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Everything posted by Obtuse

  1. Happy Birthday Stevo! Read some fanfic and get drunk!
  2. I am starting to mess around with creating my own sound patches in reason. Every week I am going to attempt to create a new patch. Here is an MP3 of what it sounds like http://www.mediafire.com/file/8g0sspyu8yc8rt1/SoundDesignJournal%231.mp3 And here is the combinator patch http://www.mediafire.com/file/z44zal1wsbvs2m4/SynthOrgan5ths.cmb Feel free to download the patch and give me some feedback.
  3. I'm interested in your project Ferret. Hit me up with more details. A small sample of my work is here ... http://soundcloud.com/astruve
  4. Big happy birthday to blind!
  5. I like live music for concert hall performances. Not a fan of club shows unless the band is awesome. Some metal bands are a lot more enjoyable to see live. All classical music is better live. Jazz is also better live. For everything else, give me a studio recording.
  6. I would like to thank those who organized this trip. Katie, thanks for organizing the birthday party and other events to get food in Vegas. Thanks to michelle, for your informational gathering before the trip and being available by phone during the trip. Thanks to Ari for setting up the twitter feed. And thanks to everyone else who helped get this trip up and running.
  7. Does Las Vegas have a good public transportation system? Are the buses frequent? Do they run all night?
  8. Ghetto Lee, BBQ sounds awesome. Make the food and I WILL be there. We should schedule a time and eat some of Ghetto Lee's fantastic food! How much shade is actually available at a park in Vegas. My first thought of vegas is a place with 0 trees.
  9. Hired in vegas? You must explain this interesting situation.
  10. My favorite cake is Dairy Queen Ice cream cake. soooo good. I can't imagine that being easy to transport in such heat.
  11. While we probably won't have instruments, I would like to however go to a Guitar Store and jam out and look at instruments. Brandon, I also have not been on a plane before. I am also cool with spitting a room with Brandon.
  12. I may have to turn on sms messages. I keep them off because I hate receiving texts. But for the purpose of keeping up with people. it's not a bad idea. I don't twat. But can you like sms to a twitter account?
  13. I am registered now, I have a plane ticket, and a room. I'm willing to split a room with someone as long as they do not snore! I cannot sleep through snoring.
  14. My method has always been to open up an audio track and an a Line 6 amp device as an insert and dial it in until I find the sound that I like. Tell us more about how you are recording your guitar and placing it in Record. How are you recording the tracks?
  15. I am highly looking forward to this game. I played the UT2K4 mod in my freshman year of college back in 2004. Maybe this game will put a dent into the huge Borderlands craze. I love borderlands btw.
  16. Woot. Boss gave me approval. Buying my ticket tomorrow or tonight. One week of no work will be hella nice. I will register as soon as I know my fly in, fly out dates.
  17. So I am thinking I would like to come. Originally I was going to go to Defcon in Vegas but kind of felt weird going to a convention by myself. My birthday is also on the 8th so it would be the most awesome birthday gift to myself to spend my birthday with all you awesome people. I will be able to confirm within a week.
  18. I love this remix anosou. I keep hitting play when it finishes. The synths in this are incredible. I haven't heard anything like them before. Especially the synth that sounds like it has a vocal quality to that. The other thing I really like is that patch with the bells playing that melody sequence toward the beginning. It sounds really sweet. The B3ish sounding organ mixed with the lead synth is a beautiful combination! The couple places where you mix more than one sound for the melody is just awesome. I actually would have liked to have seen a little less sound effects from the game. Sometimes it feels a little distracting from the music. It isn't that big of a deal for me though since everything else is so much more awesome. And the drums, very groovy. It wasn't the beat that I was expecting from a mario brothers mix. The fact that I have hit repeat like 10 times now on this remix should tell you how much I like this remix. There are so many things going on in this remix and my ears thank you for it. Thank you for submitting such an incredible track!
  19. Mp3.com use to be a site that really benefited musicians. I was able to hear lots of new music and easily purchase or download it for free if the artist chose to give it away for free. As a consumer, I want a service that puts good music right in my face. Mp3.com did that. It went bankrupt after a lawsuit over this online music locker service they offered. Here's a link to what their site looked like ... http://web.archive.org/web/20020531114503/http://www.mp3.com/ Mp3.com had a service where the artist could have CD-R's sent to consumers with their music and still retain a fairly good profit (around 50 % if i remember correctly). I'm very sad that it is gone because it was literally perfect for me. I also really like to be able to look through different genres of music. There was always something to be found.
  20. Creative. I want MOAR Salluz.
  21. Jade, Can I have this one ... 13 - Suddenly - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d24nM_j1rxc off of Disc 2? I have an idea for it. Even though there's only like 7 seconds of actual source practically.
  22. submitted. yay. first entry to this compo.
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