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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. I wish you could actually place oscillators onto the grid, instead of having them show up by chance. Unless there IS a way and I don't know about it... :/
  2. Don't listen to Brandon, his is actually bad
  3. Visually and musically appealing, : D http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=221p6u7184190t7w7k4x7m7o4t5z6t2i1z4g1s1044243k63 http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=3h2s7i7u5d6o727513123v201u1y5c6m7z421k4u2k4a6z4n
  4. Gollgagh that's pretty groovy what you got right there. And you're all right, because this little application has a lot of potential if someone could realize it. http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=5q7n6j7t5v6j707l1g1g34
  5. You're tellin' me. The description says that he might work on something like that, but that would take a lot of time. I can imagine some slick beats coming from this thing.
  6. http://www.earslap.com/projectslab/otomata A free little 'generative sequencer' that is designed in such a way that you can make gradually-evolving sequences of music. There's only one scale, so a lot of things tend to sound the same, but all in all, it's a fun program to dick around with for a little bit. Each square has 4 possible directions, and when it hits an edge it plays a certain note on a scale. When it collides with another square it changes direction, so thus, set up in a certain way you can have constantly-changing sequences of music. You can post the results you've made, as well. Here's some tests I've whipped up, so you can see how things go about: http://www.earslap.com/projectslab/otomata?q=6t7q8o2o2x1335 http://www.earslap.com/projectslab/otomata?q=324n5x3u4a5g How even a really simple pattern can yield impressive melodic results A guy from another forum made this; it's pretty fun to watch No recording feature yet (though that'd be really awesome), and while I've posted this on other forums (with limited success), I thought since we're all music nuts around here, you guys might be able to have some real fun with this.
  7. keep on being a real wiz with that Genesis stuff, Gecko. Happy birthday to both!
  8. These are soundfonts, but you can try checking out these 3.5 GB of orchestral soundfonts: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1200140
  9. Man, thanks for that. I'm a big dummy. I was trying to figure out how to record my Yamaha keyboard on FL Studio (and didn't succeed with that), so during that time I must have switched to my Asio Drive. Thanks a bunch!
  10. Like, at all. On my VSTs, Soundfonts, or samples. Not really sure why. I've been tinkering around and haven't really found a reason; the sound works fine off of FL Studio 9, like for say, youtube or music or anything. I don't know what I did, mainly because FL was working fine at least two days ago or yesterday. There is a little icon in the bottom right corner of my computer telling me about my ASIO4ALL drive or something like that. When I click it, it gives a little box like this: Has anyone ever encountered something like this before? I never have, and it's really annoying.
  11. Though I haven't been able to get involved, I just want to say as a huge Metroid fan, the speed, scope, and apparent quality support this project is receiving is really heartening. Keep up the awesome work, Darren!
  12. Came up with a draft. Hope to start coloring sometime this weekend.
  13. The fact that this opened up within the world of the SUPAH MARIO BRUTHAS SUPAH SHOW, complete with an annoyingly-grating Toad voice.... This whole thing is too perfect.
  14. Flare you best not be dissing the three stooges.
  15. I mean yeah, an ant can lift 50 times its weight. Now, imagine a huge-ass ant. You get the picture.
  16. You mean GRRM actually FINISHED Dance with Dragons? Fucking finally! That book is like the Duke Nukem Forever of Fantasy novels, I swear. Waitaminute -checks wiki link-
  17. Man, has it really been 10 years since that masterpiece?
  18. Goddammit I KNEW I was doing something fucking wrong as a kid.
  19. One time I tried to kill a yellow jacket by repeatedly throwing a rock onto it as a kid. The fucker was stronger than I gave it credit for; the motherfucker would not die despite the amount of rocks dropped on it.
  20. I can only assume that Sega is just angry and bitter that time and time again people show how nearly everyone BUT Sega is better at handling Sega's franchises than Sega itself.
  21. I had a feeling that Sega would be a little too jealous guarding their property. This sucks because yeah, this is pretty much as good as fan remakes get, and all that hard work down the drain don't sit well with me. The upside I suppose is that now that it's been out for a little while, this has given enough time for several people to upload it to various sites, in effect neutralizing Sega's forced takedown. Already I see this on several forums i go to. I'm sorry to hear that the big-wigs clamped down on your awesome project, Gecko et all.
  22. I thought Fry's ability to save the universe was pretty much fulfilled when he blew all of those evil giant brains into that alternate blank dimension.
  23. I can't be the only one who when he/she heard this months and months ago, thought this was an entire band with an actual female singer.
  24. Yeah, pretty much whatever soundtrack from a game that inspires me, well, inspires me. For real people, while this doesn't show up in my music a whole lot, I feel I've learned a lot from Gyorgy Ligeti, Steve Reich, John Cage, and Arnold Schoenberg. I don't go around writing minimalist atonalism (well not recently), but they're a big influence on how I approach more "serious" compositions. I use quotes because that's such a bloated term; all the music I make is serious, but you know what I mean. In the video-game realm, I'm influenced also by Yoko Shimomura (have been since Super Mario RPG!), the greats like Uematsu and Kondo, with David Wise, a little of Matt Furniss, and on a video-game OST I am working on several songs were inspired by my exposure to Zuntata music, by OGR and Tama-chan. Obviously, I'm not as good as any of those listed, but the VG music I make tends to sound somewhere in that line. From OCR, the people who convinced me I wanted to be a part of this site and remix are McVaffe, AmIEvil, MazeDude, blind, Zircon, and even ol' DarkeSword. Though none of the music I make reflects my appreciation for them, they mainly convinced my young teenage self that "Oh man I wanna do this too!!!!" Hard to believe that I've been visiting this site since the late 90s early 2000s, making it the longest I've ever periodically visited one site.
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