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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. *search query "electronica" *query result "electronica": 6 bajillion matches found : D
  2. Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass are just ok. The problem is that for a large part of both the games it is just incredibly and terribly mediocre. I don't have a real desire to play them again, though I liked Phantom Hourglass a little bit more- mainly because the train travel was pretty slow and boring, and I think that the world in PH was a little more interesting to explore. But both games did a pretty good job of sucking out all of the wonder and mythos that the Wind Waker world established. Not so much PH, really, but ST has no excuse for just ending the incredibly engaging world of the Great Sea with some boring-ass "New Hyrule" along with its monster-of-the-week bad-guy. While there were definitely parts of ST I liked (some of the bosses, and some of the dungeons were pretty good, and a much more engaging town experience), it on the whole was just kinda meh.
  3. I don't like double posting, but this cannot be contained in the same post as my snark. I... I just....... don't....... O.O -O- sometimes fan art can be pretty incredible.
  4. Time for Nintendo to release a shitty half-ass port on the Wii to commemorate this momentous occasion.
  5. So yeah where's that rerelease of Panzer Dragoon Saga?
  6. Which is why I suggest an alternative set of sounds to use to widen the library. Why not use both? They both are impressive in their own right. Also, if you want to get into some FM emulation, I recommend the program TFM Music Maker, a free tracker-program made by Russian programmer Shiru. It's pretty good, and although it takes some doing to learn how to use, it is free after all, and some of the results can be pretty good if you know what you're doing. Listen to the examples and see if that's the direction you wanna go in. Examples: Something I made in TFM MM (lul self-plug) One of the most awesome things your ears will ever hear (aka the Robocop III theme from the Commodore 64... IMPROVED WITH BLAST PROCESSING) ^^^^ LISTEN TO THIS LAST ONE^^^^ Of course, a downside is that the drums lack that meaty super-punch that GeckoYamori et all's stuff contains with their work, but it is a highly affordable alternative and it's pretty fun to use, to boot. It does offer the possibility of making your own FM synths, but that's hard to do (but not impossible- I've done it with lots of experimentation). The presets it DOES come with are pretty sweet though, and can be tweaked themselves. Of course, since it's a Genesis tracker, it only allows up to 6 tracks at once, but that's not too much a problem.
  7. ya'll can continue to suck his dick I'll keep on listening to my awesome Genesis covers
  8. the real question is that with Super Street Fighter 4 out, why you'd go and get SF2THDR in the first place.
  9. Everyone here saying "GET THAT ULTIMATE SOUNDFONT MAN IT IS SO BOSS WILLROCK USES IT SO THERE OMGOMG" Here's one that no one mentions, but is JUST as awesome: Examples After listening to a few tracks the guy uploaded, I sub'd right away. Yes, I DO know they're midi replacements- he says as much on each upload. But damn are they good. Second one has the download link on megaupload, and Ken's Theme also contains a fileplanet download link. The Regression-FM soundfont has a unique sound that is pretty darn fun to listen to.
  10. I liked Joystiq's article about this: "Gabe once again found something to do besides releasing Episode 3..."
  11. There should be a remix of the death fanfare because it's the most listened-to song in the game, and it should just be that guy that says TICKETS OOOONLY. NEEEEEEEEEXXXT at ear-crushingly high volumes for 3 minutes straight. Come on OCR. I DARE you. Pussies.
  12. i never got into fighting games until I bought Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the Saturn recently. Now it's replaced Brawl as the game my friends and I all want to play. It's just that fun.
  13. Asking a few friends, they confirmed that the DS is in fact not region-locked- it will play out-of-region games. Still sucks for Trace Memory though.
  14. I know it's not 3DS, but I'm much more pissed that the sequels to Hotel Dusk and Trace memory are Japan and Europe only. THAT type of region lock sucks lots of dick.
  15. Ha! Hup! Yah! Power shot! TORNAADO HOOOOOLD
  16. I love the style of Wind Waker, but I have a feeling these screens won't do the game justice. Mainly because if I judge these screens themselves, they look more Gamecubish in graphical power than TP and WW do. I can't be the only one to think that.
  17. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah i would sure hate to be your friend if that means my movie collection is going to end up in pieces.
  18. So um there's another kirby game coming out for DS? so yeah it looks cool.
  19. gosh darn finally, a Wily stage mix from a game that's NOT Mega Man 2. AND it's from one of the best of them, too. That's the only one I've had time to listen to thus far, but I'll just say that you already did tons better than the Complete Works remix of that song. Can't wait to get out of this oppressive torrent-banned atmosphere and get me the rest of this!
  20. I'll just say that as a history major, the plot to Valkyrie Profile: CotP really annoyed the hell out of me, especially when I played it coming off of taking a semester of a class on the Vikings, but that's just me. For some reason, the whole "I MUST GET REVENGE ON THE GODS FOR KILLING -x- !!!!!" wears thin on me super quick. But that's just this guy's opinion.
  21. well I got that too so lol i'm kinda addicted to games if by addicted I mean I buy a lot of them.
  22. i mean, yeah, fighting Kabula and Masked DeDeDe is cool, and fighting Galactic Knight is cool, but to me, that's "Garage sale buy" cool, not "pay 20-something bucks" cool. And I never really worry too much about the "style" of Kirby I'm getting myself into. I usually play to put a big stupid grin on my face and "d'awwwww"/ :3 every other minute. Hell my friend ALSO has Amazing Mirror, and I played that, I realized that 1) I want this game back and 2) how adorable everything was.
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