestras, jazz bands, and big bnads. Now they have this whole J-Pop shit, one of the many leading factors on why I hate anime. . . .For once, I agree with you. God, what in the hell I have done?! Now I'm gonna have all these kids posting all of this j-pop shit as their favorite anime song! As much as I hate Japanese vocals, that was actually pretty good! Nice use of the orchestra!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0jNYDjBz6E&feature=related (disregarded the first song I had posted originally.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHEP71Wt_I8...feature=related REAL music is what anime music needs! Not the typical j-pop bullshit you hear in some anime. I love howLupin's score uses a live big band to perform their songs! Show me any other anime songs that could rival Lupin's soundtrack! (inb4cowboybebop)
  8. As a child, I used to play Pokemon over and over despite me completing all the missions, gym battles, and mini-games. Gotta catch 'em all, huh?
  9. This is true. And you wanna know who's doing the scapegoating? Those who grew up and listened to rock 'n roll during the 50s and 60s. They must've forgotten how it felt to be scapegoated for the things they enjoy.
  10. Fix'd . . .but I get what you saying due to the fact my fix was simular to your original statement. See, anything that is postive about teens and gaming will be ignore. Nobody wants to defend gaming, right? Right?
  11. Pew Internet: Teens, Video Games and Civics New Study on Teens, Video Games & Civics is Mostly Good News | GamePolitics http://www.gamepolitics.com/2008/09/17/cbs-news-video-games-might-actually-be-good-kids http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Teens_Games_and_Civics_Report_FINAL.pdf *Checks newspapers, turn on the cable news network* "Hmm, no snowballs in hell, it hasn't frozen over, nor has Jesus came back as of yet." So finally, a news media outlet dosen't show a biased report on video games! (Shoots myself in the head)
  12. And yet another great musican has passed on. I'm not that big of a fan of Pink Floyd but I do enjoy their works. R.I.P. Richard
  13. This remix doesn't scares me but eh:
  14. This was about three years ago when I first learned about OC Remix: During a rest after practicing with the St. Louis Public School's orchestra at the St. Louis Fox Theater, a friend of mines lend me his MP3 player with "Green Amnesia" (Chrono Trigger's 1000 A.D. remix.) While I gave myself a tour of the Fox Theater, I was amazed by how people would take the time to arrange video game music. I remember it now, looking over the theater's balcony while Green Amnesia played in my ears, being introduced to OC Remix.
  15. I'm sorry then. I didn't mean to sound like an jackass of sorts but at times, I do get a little upset at some NewGrounds members who steal despite some members on that site also steal. I didn't mean to be anything unfair.
  16. You know what I find funny? Members of Newgrounds bitching and moaning about their works being stolen, and yet, you have members on Newgrounds stealing from this site! It's truly is a shame. "Artist" who steal the musician works of others shouldn't even call themselves musicians. They know that they are horrible, that they will never get what they want in their musicianship the hard way, so they go around by stealing and making other people suffer because the thief will never gain anything music-wise.
  17. Don't show this video to any "educator". They would put you down for not being one. They have many degrees from top schools and know what they know. For the rest of us who actually spend time in the real world and talking with people outside of the education and research field instead of having our arrogant noses in the books, we're nothing but mindless, uneducated sons-of-bitches. This video was wonderful. I never thought about video games in this way.
  18. This. I'll admit defeat and I admit being a blinded Cardinals fan listening to bullshit without clearly things up. No honestly, I've been thinking for a while and yeah, maybe I'm just a jealous Cardinals fan upset that we won't make it to the playoffs.
  19. Yeah, with Pujos on the DL and how we've been playing recently, I better be praying every ten minutes.
  20. Dear God, Please give our St. Louis Cardinals the strenght and power to knock the Chicago Cubs out of the first place standings. Thank you. To Chicago from St. Louis! Speaking of which are the rumors of Pujos being injuryed are true?
  21. I will make sure my violin brushes his teeth after each meal every day! I am going to have my friend (who used to play for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, so I really trust him) change my strings. However, it would be nice to learn how to change my own strings. Do you have any tips on changing strings, Gollgah? Right now, I'm doing solo, so I guess once a year could be fine. I might transfer to a community college that has a orchestra program (I'm been itching to get back ever since high school) so doing the every three years sounds good. Basically, depending on what route I taking, I'm looking at every 1-3 years.
  22. EDIT- *"Violinists" Sometime this month or early next month, I plan on changing my violin strings. My tutor has told me that will benefit from changing my strings ASAP. Once I have change my strings, have soon do I have to change them. I predict about every 3-5 years, of course, I could be wrong.
  23. For Emulation -Fire Emblem: Dark Sword and Light Dragon (NES) -Mother/Earthbound Zero (NES) -Ys I & II (NES) -Fire Emblem 4: The Genealogy of the Holy War (SNES) (PLAY THIS FIRST BEFORE PLAYING ANY OTHER FIRE EMLBEM GAMES! IF YOU GET ANGRY EASILY, DON'T EVEN BOTHER WITH THE CLASSIC FIRE EMBLEM GAMES!) -Fire Emblem 5: Thrica 776 (SNES) -Star Ocean -For Actual Carts (Good luck finding these!) -Earthbound -Chrono Trigger
  24. This makes me want to get into chiptunes! Dammit I need a MIDI keyboard!
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