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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Hey guys! As soon as I get zircon, rambo, and hemophiliac's picture, i can do the RED team photo! BLU team, you guys are slow.
  2. OCR profile first, and then some DotA host-uploaded replay of me owning as Rooftrellan from more than a year ago. I can't view it... fricken Wc3 patches.
  3. Soldier of Fortune 2 had noob tubers loooooooong before CoD bro EDIT:
  4. everyone who is in the ocr tf2 phamily photos project (except for brushdude, scythe, ash, and edgecrusher) PM/IRC ME YOUR PICTURE
  5. yeah, so I was playin d20 modern the other night. The DM had set up a zombie apocalypse scenario with the party making their way through what was left and mostly interacting with other survivors. Google maps helped a lot. Our characters were ridiculous. Our leader was a sociopathic corporate executive with serious engineering prowess (He could jerry-rig a boeing 747 with duct tape with his best roll). Think evil Tony Stark with no power armor. One guy was an action star who went insane and envisioned himself as a samurai living in feudal Japan and went around everywhere with a set of samurai swords. I was a hair metal lead singer with a flamethrower. That is all. Another guy was a french consulate (we had fun with him), and we had an army person too, but yeah, crazy characterization! We were also unstoppable. The DM eventually cinematiced and ending of some sort, but yeah. dnd is fuuuun (mostly)
  6. Yeah cuz raw dps is all you need in d2 rite? Poisonmancers are absolute crap once you hit hell mode because pretty much everything is psn immune (unless lower resist removes immunity since 1.11, that was my last psn nec), and they cant fight in duels because psn damage doesn't kill. Bone necro's take proper skill focus but are much much more efficient in every area, and summon necros, well, they just win everything.
  7. Poison necros are crazy fun until you realize that every other necro buld buttrapes it =(
  8. 3PM EST is perfect, tensei. See you guys in Sanctuary tomorrow.
  9. i leave for a meeting at about 6:30pm EST tomorrow, but anything before that, I can probably be around for. If I show, I'm rolling a javazon.
  10. you probably won't have any difficulty getting into the game and learning how to play. D2's user interface is, in my opinion, one of the most intuitive out there (you can play the whole thing with just your mouse, honestly). We will be playing with the expansion pack. Ladder is based on who levels the fastest. Whoever gets to the max xp amount first in his/her class is at the top. But no one really plays ladder for that. In Ladder on D2, there are extra special items and formulas that you can find/make that make for a much more fun game. When the ladder resets, all ladder characters become non-ladder characters, which means everyone starts over from level 1 with new characters.
  11. I call Javazon. Bleck: So do we, but to do that effectively, one needs equipment, and the usual method of acquiring said tools of ass the kicking is to trade for it. Hence the economy and worth systems set in place by player supply/demand. Honestly, a professor or two have used ladder economy as an example in college economics courses.
  12. Also, ladder resets allow the economy to stabilize, which is the best part imo.
  13. *bvenator on USEAST if ladder resets with 1.13, will make new account under *relyanCe Join ussssssssss
  15. yeah pretty much, but some people liked it a lot cuz it was ZOMG different.
  16. Hey back off the man, the GB was my first gateway into the fantastical world of video games too! Happy birthday, you big clunky brick of awesomeness, you!
  17. I've expressed interest in mixing Bottle Grotto to Prophet, and have a few conceptual ideas for said arrangement. Dunno when I'll have a decent WIP together. Hopefully soon.
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