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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Nope, not really. The article you bring up is simply a pragmatic attempt to solve the problems American social psychology brings to our discourse without attempting to address said problems at all. But that's for another time. Ask anyone who actually engages in even remotely-philosophical discourse if just talking about a problem without proposing an answer to go with it constitutes anything more than useless, idle musing. The number of people who will tell you "yes" is zero. In this particular case, the reason why people love to just "talk about the problem of sexism to generate discussion" is (usually, in my experience) not because they do not have a solution, but because they choose to avoid stating their solutions due to how ugly, sexist, and tyrannical their ideas actually are. Feminism fancies itself a philosophy, so it should be discussed within the magic circle of Philosophy. And in Philosophy, even your questions should be answers; your critiques, doubly so. EDIT: I'm kind of fuzzy on the thread split, was this an accidental necro of the leftovers of the PPR thread still in this one? I'll delete and repost it there if so.
  2. That's a damn shame since WoL had a fairly well-handled arc for the campaign.
  3. that was some good shit
  4. Hahaha, fellow graphic designer here. I clearly picked the best possible analogy. Pretty much agree with the rest of what you said too except that last bit. Otacon from MGS remains as the only efem-ish man i've met in vg land
  5. He's poking holes in your reasoning. In this particular instance, if you're motivated enough to argue about it with a complete stranger, it is safe to expect you to be motivated enough to fully understand the source material behind the examples you bring up. It's difficult to give your opinions any credence if you're unwilling or unable to substantiate the claim your making. And before you try to turn this on Bleck or myself, remember that it's YOUR claim we're critiquing. Bleck is in no way obligated to educate you on your own examples, despite his (curt) attempts to.
  6. See here's the problem. You are so focused on your one little molehill that anyone who sees a problem with what you say is immediately discarded as "not seeing what you're saying", "not getting it", "missing it", or "not communicating their argument". It doesn't help that you talk down to anyone who doesn't think your way. Again, probably because you're so convinced about how right you are already. Also, your petulance is pathetic. You should work on being more respectful of the people you're attempting to engage with. No, see, it is okay to complain about the rampant flawed thinking going on in a discussion, especially when I include a handy link explaining what I'm talking about. That IS communicating what I have to say. If you feel uncertain about the point of something someone else is saying, you should ask for clarification, not jump off and throw around "OMG STRAWMAN", to put in your ever-erudite way of saying. Additionally, I didn't come in here with anything to argue. I don't have a horse in this race at all. I noticed a common flaw in your thinking and highlighted such. If you think that's "off-topic" or some such, don't minimod about it. You're free to ignore it. Again, your petulant condescension is pathetic, and more than indicative of what I'm calling you out on. Your close-minded approach to this topic is going to damage the way you perceive other people's thoughts, which is evidenced by the childish way in which you treat others. (EDIT: seriously the "shrink" comment was totally uncalled for. We're not assholes here. Don't do that shit.) Stop thinking what you have to say is made of platinum. It's one of feminism's great mistakes. Engage other people's ideas. Try to figure out what they're getting at. If multiple people within a conversation all think you're seeing something that isn't there, PERHAPS you should consider the possibility. Remember, YOU'RE the one on the soapbox here. When you go out and throw around your opinions, people are going to critique them. If you can't or won't communicate what you're saying clearly enough for people to get behind it (which is what some in this thread have a problem with), it's on YOU to clarify and defend it.
  7. Again, my point being that you have some SERIOUS moral myopia if you think BRUTAL MURDER isn't controversial in itself to depict, while vague patterns the existence of which you argue extremely ineffectively are. The genetic fallacy comment was not directed specifically at you, but at people who complain that a woman's opinion on gender in videogames is somehow naturally more weighty than a man's SOLELY on the basis of being a woman, which is a serious flaw in thinking. See above. I am specifically noting how hilariously blind we are as a culture to certain forms of violence in favor of others, not against claims for or against censorship. Perhaps you should be more careful to read into what is being said before you go off throwing around the word "strawman". In principle, I'm just as not-okay with slut-shaming as you are. However, achievement names are generally attempts at using a common saying to humorously complement whatever you just did that warranted said achievement. In this case, "Bro's Before Ho's" is irreverently appropriate to the situation. EDIT: Additionally... MC Final Sigma, you would probably have a much better time discussing things with people if you stopped thinking tautologically. What you think is not 100% right all the time. When people call out something you say, it may well be that there's something wrong with what you said.
  8. So, Kratos, let's break this down... you can crush her face, that's cool, but you can't stab her. DO NOT STAB HER. Or do any kinds of grabs or throws, no-go on that either. People might get the wrong idea. Just crush her face okay? No one will think you have unsavory intentions if you do that. Also, seriously, people, GENETIC FALLACY.
  9. Derrit spittin that FIRE my sig was the reaction
  10. it's like you WANT to be jaded
  11. As much as I wish it was me, tis not.

    Video my sig is from. Watch and be amazed!

  12. played the first level the other day when my friend brought it over. Really REALLY loved it. The rapid parry system is a rare novelty among the somewhat stale action game toolkit. Will definitely buy it when I have time and money to do so.
  13. huh. i don't have any of those problems with this version of SK
  14. openend this thread on a whim after getting a GS3 last weekend. This app is the SHIT compared to swipe.
  15. Abused/neglected child here. I call my dad "my old man" out of contempt, if that lends any credence to goll's idea. /shrug
  16. Figured out my problem. I somehow managed to register and download the Euro client. Look for a friend invite from a castanic berserker named Inistris on MT later today. EDIT: 3 hours into my queu, i'm still nowhere close to entering. Sigh.
  17. Hah, thanks man. I guess I just have good luck with finding awesome gifs for signatures here.

    As much as I wish I was as cool as the dude in my sig, I'm afraid I'm nowhere near as funny as this guy is.

  18. my server list doesn't have Mount Tyranas on it. Did I download a different region's client or something? also, game's broken at the moment so *sadface*
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