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Everything posted by Obtuse

  1. I am looking forward to buying these and playing bass along with them. It'll be like I'm jamming with Jimmy Hinson. Totally awsesome.
  2. dude, what is your status on being able to record and stuff? we got that collab thing for the wild arms project. Did you get anywhere with the track you claimed?

  3. Count me in for this. Will send PM.
  4. I have recently done some more mixing with this track to improve it. I made the sounds sound thicker and EQed some of the sounds that were interfering with each other. Please give me your feedback on how things sound.
  5. Welcome fellow Reason 5 user. Do you use it with record too?

  6. I apologize for my boring dialogue. But at 10:00, Lions at the MGM Grand. Lol at 13:30 with Jeff Ball.
  7. I have started a haloween themed compo at Solid Composer. Competition begins at 8 PM EST. http://www.solidcomposer.com/arena/compete/116/
  8. If you want to login, one thing i have been able to do is go to the Forums and login. Then just go to the compo page and submit.
  9. I wrote this for JH Compo 18. Its turned out to be one of my favorite Trance productions i've ever done... Let me know what you guys think of it and where it could be improved.
  10. I wanna play da bass.
  11. My room mate Rachel was torrenting all the ocremix songs and I was like what the hell are you downloading. Then I joined the IRC channel and never left. I met people at Magfest and hung out with most of those people again on my birthday in Vegas. The people in this community are friken awesome.
  12. While watching Angry Video Game Nerd, james showed Terminator for Sega CD and mentioned it had great music. I checked it out and this music rocks. This deserves some great remixes. Title Theme Taking to the Air Future Shock Destinations Unknown Such a good soundtrack!
  13. Count me in for Sonic 3D Blast "Saturn" Music - Diamond Dust Act 2 Recommend by the OCRE
  14. You finally got posted. *Raises glass - here's to many more remixes!

  15. This is awesome. It deserves 2 horns up. \m/ \m/ "We found out you can psychological validation." <- Dethklok learns that they can buy banana stickers
  16. This remix was requested by Rizbow after one night after asking the #ocremix channel to give me a song and I'd remix it. I really enjoy it and would not have heard it otherwise so big thanks to Rizbow. Right now i'm looking for feedback on everything and possibly where else I should take it musically. Source ...
  17. I agree that you need a less sidechain action going on. pretty much throughout the mix it is just too much. Its got a solid groove. Looking forward to hearing more of it.
  18. Holy Crap, Protomen! That is quite the band line up. I can't wait.
  19. Want to chat with other Reason and Record Users? Go to channel #propellerhead on server irc.esper.net There are awesome people there who are extremely friendly and helpful.
  20. I was messing around with analog-ish synths in reason and came up with this ... http://soundcloud.com/astruve/castlesofdraculawip I really enjoy listening to it but I want some feedback to what others think of it.
  21. Thank you for reminding me to watch these. They have led me to much inspiration this week. I used the Frequency Wobble change patch in OHC this week... http://compo.thasauce.net/files/Obtuse_-_Attacked_By_Bees(OHC102).mp3
  22. You can't trust everything you see on youtube as being accurate but just type in "reason Dubstep tutorial". Boy in a Band's Tutorials are ok. is one of his 7 day tutorials. I would recommend watching many different tutorials.
  23. I really enjoy this mix. The atmosphere of it is really cool. The track has a solid groove. You use the source in a very tasteful manner. It does hold pretty close to the source. At the end it would be nice if you ended it differently. We already heard it played this way at 1:16. Give it a little variation. Also, try to end the song differently. It just suddenly stopped. On the melody synth I feel like there should be some low pass filtering (or cutting high frequencies with EQ) going on. Sometimes the synth attacks hard and it sounds a bit ear piercing. The panning drove me crazy on the percussion while listening to your mix on my headphones. I was trying to listen to the piano but I was drawn away to the percussion.
  24. Do Grand Conjurgation. It's one of my favorites.
  25. While over at the Propellerhead's Forum, I found a user with this Reason Wiki in his name. It is full of many tutorials. Check out Reason Wiki
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