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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Great idea, but i'm too afraid of a "nintendo casting call" remake of the plot to actually support it And they probably wouldn't bring Geno back...
  2. She's actually the only new SF3 character I can use competently. I'm ok with Urien, but I will rape you blind with Makoto.
  3. why do people like Dudley? He's pathetic imo. NO, pulling up in a luxury car to fight does NOT make you cool, it only says that you will probably lose pathetically. If they were to take any SF3 characters and put them in 4, it would have to be either be Elena (because animating her capoiera style in 3D would be awesome) or Oro (because he actually interacts with real SF characters).
  4. pretty sure it's kanji for "destruction" or "death". Regardless, I'm gonna get it put on the back of a black shirt at the local T-shirt Diner, just for kicks (and cuz Akuma is the man).
  5. Pretty sure it's just you. That would be, well... inconvenient? 'nuff said.
  6. I wouldn't get hyped up over Heavy Rain. It looks to me like "quick-time sequences: the game"... I mean seriously, Kratos, why did you have to go and make quick-time popular of all things??
  7. These three words will be stuck in my head for the next week. Thanks, deuche...
  8. This is because anyone that actually picks Taki just wants to stare at ninja bewbs.
  9. Yeah, tri-ace games are generally much slower in pace than the balls-out craziness of Tales combat. It's not so much that it's clunkier, it's just slower and more strategic, at least starting out. Once you get higher level and start throwing out crazy destruction everywhere and the screen is shaking and giving you brain hemorrhages, you'll start to really enjoy it. Persevere, my friend! Persevere!
  10. OMFG WHEN IS THAT DS GAME COMING OUT... I need my norse mythos fix... Slight derailment: I just finished the main story in Radiata Stories on the non-human side, and is it supposed to be so... well... ambiguous? It's like you beat the last boss run away from the collapsing tower, and watch some guy laugh maniacally. Is that really it?
  11. for some reason, I can't competently play any Street Fighter shotokan character other than Akuma. I absolutely shred with Akuma, but if I dare try using Ryu or Ken or whoever, I fail so bad... Maybe i'll have some luck with Gouken. Also, in the Marvel fighting games, I could never seem to use Hulk right... My Soul Calibur fail character is Maxi. I always wanna play him, but I don't think I've ever won with him...
  12. Just get a PS3. There isn't a chance in hell that SO4 won't end up on it. Square-enix isn't THAT retarded.
  13. Yes, this kinda makes everything that happens in the series seem like, well... Unimportant? Kinda like the O.C. I guess. No one really cares who's screwin who at the end cuz it's fake amirite? ZOMG MORE SPOILERS!!! Wouldn't it be cool to have a Star Ocean installment that mas characters from 4D space as the main peoples? I mean, I'd have no idea what they'd do but hey, it sounds kinda cool to me.
  14. This is verified by the fact that your recording business is an inversion of the main title .
  15. your gonna hate SO4, mostly because u hate SO3, and SO4 looks a hell of a lot like SO3... I really liked SO3. The overall plot elements were good, and the voiceacting was at least tolerable. The game imo spent too much time on medeival worlds, but it also made the futuristic stuff REALLY awesome when you got to it. And the battle trophy system is the only achievement system i've ever appreciated. Also, I've been working on a bit of (non gay fan-boy) illustrated (maybe even comic framed) fanfiction that would explore the fallout after the ending. If you played the game, you know that the epilogues barely flesh out how the universe reacts after... well, y'know... SO1 was mind-boggling when I first played it, though I gave up because I was too young to actually figure out the combat system... Never played SO2 and I'm currently working through Radiata Stories as I type this
  16. Oh, and remember kids, no newdity!! I foresee a serious stretching of the rules with this month cuz of the subject X.X ... /bump
  17. I dunno about you guys, but I think a Tyrian remake would absolutely rock.
  18. Thanks Ferret for taking the words RIGHT out of my mouth
  19. They're not. There's Final Fantasy XIII and there's Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the versus implying that the games are diametrically different from each other, but most likely alike in world setting. Oh, and expect some serious anti-heroage in Versus XIII (about freakin time). Also, I foresee the roman numeral next to the title will be taking on much less of an "installment" idea and more of a "generation" idea. Instead of being one story, each number will be a world with many stories and a game for each (There is also a PSP game coming out with the FF XIII surname).
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