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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. if you've got another to give away i'll take it. long time dota player. relyanCe (derp)
  2. i hate how i'm going to buy this game and all my friends will hate me for it then i will come over to their houses and FIND IT IN THEIR CONSOLE
  3. looked better in the earlier trailers, sans devil may vanquish bayonetta stuff
  4. yeah, nice work. i could learn a thing or two about blending from that
  5. scaling back minion damage on champions is a great idea. they're pushers, not assassins.
  6. sent in my entry. was unclear as to whether we needed to send in a .psd or .jpg to start.
  7. i've had this game since 12am friday morning and STILL have only played about 8 hours FUCK MY JOB
  8. riven is great and people need to shut the fuck up however, putting a crit chance on all her abilities would truly balance her and give her an actual focus. maybe like, half normal crit chance to all damage abilities
  9. How to play an effective tank: - distract enemy damagers while avoiding damage and cc - set up your damagers with effective zoning to keep yourself from having to run to their rescue - get no kills - get no deaths - get a shitton of assists - ignore the constant vitriol from your own teammates - get no credit at the victory screen and all the blame at the defeat screen
  10. BUMP my financials fell through on buying brad's compy, and therefore, it now has no claim on it. SOMEONE BUY THIS THANG
  11. looks like a major tool to me which mean i'll probably play him a lot
  12. in all honesty, a tier system really doesn't work with this game
  13. Donuuuuuuuut

    get on lol and play with me everyone suck on this game

  14. my graphics card just pooped out. i won't be on till i replace that or get a new puter (now you WHY, brad. now you know...)
  15. after watching the champion spotlight, i'm inclined to agree. and also inclined to buy the moment she's added, and spam 3v3 with. if her skills end up working the way they are present in the spotlight, she could possibly be more broken than mordekaiser in 3v3. also, once she's out, i'll be main tanking with her for our games when we all play. She's pretty much my dream tank, mixing shen's survivability with alistar's disruptiveness.
  16. veil is great for specific champions, horrible on others, and completely situational on everyone else. it's an upper-midcost item with only midcost effects, but on the right champion against the right team is utterly gamebreaking. it's usually quite situational though.
  17. Bardic, Tensei, Zircon, Prophet and I just had the mot kickass game. Well done, gents, well done. I also had an awesome game with Zero and his friends earlier. Wondeful playin with you guys again!
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