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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. Well you can make the argument that the world was in fact the expression of a malevolent entity's evil will and that was actually really dangerous and needed to be checked, but the problem is, like Marche or any of the others never really knew that till far far into the end. It didn't help that most of the characters in FFTA were written so blandly (and in FFTA2 everyone is double-bland). I think good writing could have made it into quite the worthy successor to the FFT name. I still think it's great.
  2. I actually love Disgaea BECAUSE it's so over the top and wacky, but it IS, much like Golden Sun and Dragon Quest, everything prophetik does NOT want in an RPG. And he means Luso from FFTA2. His stupidity is what made me give up on FFTA2 40 hours in, when I finally had the epiphany that in all that time, absolutely nothing had happened. Marche at least had an interesting conflict set up with him and his friends. Luso was just like WELL I'M IN THIS FANTASY WORLD AWAY FROM ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHATEVER LOL I'LL JUST HAVE A GOOD TIME WOOO Plus the fact that he accepts at face value fighting a giant chicken without surprise at the beginning of the game annoyed the hell out of me.
  3. dude, I can beat Dream Land 1 in 20 minutes on a bad day. Game is as short as balls. And that first game you played? It was a remake of Dream Land 1 (I assume you played Spring Breeze). Dream Land 2 ups the ante by having it be like an hour/hour-n-a-half game, but it's still short. So is Super (4 hours maybe). Dreamland and Crystal Shards are long if you don't know how to find the collectibles. And Amazing Mirror is a loooong kirby game. Mainly because it's Metroid but with Kirby. Also, while I don't wish to hijack this thread, I gots a question: I've been bit by the Kirby bug recently, and I'm thinking about buying 3 Kirby games: -Epic Yarn -Amazing Mirror (I actually DID own this, but I sold it back when I was a younger teen and an idiot) -Nightmare in Dreamland Mainly because I found all three for cheap on ebay. I don't feel like paying buku bucks here. I really thought about Canvas Curse and Super Star Ultra, but my friend has the former, so there ya go, and with the latter, well, I already played the hell out of that and if I wanna play it again there's emulators. My only trepidation with Nightmare is that some parts seem worse than Adventure (like removing the cool effect of Butter Building spinning), but are those fears unfounded? I really AM kicking myself for getting rid of Amazing Mirror (though I was able to get a good chunk of change for it back in the day!). It's such an awesome game.
  4. well then play Super Mario RPG for the SNES because that's like Chrono Trigger but with Mario.
  5. Well if he don't like Super Star then I don't think Kirby's ever going to have an "edge" again by his criteria. Thus the angry Jiggly.
  6. You can get yourself Fire Emblem for the GBA if your DS has a GBA slot. Good story, likable characters, and a really fun and challenging game. Probably the best Fire Emblem released in the states, with the only competition being the Gamecube one. If you like a nice medieval fantasy story, it's got something for you. I WOULD suggest emulating Phantasy Star IV, but that story might be too anime for you. Still a great-ass game though. Also, a good RPG would be Lost Odyssey for the 360. It's been kinda called "Final Fantasy without the name" and that's kinda what it is. Plenty of turn-based battles and an interesting story to pull you through. Though not everyone likes it. If you want to try something a little on the wild side, you can get yourself Knights in the Nightmare for the DS. You've never played a game like it: It's like Final Fantasy Tactics mixed with Touhou. It's really tough to get into, though- I had to restart the game like 2 times before I finally figured out how to go about things (hint: make sure you break every possible terrain object). But it has everything to want in a good RPG: no grinding, no random battles, , interesting (and often depressing) story, and it's lots, lots, lots of fun. Probably one of the better DS games. It also came out for the PSP, but since the game is pretty much all controlled by the stylus, I have NO clue how that worked out. The only thing is (besides being hard to figure out) is that the story, while interesting and good, gets REALLY convoluted, mainly because of the size of the cast. Though most characters only get one scene to talk in, and that's it for the story, it adds up.
  7. I was going to say "Why the fuck don't you make a sequel to Oni; come on Bungie throw us a fucking bone" but then well I read the blurb.
  8. oh please, charlatan. Anyone who watches and is not bowled over by its magnificent acting doesn't know a good movie from a freight train.How can you not gain a new insight on life when you hear forest ninja chick's criticism of man; she's sick of our "weapons and [our] killing" Or when John Rhys Davies says sagely "Sometimes the gods know what's best for us," and Burt Reynolds, justifiably confused, exclaims with great gravity "What the hell does that mean?!?!" It's beautiful stuff.
  9. While I really love Dreamland 3, I'd have to agree with you there. Some of those combinations were really frustrating to figure out, and the fact that often if you messed up (like that God-forsaken sound quiz game) you'd have to replay 3 minutes of game just so you could get there again. I think in this respect Crystal Shards was much MUCH better in handling the discovery of its titular objects.
