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Everything posted by Obtuse

  1. Has anyone here taken a music class online? I'm considering taking Orchestration at http://www.berkleemusic.com/
  2. Awww man. I'm going to miss OHC this week. I have a rehearsal for a Jazz benefit gig. So much for making it to every OHC this year.
  3. First of all, I love where you have taken this since Thursday night. I think the choir-ish sound at the beginning should crescendo and decrescendo more. Right now it seems a bit stale. My personal opinion is that the hi hat should blend in a bit more when things are grooving.
  4. The originals feedback doesn't get much traffic. I like what you got here. Especially the drums. The Noisy SID chip sounding lead doesn't tickle my fancy but I like what you do with. It feels like the track is missing something. Maybe you should just bring out that arpegiated line. It's kind of buried.
  5. Sir_Snooze, If you want to take the music with you, use a program like Station Ripper. I can't vouch for the legal aspect of this. To me as long as the advertisements are left in tact there should be no legal issues.
  6. If you are referring to using a line tool to edit velocities, choose the pencil tool, click control and drag the line as you see fit.
  7. Sweet Remix. I love the Chorus.
  8. Combinator Patches are great. You should check out www.combinatorhq.com . Download all of the patches by Lizard and Exode. Those patches are pretty sweet. Click on the instrument you want to add EQ to, then go to the menubar, click on Create -> MClass Equalizer. The percussion was good. It could use some improvement. I suffer in the percussion department. When you want to draw automation using a line, hold shift, click a point... Keep holding shift, click another point. This should give you a straight line. Hope all this helps.
  9. Welcome to OCR! I like the track. It has great potential. Musically I like it. Here are some of my observations: Overall: The Bass drum seems like it uses too much of the frequency spectrum. This is just my opinion. I think you should use a kick that doesn't have that added sustain. Or possibly reduce the sustain of the kick. Hip Hop Kit 2 has a very good kick in my mind. Mess around with it and see what you think. I can barely hear the hi hat when it is used. Bring it out a bit. Some of the instruments compete with each other in the frequency spectrum. Try using EQ on each instrument to get rid of frequencies that compete with each other. 0:02 - 0:18 The Bassline gets buried by the melody line. 0:48 - 1:02 The non bass-line parts are too quiet. Bring them out or bring down the bass-line 1:20 -1:37 There is a pad in here that feels like it isn't going anywhere. You could use automation to change the volume of the pad. Make it grow or make it rise and fall. Or whatever else you think would be awesome. 2nd Half of track The piano sounds awesome.
  10. Sorry for the late reply. I was referring to the Glockenspiel.
  11. You said no one would read your full About Me, well I did.

  12. I'm listening to the first set right now. Fucking awesome man. Can you explain some terminology for me GT? How do you classify Progressive, Trance, and Uplifting? What do these terms mean?
  13. not really a WIP. just something I did for fun. Unless you can give me some inspiration of where to take it. otherwise, i'm kind of stuck right there.

  14. I heard about this one on the NGI show. I'm going to give it a try. It was great meeting you at MAG Abadoss.
  15. you asked me once if I made drum n bass. Here is my first attempt ... http://soundcloud.com/astruve/dnb-scifiexploration

  16. Great music from South America.
  17. Very cool stuff. I like it.
  18. Good vibe. I love horns in hip hop music. post the vocals when someone raps over it, I would love to hear it. My ears are telling me that those bells are not in tune with everything else. Anyone else agree?
  19. I like this. It has a great vibe. I have one major beef with it. The 8 note repeated phrase (Square wavish sound) goes nowhere. It just keeps repeating. It's really monotonous. I personally think it would sound great without it. You have so much other interesting stuff going on. If you are keen to keeping that sound in there, perhaps you could change the melodic phrase or make it into a sixteen note phrase (vary the 8 note phrase and and use different notes from the musical scale).
  20. zOMG! The first OHC of the year is tomorrow. I can't wait. I better not forget.
  21. My awesome moment recaps 1) Watching Metroid Metal. So good! 2) Me dancing to q-pa's set. You were awesome man. I never dance but the music felt tight and I had to. 3) Finding out that I have an addiction to Frogger. 4) Staying up all night and talking with Moguta, Liz, Monobrow, and others at the DoD listening party. 5) The OCAD podcast. 6) Eating at Subway full of OCR people. 7) Meeting all of you fine folks! Watching Zen Albatross make sweet chiptune music. Stuff that I didn't enjoy 1) From the descriptions of MAGFEST on the site, I was convinced there would be a bass sitting there for me to play. Next year I will bring mine. 2) I had to leave sunday morning.
  22. I can't believe I didn't see this thread. My list .... Opeth Mastodon Lamb of God Those are my top 3. Crack the Skye was an incredible album by Mastodon. Probably the best of 2009. After seeing them last night, I'll add Metroid Metal to the list.
  23. I'm leaving at 10 PM From Grand Rapids, MI and driving through the night. Can't wait to see you all.
  24. Dune - Million Miles From Home
  25. $225 cash A watch I wanted that $225 to go to a looper pedal so I could play sweet music with myself, but it went to my drive axles on my subaru. The greatest loot of all however : Spending time with my family who is still healthy and alive.
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