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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I'm probably the only one here who's not getting a posted remix out of this T_T (Well and a couple others I don't want to name)
  2. Reminds me of a convo I had with bLiNd a long long time ago. it was something to the effect of: Neblix; Hey are you really blind? bLiNd: yeah man. Neblix: Are you deaf, too? bLiNd: Yeah man I just put my head up to the monitor and feel the synth waves! Neblix: niiiiiiiiiiice.
  3. Well that's what it's for, it's for helping people critiqueing you. I thought you wanted to use it as a guideline. It's not too bad for guidelines, but as an individual it's harder to find problems in your own stuff. Anyways, the piano is too overpowering, and way too much reverb. The strings aren't loud enough. I would add an extra octave to the flutes. And I would recommend getting a saxophone player.
  4. That checklist is for people who are reviewing remixes, I don't think it would do much good to the actual remixer.
  5. I didn't get it. And then I looked at what website I was on. And then I laughed out loud.
  6. The least track-y way to get noise is to record noise and then export it as a wav.
  7. It really doesn't matter, like Zircon said, how many parts so much as what's in the parts. If you do it right, there are an INFINITE number of parts you can create. No one has ever done over 100 parts or so, but it is possible, so the answer is there is no amount where it becomes "noise".
  8. Any info on when you need it by? I might be interested, my skills in putting down what I hear need some practice. I can get it done right, but not necessarily in one day's time.
  9. You never stated that in your revised challenge.
  10. When I was 3 I never played Sonic. Now I play good games and I like Sonic. Perhaps you should revise it again, sir.
  11. It's a little dangerous to go crazy on effects unless you know exactly what it is you're doing. It's great to slap gross beat onto some patterns, but knowing about good composition structure can guide you to WHERE to put those crazy effects like gross beat. I'm not forcing my opinion onto you; but I do recommend to start and practice more on the smaller stuff. I hear about people starting in MIDI trackers, they don't even worry about the sound, but they learn how to keep the composition interesting. Some stuff I've heard on youtube by guys who think they're really great in FL Studio (and commenters agree because they don't know any better) are REALLY weak composition wise, and use lots of effects to try and keep the music interesting. (and they almost always fail) But I'd REALLY have to see the level of your stuff before I can give you accurate advice, so far I've just been giving general advice that I think all beginners should follow, but if you dropped me a PM with some stuff of yours I can give you better advice.
  12. I'm not parroting anything. I say what comes from my head. And I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "quit posting the same damn thing everywhere" Edit: I had no intention to be mean with my caps, btw. That's what I just said, sir.
  13. You can know Fruityloops inside and out, but it's not going to create production quality music. IT'S NOT THE SOFTWARE. It's how you use it. You only need a basic understanding of how to control volume, add effects, EQ, etc. The good production comes from your knowledge of production values. It doesn't come from the software. You don't have to read to learn production, but it would help if you read Zircon's production guide thread in the guides forum. It taught me a lot about EQ, balancing, etc. What ALSO taught me about that stuff was talking to people, listening to what was right with their music and comparing it to mine, and changing mine. The software is your means of output. The music has to come from your head, the composition, arrangement, volumes, balancing, EQ, stereo separation all comes from YOUR HEAD. The software is just a way to get it into mp3 form, and you don't require extensive knowledge of your software to do it. What you DO need is to practice doing it. Experience is your friend, because I've been there. Your music doesn't sound like what you wanted it to be in your head, and you had no idea how to get it that way. It's not some super complicated array of effects. It's breaking down the music in your head, and creating the bits and pieces until they form what you want. When you practice doing that, you realize it's not really knowledge of your software, it's knowledge of how to send stuff from your brain to your speakers. When you do that, you only need to relearn the basics for every DAW, but your music will still sound great because you carry that knowledge in your brain, it's not in your software.
  14. Well first of all, it's good if the presets you found are the ones in the songs, but the ones in the songs might not be ONLY Toxic Biohazard presets. You have to make the sound yourself, and if you don't know synthesis, you'd have to learn it.
  15. Look at the demo songs included with FL Studio, like Zircon's "Just Hold On" Figure out how everything was made, and what different controls and effects do.
  16. Those photos look photoshopped Plus no motherboard? Why bother buy it without a mother board?
  17. SELF TEACH But yeah, don't read the manual. You can't be taught music by reading. You have to listen to music, feel what's good inside of it, and create your own stuff that makes you feel the same way. I've never heard of a musician who has never had an influential musician somewhere up the line of the generations.
  18. When i saw "GeckoYamori" my expectations were higher than the Empire State Building. I was not let down.
  19. It's not as if there aren't hundreds already, doesn't take much to find em but the most obvious places to look would be ones by Zircon, bLiNd, etc.
  20. Yah dude Torrents aren't bad, it's just they're used for bad stuff. If you look around, direct downloads are used for stuff just as bad.
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