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Everything posted by Mirby

  1. Mirby

    so i tried the rustboro gym, did good but wasn't healed and failed the first time i fought roxanne.

    second try, have ocre in the lead spot. two absorbs kills the first geodude, two more kills the second, then comes nosepass. that jerk had killed me the first time. start out with a leech seed; successful. absorb a couple times then use a stun spore; successful.

    now i've got this nosepass paralyzed and giving me health every turn. a few more absorbs later (and a missed rock tomb on his part) and he goes down.

    ocre the shroomish obliterates roxanne and the rustboro city gym.

    and at a lower level than its opponents to boot! (Lv10, beat Lv 12 Geodude1 and go to Lv11, beat Lv12 Geodude2 and go to Lv12, beat Lv15 Nosepass and go to Lv13)

  2. in a time when everything was dumbed down and television served mainly to brainwash the youth into being bratty spoiled... well, brats, Avatar: The Last Airbender was one of the few shows that dared to have morals and a lesson and show that no matter who you are, you can make a difference. Cheesy? Maybe, but it's a damn good show. And though it may have been geared towards a somewhat younger audience, watching it will give you insight on a lot of things mentioned in Legend of Korra. Also, for those interested, The Promise - Part 2 comes out at the end of the month.
  3. so one of my closest friends passed away last monday; of course, no one was hit as hard as his fiancé. thinking about the lyrics in this song made me realize that it's probably rather fitting to how his fiancé feels right now (substituting "her" for "him" to make it work, of course) so yeah, this song is now totally dedicated to them. at least, in my eyes it is.
  4. Also there's a lot of little things in Korra that are nice throwbacks and easter eggs for those who watched TLA. It's definitely worth it. I managed to watch the whole thing in 3 days, so it's not that time consuming really.
  5. So the new episode was pretty great. Character relations were very well-done. also fat pabu
  6. either my computer since it's on all the time anyways or my phone. computer usually uses "Crispy Crimson," phone usually uses the TMNT2 track.
  7. I've always been partial to Stemage's Crispy Crimson, because of the opening. Another good one is "Stage 1 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)" from Shnabubula's NES Jams album.
  8. you know i've been thinking of this song since derrit posted the thread?
  9. it's a shame i'm a dark-type, none of your psychic moves will affect me. but if you kill me i'll be a ghost type and then they'll be super effective D:
  10. honestly that's the first thing i thought when i saw that... also awesome artwork
  11. ooh i like. great to see you working on this again! :3
  12. so i herd u liek mudkipz also happy birthday and stuff thanks again for the 3ds also you have no idea how hard it was to not name this thread "well i'll be damned..." or something
  13. yeah i'm getting back into that as well. have 2 balloons left on free flight mode (1 plane, 1 glider), and 1 gold ring left as well. XD also midnight purple 3ds do want
  14. this is friggin' beautiful, and props for including somethin' from xenoblade on here (lovin' that game, especially the soundtrack). very well done, and the vocals are magnificent. :3
  15. i like how people assume that there's not enough metal here on OCR and that means that metal remixes elsewhere on the interwebs either must not exist or is crap. just sayin'
  16. This is getting better and better. :3 also a new meme is born
  17. this describes how I feel about this album. phenomenal work as always.
  18. yeah this is easily my favorite too. and it's not just because i love the rocketbelt.
  19. XENOBLADE!!! yes that game does not belong in this thread because i have yet to find a frustrating part nor an unsatisfying one. and i've logged 90 hrs already.
  20. i'm afraid there isn't yet, derrit. somehow the 3ds remains unhacked, though they are trying. not very successfully.
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