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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. arrrrgh people and their money and PS3s and crap. Wait, I thought PS3's aren't backward compatible?
  2. Yeah so I picked up Odin Sphere a few days ago. Music is awesome, art direction is gorgeous, narrative doesn't suck, and then... wtf is up with the combat system? The controls are so clunky, and the slowdown is horrific. Is the slowdown just a part of the game or is my PS2 on drugs? Anyone out there who played it, is it just me or is the combat system just weird?
  3. ... It's Shadow of the Colossus. gameplay = narrative.
  4. Is is just me, or do video-game movies/movie video-games make absolutely NO sense? I mean seriously, you have a movie. It goes for 1.5-3 hours and the story's done. Then you make a videogame that follows the same story, has the same ending, and doesn't really take too much longer. Why bother, right? So why try with a game-to-movie? You have nowhere near enough time to accurately portray the entire narrative, and everyone who's played the game knows how it ends. Seriously, my brain is melting trying to figure out who thought this up.
  5. Big, angry tears are being wept by the videogame gods in the clouds...
  6. isn't Psi-Ops available for free at Fileplanet?
  7. eh... I wasn't terribly impressed, but it was alright. Kinda traditional imo.
  8. RUUUUUUUUUN!!!! seriously, its FOUR episodes of xenosaga with even less differentiation and a pathetically aimless plot. Avoid it like the plague!!!! Is Odin Sphere worth getting?
  9. hmmm, interesting... edit: if you have a friend and the spare cash for a guncon or two, get the Time Crisis games. Yeah, aligning the guncon can be a chore, but it's loads of fun!
  10. I've been considering doing this, but i'm also wondering if it's really worth it. I mean, how hi-def can the PS2 actually get? Is it just a gimmick or does it actually work?
  11. let's not jump to conclusions now.
  12. made you a sig

    This one has a transparent Rosalina

    This one doesn't

    Hope u lyke

  13. don't /make fun of him he might /call you a dick
  14. No one's contesting the absolute brilliance of phantasia. We just think you have nostalgia-based standards, which are retarded. Tales of Legendia is superior in almost every way to Phantasia, including the soundtrack. ...though that's to be expected; the New Japan Philharmonic recorded the thing [insert omfg here].
  15. If you want to play an rpg with actually good jokes and laugh your way through every part of the story (well, almost), get it.
  16. omfg i can't believe i forgot Radiata Stories One of the funnest rpgs i've ever played!! It lampoons basically everything about jrpgs (and tri-ace did it, so you know it owns) and the combat is enjoyable. It also has lots of replay value (I have yet to do half of the whole game and I'm at 45 hours).
  17. thank you bryce for saying that so i wouldn't have to flame the crap out of him.
  18. rambowned. 5-seconds-later-edit: Hey guys I just got my first design commission!! I'M DRAWING FOR MONEYS!!!!!
  19. Nah, there are a few of us out here. I'm surprised I forgot to mention it. On the whole I'd say the combat is the same as, but slightly deeper than DMC. Really short, though.
  20. I'm actually playing through this right now, and so far: PROS: -Amazing addition to Tales combat system, really well-though-out. -The overlimit gauge. -Interesting plot elements. -Luke's journal: I LOVE being able to put the game down for a while, come back, and know exactly where I left off. CONS: -Weak, stereotypical characters. -Weak overall plot. Too much macguffin-chasing going on. -Graphics are low-quality and poorly animated outside of combat, which is unacceptable for a game that came out toward the end of its generation. -Soundtrack is nowhere near the standards I hold for Tales games. -The overworld map is horrific. -No voice-acting in skits... why the HELL are there no voices in the skits!? Yeah, I listed more cons than pros, but it's still a great game overall, imo. EDIT: No set of characters has ever endeared itself to me like the cast of KH.
  21. GET SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS. Seriously, it's probably one of the best games ever made for Ps2 ever. Also, Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner (NOT the first one) is pretty epic. Tales games (Legendia, especially, for good characters) are good, Kingdom Hearts is good, FFX f'sho, Devil May Cry 1 and 3 (skip 2), Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria for unique gameplay and interesting story (though playing VP: Lenneth first is strongly recommended). Lot's of greats out there.
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