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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. i would be so down with that Derrit it's not even funny but i would probably want it to devolve into 10-man chat withe stupid team comps also, has anyone noticed a distinct increase in soloq toxicity this season? feels like it's getting waaaaaay worse
  2. gonna go play it at a friend's tonight i'll have an opinion about it at some point
  3. I had an emergency yesterday evening which kept from my home/computer sorry I missed practice guys :/
  4. New Xerath and Vel'Koz duo nuke artillery botlane who's with me
  5. I'm not quite sold on new Xerath the passive is kinda weird and VERY exploitable for the enemy midlaner His ultimate is going to have the same problems his old ultimate did, in that anyone with decent ms and the ability to react will NEVER get hit by it he'll probably dominate soloq for a while though, so I might buy him for dat freelo
  6. most things ENIX made before the merger were also good what's your point
  7. Yoooo what time is league practice tonight

  8. I'll finish mine when I get on my desktop later today. Doing it on my laptop would be nightmarish due to only having a trackpad :l EDIT: Finished my list. Also, HOLY FUCK ZAC TOP IS SO STRONG RIGHT NOW
  9. In light of my lackluster performance on Tuesday (only won lane 1/3 games), I have been watching toplane players and reading up on toplane strategy basically non-stop at work. Gonna practice a fair bit tomorrow if I manage to secure the time. I'll also be available for Saturday practice. Toplane is not my strongest role, and I'm still rusty in general, but I should be back up to my S3 skill level soon.
  10. Daft Punk's, Pharell Wiliams', and Stevie Wonder's Grammys performance on repeat for the foreseeable future
  11. I'll play support, but i don't know any of the tourny logistics fill me in and i'm down
  12. I'd be down for a 5's team. I can play any role with communication.
  13. think it'd be neat if his dodge ability dodged skillshots as well
  14. if you want to win games, feed your yasuo it doesn't matter if he's complete shite feed him and you win
  15. haha yeah

    even without the bee, there, it's so funny

    like what is he DOING

  16. yasuo support is fun negating a full ranged combo from the likes of Ez or Graves is just well it's REALLY funny
  17. I enjoyed Gargantia. Short and very sweet. Very Ghibli.
  18. are you sure that's in the language of the presentation of the game or in the language of heteronormatized, homophobic/transphobic audiences
  19. X or VI VII is passable for a first experience (it was mine), but if I could go back and change it, I'd probably have played VI first. X will hook you from the first scene though.
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