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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. omfg female tank FINALLY and it looks like it'll have a valkyrie motif HOLY SHITBALLS YES
  2. definitely gonna be checking it out.
  3. wait what's going on? something about ff? ff's cool i like ff did i win
  4. i usually take the top solo as mordekaiser, but i can see how jungling with him would work.
  5. no official word from the LoL team AFAIK, but the issue with the client has been resolved at this point. quite a quick fix. also, anyone interested in queuing with me, go ahead and add me (relyanCe)
  6. so i heard you play LoL now.

    add me (relyanCe) if you ever wanna play. i'm on fairly often.


  7. the controller has not won me over yet. will pay close attention in coming days though.
  8. i've been meaning to pull this game back out for a while. I will when PSN comes back up. May even throw down with any OCR peeps who still play on PSN.
  9. can we NOT derail an up-to-this-point enjoyable thread for that shit? please?
  10. i bought the game and I don't even own a Wii, simply to support Vanillaware. Finally managed to find a wii to play it on the other day (after sitting on my shelf in the cellophane for 6 months), and oh my GOD it is so pretty and fun and awesome and crazy Odin Sphere and GrimGrimmoire as well. Some of the best ps2 games artistically.
  11. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that its the inverse of these statements that rings true. your personality type defines what instruments you play/enjoy and in what way you utilize that instrument.
  12. they just put out a cover of Careless Whisper that is SO METAL OH MY GOD its not on their bandcamp yet though and yeah, i was relatively unaware of djent till recently
  13. Akeldama my friend is the drummer. they are awesome. listen NAO.
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