  10. I mean I guess you could make the argument that post-SuperStar Kirby got a lot more slow-paced but then you have games like Nightmare in Dreamland and Amazing Mirror (and I think Squeak Squad), which are fast-paced action-packed Kirby games. Only one of those games are great with a semblance of difficulty (AM), but I think Kirby's had a healthy mix of the two styles (slow and laid-back and fast n' furious). Heck, the newest Kirby game looks to be a hearkening back to Adventure-styled pacing (with Dreamland/Crystal Shards-esque setting). Plus don't knock his animal friends. They're awesome.
  11. Seems like a lot of you do not know how to appreciate a good bad movie.
  12. Yeah Boll's sense of pacing and scene transitions are laughably terrible: In In the Name of the King, for example, it never once feels like you're watching a connected narrative- it just feels like a bunch of vaguely related scenes shown in a particular order. Couple that with jarring and abrubt scene cuts and you have yourself some really funny stuff. Plus Ray Liotta.
  13. In the Name of the King is one of the funniest movies that he's made, I think. It just does everything so frightfully wrong it's hilarious. So many high-level actors pissing away their careers in some of the worst dialogue known to man. I CAN READ MOST MEN LIKE I READ SCROLLS OF FLESH BUT YOU FARMER I JUST CAN'T SEE PAST YOUR SCOWL! In a whiny italian voice that only Ray Liotta can pull off.
  14. He is as amazing and beautiful in his internet prose as I always imagined him to be. -sheds a tear-
  15. the great thing about being a fan of minimalism is that all your favorite songs are like 20 minutes long or longer.
  16. I always thought Gades rhymed with Hades. And another gripe about art style- did they really need to make Daos look like such a faggot?
  17. "It's a place, but it's not here." ~Taken from the movie Quiet Cool
  18. I think it's pretty telling that Sakamoto admitted that he had never even THOUGHT about Samus' character until writing Metroid Other M. Hell, how many of us have read good, compelling, and intriguing fanfiction that has trounced Other M's story? I have. Hell, all of the joke-fics I wrote about Metroid treat the subject with more dignity and respect. Obviously he knows how to direct a good game (you know, see the rest of the series), but Jeeziz all those years and he couldn't have thought up of anything WORTHWHILE to put in those cutscenes? No, we're introduced to pointless Ian, pointless Army squad, "the baby," and an Adam character whom we are told is good and righteous and just but is NEVER SHOWN DOING ANY ACTIONS THAT CAN BE CONSIDERED AS SUCH IN THE ENTIRETY OF THE GAME. And one of the worst "final bosses" I have ever had to endure. A twenty minute exposition dump followed by a cutscene boss. What shit. As for the Prime games, SAKAMOTO NEVER SAID THEY WEREN'T CANON. The exact wording is something along the lines of dodging the question, saying stuff like "I've had little input into the games" (which is false- I am pretty sure he was heavily consulted for the creation of Samus' character in the first Prime), and more importantly, "the Prime games take place in a seperate story arc from the main Metroid story arc". So actions in the Prime games are not going to majorly affect the "core" story arc of the franchise. A lot of Metroid fans on the main sites (Metroid Database, M2K2, etc) believe the game should be retconned out of existence. Not only because of the unflattering portrayal, but because the story of Other M (which was hyped so much) contradicts not only the Primes, but Metroid Fusion (which it was trying to set up for!), Zero Mission, and the official manga (which did a SHITTON better job setting up the story of Samus- hell Other M NEVER mentions the Chozo!). Sakamoto's strengths lie in GAME DESIGN, and that is where he should STAY- and he should hire talented people that compensate for HIS flaws as opposed to turn this thing into a one man show. Not even Miyamoto is stupid enough to believe that he could do everything. I'm about as big a Metroid fan as they come. I've played HUNTERS four times- much more than that terrible game deserved. I played through Other M 3 times, and have played and beaten every Metroid game multiple times. Other M is just so goddamned frustrating. For every cool thing they introduce to the story (the Deleter, MB, Choogle/Little Birdy), stuff that is interesting and makes you want to find out what's going on, Sakamoto in his hubris dumps all this awkward, painful, and insulting exposition on you, and it's infuriating. When Samus is not monologuing about THINGS THAT JUST HAPPENED, she's pining about Adam, whom has NEVER once in the game shown he is deserving of her praise. He is just a cold calculating dick that we are supposed to ASSUME is good-natured and understanding. I give credit to the VAs, whom I think did an honestly good job with that horrific and mangled script, but a bad script is still that.
  19. I thought I'd bump this with a little pertinent info: DKCR has sold 4.2 million copies (and has yet to be released in Europe) Kirby's Epic Yarn sold 1.2 million copies. Metroid: Other M has sold roughly 300,000 in the US and 74,000 in Japan as of now. Part of me wants to say "This makes me a sad panda," while another part is like "good, this damn crap deserved it and I hope Sakamoto learns his lesson, that hack." I guess I'll have to rescind my previous statements: looks like bad press really DID do a number on this one. I mean here I thought people would by a semi-marketed game no matter WHAT the reviews/general opinion, but now I'm not so sure. And the fact that DOA is having Metroid Other M stages just makes me... sick.
  20. someone wants to leech off a welfare state. Well GOOD we don't need you Obamunists here* anyway! * ie everywhere but Norway
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