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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Holy crap, Pixar wasn't in that movie at all? Holy Crap!!! Disney did pretty daym gewd on there own.
  2. Musta been the clamshell bra. Victoria's Secret has yet to top it.
  3. Not voting cuz I honestly can't decide which ones I really like. They're all awesome...
  4. Ummmm, Weren't we talking about this sword originally? Also, I betcha all those pockets/satchels on his suit will never ever be used for anything even though they could be now.
  5. Oh no don't take that the wrong way, I just thought those 2 sentenced mixed really well
  6. Tales = Think Star ocean, but faster, waaaay more hectic, and mostly 2D, with latest instalments becoming more SO3 like.
  7. And yet, no remixes Somebody do a boss themes medley already!!!! I'm actually gonna post that in the requests.
  8. I love how it stands tall in direct defiance of the 250 px limit YEAH PHALANX FIGHT THE MAN
  9. This is true. I think the most ridiculous weapons I've ever seen are from Tales games. Seriously, A tome? a vase? a freakin straw that blows bubbles!? ... And yet I loves these games...
  10. Except its awesomeness was enough for most's willing suspension of disbelief. Water swords and gunblades... not so much...
  11. Yeah and they shot minimissiles, minilazers, and minivulcans that do straight 9's to final final, very final boss! Cuz Mecha, like, do that.
  12. itt Darkesword wins. hey screw you and your KH-hate, thems games was good
  13. I betcha at some point in the game he'll put the FF Crystal into it somewhere and cause it to become the uber-awesome pwnage of amazingness weapon that will be replaced in post-plot content... Oh wait, wrong developer... Ok so it's probably just a crapload of pointless machinery attached to the hilt of a big sword for no reason whatsoever, because that's just how they do it.
  14. Considering he has 13 weapons floating around him at all times (or something like that), he probably hasn't even noticed the big engine thingy on it and probably doesn't care. It's Japanese, nothing Japanese needs a point.
  15. Haha did one of these last week. Check it out! I got stiffed with a tiny image though...
  16. I have no problem with this. Whoever did Morrigan, you made my day.
  17. Thanks!!! ... Let's see the hotness already, bonzai!!!!
  18. made something, then realized it was no-where near sexy enough to be a viable entry from me. so i may just draw up somethin real quick, half-paint it, and say screw it this month.
  19. 5 outa 5 on X-Play, among other things. I WANT A CONSOLE JUST FOR THIS...
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