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Everything posted by EC2151

  1. And while I agree that Dissidia looked fantastic and does the closest thing to making Amano's designs look palatable, stuff like the incredibly ridiculous Warrior of Light design, or the emperor, in 3D, just make it stick out like a sore thumb.
  2. I think his stuff is a little too 'girly' and everyone looks like a drowned corpse, but that's besides the point. The point being that looks as ugly as hell. Or at the least I sure as heck don't like it. Same with the other Anthology CGI cutscenes (which were on the whole pretty lame).
  3. no load times, new fun jobs, great translation, awesome challenging dungeons, Ninja Turtles reference... FFVA has got it all. And let's not forget how pug-fugly the Anthology CGI was. I don't like Amano's artwork all that much, and I think making 3D models off of them is already like putting more poo on a poo sandwich.
  4. In terms of FFIV, I think that the Complete Collection coming to the PSP will be THE definitive version of FFIV to have, though I think the inclusion of the Advance version features is not the best choice (I thought the party-switching and Advanced dungeon was stupid), as I could have stood to see the story additions from the DS remake onto the PSP enhancement. But it'll be a good package, with Interlude and After Years without all that retarded episodic bullshit on the Wii, and I think sprites do the world of FFIV a whole lot more justice than the meh girly-chibi 3D stuff we saw on the DS release. And come on, the DS voices were laaaaaame. Melodramatic anime dub quality. I mean yeah, it's hilarious to hear KAAAAAIN WHY DO YOU NOWWW HESITATE????? and all the other incredible over-acting, but like I said, I doubt that was the intent. But this is all besides the main point. I only bring it up because the GBA translation I felt actually did justice to what i consider the best game in the entire franchise. It was fun, goofy in a good way, informal, and it captured the spirit of adventure that for me makes FFV the quintessential FF. Going by the terrifically horrible Anthology translation would be a deal-breaker, honestly. Hearing Faris Arrrrrrrgh' her way through the dialogue would be insulting. However, despite my complaints with the DS version's overacting, considering the goofy plot and characters, and the entirely laughable main villain (probably the most stupendously amazingly idiotic villain in the franchise, the great LORD EXDEATH), a joke dub might work for the setting. But something would probably be lost in translation, for sure. Definitely the pacing would be much slower, which wouldn't suit the punchy and pithy translation on the GBA.
  5. know I'm late, but of course I wish a happy birthday to everyone's favorite neutral quasi-godlike entity.
  6. If this isn't the GBA translation I see little reason in getting it over, well y'know, the GBA version. Voice acting and CGI didn't make FFIV any more fun to play. Well I guess it made it more funny with the terrifically misplaced voices and cheesy VA, but I don't think that was the intent.
  7. The uplifting and inspiring stage one theme from the Saturn Panzer Dragoon has recently caught a place in my heart. Very beautiful, and a great example of early VGM orchestral music.
  8. I will admit, that mine-cart level music is really badass.
  9. It did look awfully ugly. I mean, either go with ground-up 3D models a la Mega Man X8 or Powered Up, or go full sprites like Mega Man 2 (whose cock Capcom can't stop sucking as of late). Not some horrifically and aesthetically tasteless combination of the two.
  10. Well, there's repetition that's fun (like Sin and Punishment, or any Treasure game for that matter), and repetition that feels like a fucking chore (random battles every two steps in an RPG).
  11. It's lots of laughs for those who know nothing about the blaxploitation genre. For those who do, it's like a love letter to the classic blaxploitation movies of the 70s. However, I've seen a lot of those movies and my personal preferences are that the movies Black Dynamite is based on (Dolemite, Black Belt Jones, The Human Tornado, etc.) are funnier just because of how terrible they are... But don't let that discourage you. Black Dynamite is a lot of fun and really damn funny.
  12. The only thing off-putting is that there's no MIDI cable... So for us laptop shmucks, there's little this can do outside of be a cool toy.
  13. he's got a point though. FL is incredibly easy to pick up and learn how to use right out of the box, but much like what deviantart did for terrible artists, the downside is that FL allows a lot of impatient, egoistic, and horrifically untalented people to make crap and dump it off in music portals across the internet.
  14. As I said earlier, X7 is about as bad as Mega Man gets. It's terrible in every aspect, except maybe some songs. Mega Man X6 was rushed as all hell and sucked big dick; but its soundtrack was at least solid. Doesn't make up for its horrid level design, though (fight the same donut dragon 6 times in a row and call it a level). X5 wasn't as good as X4, but it still held up well and was a decent way to end things. And thennnnn we get the shit afterward. X8 gets some more love for being "a return to form", but I think ANYTHING coming after X7 is going to be praised just because of how fucking awful X7 was. The DS Zelda games are bland and forgettable. Not terrible, but there is no reason to play through them twice. I'm still pissed about Spirit Tracks ruining the world of Wind Waker, though, so for that it deserves all the hate it can get. And yeah, any Suikoden after Suikoden 2 is not worth playing. While this isn't an example of a "worst sequel", while No More Heroes wasn't exactly the greatest game out there, I still had fun with it and enjoyed its stupid charm and fun bosses. No More Heroes 2 fixed a lot of problems I had with NMH1, but it seemed that Suda51 forgot to remember all of those things that made NMH great in the first place. Bosses are phoned-in and forgettable, outside of 3, maybe 4 (SPACESHIP VOLK TO MOTHER), the section controlling Shinobu was total ass thanks to terrible controls, you only played Henry in one boss fight, and all in all, everything felt very phoned in. I have a lot of friends on other forums who hate everything Suda has ever done, and they constantly bitch about how NMH is the worst bad-game-pretending-it's-good ever made, and while I don't agree with that for the first game, I definitely get that vibe in many places in the sequel.
