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Everything posted by Brome

  1. Happy birthday AD ! ^__^ Happy birthday to you too
  2. I ... am just ... TOO ... astonished to write something constructive ... WOW !!!! As soon as the song began to played I was staring hopelessly at my Windows Media Player !!! It's just too ... BEAUTIFUL !!! Well done !!!
  3. Happy Birthday to you !! And have a great day
  4. Happy birthday, and have a good day !
  5. Thanks everyone ! @ sefirosu, Sorry to put that in your head And I never played Runescape @ SoulinEther, well ... hum ... I ... never really ... watched any ... star trek episodes or movies @ friendlyHunter I went through those two myself, without finding anything ! I hope it's not a movie trailer though, otherwise It'll be very hard to find !
  6. Yes it does. Another friend pointed that out. But it's not the Terminator 2 theme, unfortunately ... I thought at first it was something by Hans Zimmer, but after lots of Youtube listens, it isn't. It might come from a game or a movie, but I know it's a soundtrack somewhere Thanks Arian !!! ^__^
  7. I agree with you and with Darkeword !
  8. I don't know in which category to post this topic ... Anyways ! I've got this 10-seconds loop stuck in my head since yesterday, and I can't find where it's from !!! Yesterday I browsed Youtube trying to find THE tune, but fruitlessly. Guess what I had in my head when I got to sleep. And when I woke up, my alarm clock was about the same tempo of that part of the song, so my brain automatically hit the PLAY button, (I was barely woke up !!! ) and the loop since plays in my head I took 15 minutes, to re-create something fairly similar, using Fl Studio. You can download it here : http://www.mediafire.com/?fgdzdwmzejd If someone could tell me where I heard that, it would be great !! THANK YOU !!! Edit : Sorry, I just realized, I should have lowered the volume of the trumpet, because it's a lil' too high-pitched
  9. Happy Birthday ! May the upcoming year be filled with success and happiness
  10. Joyeux Anniversaire !! J'espère que tu passeras une bonne journée, ainsi qu'une bonne année remplie de succès et de bonheur !
  11. Fl Studio Shortcuts ! That's cool ! Thanks !
  12. YES !!!! That would be SOOOO Awesome !! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE !!
  13. My biggest shame would be that even If I already played Chrono Trigger before, I never had the chance to play ... any ... Final Fantasy games ... I know, I know, it 's horrible !!!
  14. Happy birthday Hoboka !
  15. I'd like to wish to one of the most prolific OCRemixer a very, very happy birthday !! Joyeux Anniversaire et je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde !
  16. Hope you'll have the happiest birthday of your life, yet
  17. Toutes mes félicitations, et bonne chance par la suite ! Congratulations and good luck in the future
  18. Remixes were not numerous this February, but it's OK, because of this INCREDIBLE SONG ! It rocks !!!! Great Collab there !
  19. Thanks for the quick answer, but no it still doesn't work there's the ... now wait a minute ! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! I must click here ! That's what it meant ! Ok ! Now i see, I just missed a little detail ! Still, many thanks to you Rozovian
  20. Hello ! I just got out of the help section of Fl Studio without understanding what was written ! I am not a noob, I made songs before, however without really experiencing with automation clips before, and I wanted to tried a volume change, for a nice transition (from 0% to about 75%). I tried with and without the help of FL, but it didn't work. SO can someone give a link to automation tutorial, or be nice enough to explain in details how it works to change volume ? MANY THANKS !
  21. Wow ! I forgot how hand-drawn animation was cool ! It sure looks impressive
  22. Hey ! ^__^ (talking to myself XD)

  23. It sure does !!
  24. I like Zelda II, too !
  25. Wow ! Not bad for a fan game ! I am quite impressed, I wasn't expecting that much quality A 2D side-scrolling zelda game might not be such a bad idea after all !
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