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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Praise ye Jesus... I don't think I coulda stomached another game full of it, regardless of how awesome the gameplay is...
  2. Hey guys, I've been playing through Tales of Legendia and I'm about halfway through, and I have a question. I've only played the original Phantasia and this Tales game, are ALL PS2 generation Tales games this ridiculously cheezy?? I mean it has its appeal, but i find myself skipping text as soon as I finish reading it to avoid the wacky voice jobs...
  3. This conversation will most likely be dead by the time the PC version comes out so... haibaiposted!!!!
  4. I think the problem is most likely that you don't do anything with your voice recording. Have you tried messing around with the audio files to get rid of things like sharp s's and t's and things like that? It also sounds like you're doing it with a not-so-awesome mic so yeah... I think they're cool though
  5. I actually got my picture done before the ending day!!! Hmmm, maybe it's time for a collage...
  6. Wow Sindra, just checked out your game reviews. Didn't realize you did that stuff and you're pretty good at it! Loved the nod to yahtzee in the CV Judgment review, that made me lol. O right, fanart thread... I should go ahead and finish my piece...
  7. Can't remember if anyone already made a thread about this, but I didn't wanna muck through old threads and bring it back from the grave, so new thread time she comes! VP: CotP is a new installment in the Valkyrie Profile franchise that will be released in the US on march 17 this year. It's going to deviate from the tradition of the series and use the isometric perspective instead of the trademark 2D sidescroll style, for which the franchise is named. The English website is up and has some interesting information on it, Though I'm still quite puzzled as to exactly when in the saga it takes place (If you play VP, you know that questions of when got really fuzzy with VP2...). Anyone else as interested as I am? For me it'll be the first time I'll open my DS since Ecclesia... Website.
  8. This is the part that I'm pretty sure shorted. The electrical tape holding it down had rotted, among other things, and the thing was 8 years old, so yeah... Woulda been too much work to trial-and-error fix the short, so I just bought a new one.
  9. This right here. playing open strings is pretty the biggest cut corner new people take, and it's almost never expedient. Play as far up as you can, even for lower parts, and you'll get much more of a feel for where notes are. Also, try to stay away from tablature until you can make your way around the fretboard competently. If you start out by relying on numbers on a line, you'll stay that way. Though it may not be terribly helpful to guitarists, you should learn standard notation (bass and treble clef) just so you already know if you wanna take up an instrument that uses standard. EDIT: I didn't even notice that you also say you're interested in vocals. In that case, LEARN STANDARD NOTATION NAO!!!
  10. It's likely a problem with the reader, in which case you're probably just screwed. Try getting your CD resurfaced at a Play n Trade or somewhere like that if you think it's the disk. Also, take some compressed air, open the disk tray, turn off the PS2, and air out the disk area, as dust is the most common and easily fixed problem. If you try taking the console apart, be very careful as this can cause a short in the wiring, which would render your system completely useless.
  11. I dunno if it's the same for bass, but a good way I found on 6-string guitars to get your fingers in shape (lol) to play is to just learn arpeggios for every position on the fretboard, and just play em till you know em inside and out. Basic music theory is an absolute MUST. It's boring when you start out, but believe you me, to ignore it is to cement your feet in the "I'm ok, but can't really play" zone for a good deal longer than you need to be. Believe it or not, I learned almost all my music theory on the piano, and found that 90% of what I'd learned could be easily transferred over to guitar playing. It's been said already, but it must be emphasized that in order to stick to an instrument, you have to ENJOY IT! Put basic lines of a few of your favorite songs to muscle memory and play em while you practice to keep yourself interested. Hope that all works out for you!
  12. Bonzai gives a lap-dance to guy-winners, Rambo gives a day of servitude to lady-winners. Submissions would be OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!!!! Fine print: winner must cover travel expenses.
  13. I love your sigs. I bet you get that a lot, though.
  14. I think the song "Vinyl Countdown" by relient K sums up my knowledge of Vinyl records. I have absolutely no clue how they work. This is something I will probably read up on with Wikipedia soon, since my interest in music has become much more technical as opposed to personal over the last year.
  15. BUUUUUUMP!!!! anyway, yes, this is so very true. I'm seriously thinking of doing Shanoa again. That would make two months in a row of the same character! But I dunno yet. How's everyone else doin?
  16. I played SotC, and I've always wondered who the real bad dudes are. Just because Dormin was split apart and sealed doesn't actually mean he was a bad guy. *spoiler* Remember it was the priest dude who forced his cronies to kill the protagonist, and Dormin said he was only "borrowing" the body of the protagonist. Anyway, to be on topic, Shadow of the Colossus definitely changed the way I look at potential plots. While I'm a big fan of black n white good-v-evil, SotC showed me that sometimes a good story can take place in a huge grey area, where everyone wanders out into the thick of it and finds their mission. The Wanderer wants Mono alive again, and he'll do anything to see that happen. Dormin wants revenge against those responsible for his imprisonment. The priest guy doesn't want Dormin to return. In each case, they throw caution to the wind and pursue their mission regardless of what others say about the rightness/wrongness of their actions.
  17. I remember burning hours and hours away playing the original Duke when I was little. My mom would take me to her boring work office, and her boss would let me play it on his (at that time, super-awesome) laptop! OH THE NOSTALGIA
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