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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Again, bumping and doing Bonzai's job for her. Lazy wench... 6 days!!!
  2. Just did the survey. I'm the guy who's raving about the active charge bar.
  3. gnarly mix, loving the synth. Reminds me of Star Ocean 3's soundtrack. Great work!
  4. get some friends and play dnd if you have no friends, go to amazon and browse ... I kid.
  5. I watched the trailer and and was like "... wh- what happened to the awesomeness I saw in the Lightning trailer!?" The dream is dead...
  6. Reserved it a month in advance Bought it the day it came out. Didn't regret it at all.
  7. No, we meant any game that has the words "Valkyrie" and "Profile" in it, but yeah VP2 is awesome.
  8. Valkyrie Profile. Get it, play it, love it. NAO.
  9. Odin Sphere. "Tales of..." games. Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria. Kingdom Hearts 1+2. Radiata Stories.
  10. Anyone who wants any kind of coverwork done, feel free to private message me with what you want on it. I'm currently trying to build a college-entry portfolio, so my services are currently free. Neko, in your case, I would need to know the album name and music style.
  11. It's not so much a "kamehameheal" as it is a "kamehameha defibrillator". Roshi jumpstarts Goku's heart, which was probably thrown into arrest from the shock of the gun thingy. I dunno, that's just my idea.
  12. I'm gonna go ahead and posit that the cheesy script and acting was intentional, as Marsters, Chow Yun Fat, and Rossum are all good actors and wouldn't be bad like that if it wasn't intentional. It was based off a cheesy anime, of course it's gonna be cheesy. A. I almost yelled out "It's too short!!!" in the theatre.B. Yes, it is a good thing that it didn't talk.
  13. wow awesome sig really nice job!

  14. seconded. The kamehameha part was awesome too.
  15. hey artesu waddawant in a sig?

  16. It has svc chaos and svc 2000, except chaos is bogus because they wired a tekken control board to it, ergo you can't do anything svc I win without game-overing, because Akuma is the MAN.
  17. I've been busy agonizing over my commission... But as soon as I finish it, i will do a pwnage entry, I pwamith!
  18. TILT just opened an arcade in my crappy mall. They have old SNK v Capcom crap all up in that place! It fricken owns! Except the DDR game is broked =( I wear my Akuma shirt and go get the #1 high score on any game with akuma in it rather regularly.
  19. I personally think that casting a really, really good stuntman with a not-ugly face would be better than any hollywood star out there, at least for a project like this one. Spend all star money on a hot actress to lie on a stone tablet and look hot imo. Also: Could you imagine the set-making that will have to go into this? I mean yeah, you could starwars it with bluescreen, but if they used some real set-work, I would rent the movie JUST for the making-of featurette. NINJEDIT: Where the hell are they gonna find a horse as fricken HUGE as argo????
  20. The problem with this is that marketing the PS2 is actually still lucrative =/
  21. haha that's golden. I'm gonna do that for the next martial arts flick I go see.
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