  15. Too pleasing on the ears. I want to be in pain when I listen to a Crazy Bus remix.
  16. Is this last post still accurate? It sure would suck not seeing one of the greatest last-boss themes ever included. D :
  17. Reminds me a lot of Animal collective, or at least a "lighter" less "yell weird garbled things into the mic" version of them. It's nice and organic, and strange-sounding too with the distortion. Not bad!
  18. I've always wondered: do these things come with presets? Or are they largely dependent on the sound library you already have? Plus, it sounds like you'd really need an automatic-tuner for something like this, because your whole song can't be off-key or glissandos.
  19. Or how Warcraft III's manual had a 60 page backstory that I loved reading. Or how Zelda's manual had great descriptions and artwork for EVERYTHING. But the winner is clearly Working Designs. Look up any one of their manuals, and they are by far just works of art and love. They have maps, they have descriptions and art of EVERY MAJOR CHARACTER, they have charts and lists and all that shit... And best of all, they have translator notes, and publisher notes and stuff like that, with really touching things like "Remember, we brought this game over because YOU asked for it. YOU wanted it and we delivered, because we're nothing without YOU! Thanks for all the feedback, and remember, we care about what YOU have to say!" You just don't see stuff like that in the boring manuals these days. The last manual that really had me captivated was Metroid Prime's manual, because of Retro's awesome story telling skills. I was not able to beat that game for years, but I still kept on coming back because of how cool the manual made the game sound. Maybe that type of gamer is a dying breed, doom and gloom, etc etc.
  20. See but it's hard to have fun when the levels are so fucking poorly designed, and the characters are either wildly over-powered, or incredibly nerfed in comparison to melee, where everyone at least has a fair shot at winning. Plus everyone moves like a tank and is as floaty as hell which is shoehorned in to emphasize the new air combat which also sucks dick. I've come to despise Brawl and all of its imperfections the more my friends want to play it, when I have to deal with everything that is just WRONG about Brawl. What, was wave-dashing so bad that they had to remove it and replace it with chain-grabbing and Assist Trophies and Final Smashes? Brawl is fun for dicking around every now and then, and I love playing as DeDeDe, but if you actually want to have FUN in a FIGHTING game, play Melee, because it's actually a competent game, instead of the fanservice-but-shittily-designed-brawl wankfest. Where you know, the game is not decided by who can get the fucking right item first, ALL of the time. And yes I will step over your nuts each day until you admit my rightitude.
  21. I mean, how do you go from one of the best mario ever in any Mario game, or game for that matter, to this ?It's like the composer was asked to make the music for the game two days before production started, and all he knew was that the game had babies in it.
  22. I never got the TF2 community's utter fascination with hats. Then again, I don't play the game constantly, and go for months-long stretches where I don't touch it (like right now, roughly 7 months), so I never got why everyone was up in arms about hats this hats that. I always assumed it was because the majority of the TF2 fanbase were superficial-minded idiots, but of course I don't know.
  23. I will second the opinion that X-2 is actually a lot of fun to play because of its great battle system and job system, plot be damned. Also, I continue to maintain that the best Resident Evil game ever created was the REmake for the Gamecube. Perfect horror game, in my opinion. I love RE4 and have played it to death; it's just not horror and it SURE as hell ain't Resident Evil. Resident Evil 5 just went further down the path of stupid, and I'm not hopeful for any future iterations in the franchise. It's funny because REmake was not made so long ago, too, with the perfection of the Resident Evil "feel". The worst sequels I have ever played: Yoshi's Island DS: Boring fucking level design, shitty baby mechanic (Wario's Magnet NEVER worked), TERRIBLE TERRIBLE music, ESPECIALLY after the great tracks present in the SNES game (and the couple of decent tracks in Yoshi's Story), and all in all I was damn pissed that I had put in $30 for that terrible lazy excuse for a game. Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced 2: Well I guess it's not SO bad, it's just boring as all hell, with a weak story and by far the worst amount of grinding I've ever seen in any tactics game. It takes FOREVER for characters to learn new abilities, and its all such a chore to play that it really sucks a lot of fun out of the game. Metroid Other M: Yeah, again, it's not like it's a TERRIBLE game (if you want that play Sakura Wars: So Long My Love- the first trumpet WAAHH WAHH WAH WAAAAAH that plays will make your jaw set in sheer irritation), but the most god-awful Metroid stories ever conceived (I've read Ridley/Mother-Brain slashfic with more respect to the universe), with complete bastardization of Samus Aran that just makes me angry every time I play the game; this is coupled with incredibly boring and simplistic combat (sense-move and overblast are so fucking simple that battles become samey INCREDIBLY quickly), with a linear-as-hell boring spaceship to explore (with only a FEW choice areas that are memorable, mainly because they WEREN'T gray corridors)... The game makes me angry because it lied to me, and tried to pretend it was going to be the greatest Metroid game ever. It pretty much failed on every account. Mega Man X7: There is no redeemable quality in this game whatsoever. Outside of maybe one or two tracks in the OST. It's terrible in every aspect of gameplay and you'd be hard-pressed to defend the abomination that is Mega Man X-BURN TO THE GROUND BURN TO THE GROUND WOOOOO WOO BURN BURN TO THE GROUND This is weird; I know I've played more shitty games, but this is all I can recall right now.
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