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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. thanks for the tips, zero!
  2. My current DH build for soloing Nightmare I only have trouble with Mortar and Fast elites right now. Mortar is dealt with easily with a few vaults and spiketraps, but those GODDAMN FAST ELITES DON'T STOP CHASING ME AAAAAARGHdumb how is this build gonna stack up to Hell and beyond, those with experience therein? EDIT: fixed runes and passives. dunno what happened with the last one -,-
  3. Draven's kit makes me want to puke. Enjoying your RP purchases, Riot?
  4. but yeah, you're cool aside from the siggy

  5. i was gonna make a joke about that being the only thing you get noted for, but i figured you'd make it for me

  6. so I randomly discovered the picture your boob signature is from

  7. i found getting DotA games in War3's now-archaic battle.net room system to be preferable for finding like-minded players and play environments to Riot's matchmaking scheme. It's too easy for the pvp.net client to read some numbers and pair a bunch of people with vastly different play philosophies and desires into a team that simply won't have any fun. welp, that's one alternative
  8. you can DIY your own server to functionally run a LAN with diablo 3
  9. ball lightning is absolutely the best thing almost as hacked as the DnD spell that inspired it
  10. relyanCe#1218 YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO
  11. i didn't think i would have a problem with it at first, but the party size reduction from 8 to 4 is kinda depressing...
  12. if the game got hard before bloodraven you'd never actually learn how to play the game you'd just die a shitton it's still teaching you about what you'll be facing for the next 6 years of playing the game
  13. probably due to the evulotion of visual quality over the past decades, as well as the inclusion of much broader sfx, e.g. voice acting, atmosphere, etc.
  14. Let's put it this way: I have yet to attain a sense of immersion in any Pen and Paper RPG I have ever played, with myriad GMs and players, that has ever come close to Skyrim. EVEN WITH PEOPLE FLYING UP THROUGH THE CEILINGS OF DUNGEONS AFTER GETTING NUKED BY MY LIGHTNING EVEN THEN
  15. Taucer hits on a major point, that Science Fiction as a genre- while it certainly has the lazers PEWPEW a lot- more often than not uses its setting as a canvas to paint themes and conflicts that directly relate to contemporary social, ethical, and moral issues. The central themes of the Mass Effect trilogy can be seen as reflections of our own world issues through the lens of a fantastical setting, where the lazers PEWPEW, spaceships ZEEOOOOWM, and aliens GURGLEGURGLE can sufficiently displace the feelings of "Oh no we can't talk about that" and allow the creators- or, in this brilliant case, the AUDIENCE of PLAYERS- to answer the dramatic questions they pose in diverse ways, without fear of being negatively labeled therefore.
  16. there we go. fair enough
  17. colors beyond a certain heat are inherently for children?
  18. literally ONE shot from killing Leoric GAME TERMINATED. YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED.
  19. demon hunterrrrrrrrrrr
  20. don't even bother trying to log on right now. the servers are exploding.
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