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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I was having a discussion with one of my friends and I was curious about peoples thoughts on this. Some people hate it because its making success of other peoples ideas, yet some people think its ok as long as you're correctly credited. However, there are so many factors involved here, and I think its something that deserves a little bit of group analysis so have at it. Whats your stance on this? Ok, not ok, if not why, where is your personal line drawn etc
  2. Not a problem. Tracks that are played on itunes with a scrobbler are automatically put on the database if its not already there, which means there is always going to be tracks with incorrect info scrobbled, but as you pointed out, the tracks with correct tagging will dwarf the ones that don't in plays. Just look at tracks from ANYONE. Look up the beatles and you'll find tracks scrobbled with incorrect info. Thats just last.fm for ya.
  3. Man this is BRUTAL. Like... I am agreeing with Larry's assessment of the production here, and while there are plenty of examples of rock albums with production as loud as this, this feels like its pushing the boundaries a bit too much due to the compression and punch. That said, i'm not sure i'm willing to throw this into the NO territory for it, since its still a decent job and while its execution isn't the best, I can see what you're trying to achieve. The clutter isn't that bad honestly, but it is a little messy during the loudest sections. The breakdowns are very welcome imo, as a breather to the rather relentless metal sections The arrangement I felt was fine personally. The source was a little liberal at points but its there. Overall, I think that despite the production flaws this one makes it through. YES
  4. I used to remix "right proper"? Also, a page late, but fucking bat signals
  5. I am actually looking into it! Thanks for the birthday messages folks! Also, mirby, where do you get all the pictures of these fantastic cakes?
  6. Ok so the intro is pretty cool. This kick is really really weak. That needs updating. The sources you've picked are really really cool btw, just saying . The leads at 1:20 are too wet in delay. Its undermining the melody and creating a bit of mud. The hand percussion after the lead section is really cool. That lead at 2:13 on is too loud. Also quite strongly panned later on - seems to be automated. Also, your leads have too much delay, the delay is feeding back into the original signal at times. The arrangement is ok, its a little static in texture, and the tempo change could be replaced with a nice breakdown, but the idea of the tempo change is a nice one that we don't see often. I'm not sure its pulled off well here tho. Lead, kick and mixing problems are adding up to a borderline no for me tho. Its close but it needs a little more TLC before I give this the pass myself. Keep it at bro! NO (resub)
  7. Yeah everything I had an issue with has been fixed. Sounds great! YES
  8. Ah you're watching this for the first time... I haven't watched lost - but I bet you don't lose interest with this Just one word of caution - stay away from anything on the internet related with the books or the show because spoilers are completely unavoidable if you do People seem to be VERY inconsiderate in that regard, and you'll probably find out annoying spoilers if you frequent this thread too much as well.
  9. What this man said. Ignore the haters, it looks great
  10. Comparing this to the original, while the plucked string is still slightly muddy, this track shows a marked improvement against the original sub with mixing, and there is a slightly crisper sound to the mastering as well which brings out the highs a bit more. And of course, everything that was great about the original is still here too. Cool stuff - YES
  11. original decision This was my one entry for the Street Fighter contest thing. I had Sixto re-amp the guitars for me because at the time, my amp was getting interference from something. Didn't really set out with a goal in mind apart from making it rock, happened across a bit of a "techno metal" area with the synths and really liked it, and everything just fell into place very nicely. - Brandon Strader
  12. Ok so this is incredibly awesome. The guitar recording leaves much to be desired with the tinniness and noisiness of it. Its a shame because the other sounds are great. The percussion is completely fantastic. However, this is TOO LOUD. Turn it down. Its fine during the quieter sections like the intro but damn its hot and its clipping. Loud is good but we've got volume knobs for that The mix sounds reasonable mixing wise but it is very busy during those louder sections to the point its just a massive wall of sound. Stereo separation could help somewhat but the mixing itself sounds ok to me, its just very busy and noisy due to the loudness. I think just turning this down would give the track much more breathing room. Arrangement is great, its dynamic, the sources are handled well... This is good stuff. Just turning it down so its not so distorted and clipping badly and I think the track would be ok. More Stereo separation could help. I'm not really a fan of that guitar recording... which apparently is just me but oh well, not deal-breaker anyway Hmm. So... great arrangement, great dynamics, great samples, good mixing (it does sound balanced well to me, its just squashed due to loudness from what I can tell). I've conditionaled - (Not a real word sozzzzz) - something recently and other judges seems to be against conditionals right now... Just turning down the master so its not clipping and has more breathing space would change this from a NO to YES imo. So yeah i'll conditional. Good luck with the rest of the vote. YES(conditional)
  13. ooooooooooh now this is cool. I'm not a massive fan of the boominess of that kick when its exposed with the bass like that at the intro. The arrangement is really cool. Awesome instrumentation. I'd argue the panning is also intentional - an attempt at invoking the excessive panning of that era, but you got guitar panned to the left and some drums panned to the right, thus making this very very unbalanced. This sounds like some 60's psychedelic instrumental. Unlike larry, I think this is worthy of a conditional because I don't think it'll take long for you to fix with some instructions so... I'd say bring down the panning on the heavy left guitar and the heavy right drums and you've got yourself a YES vote. Panning is fine but keep it from the excessives, i'd say make it 30% at the very most and make sure you've got something else in the other speaker going to balance out the mix if its too lopsided one way. Panning is also about balance, If the mix sounds lopsided too much one way, fix the problem! Do that and I think this is YES! YES (Conditional on panning) - Revised vote above ^^^^
  14. Suitably epic stuff here! Mixing issues - Rhythm guitars are slightly too loud at the intro. Wouldn't take much but they need turning down ever so slightly - just in the intro though, its fine after imo. The plucked strings (Koto?) are too loud when the lead guitar is going off, and creates a murky soundscape while taking away focus from the lead. That rhythmic synth has the same problem during the double time section. I've said it before, but you seem to have a knack of overcomplicating your tracks and not creating room for all your instrumentation. It'll sound ok then something will come along and fight for the space another instrument is already occupying. It happens in quite a few of your tracks. Otherwise this sounds fine though. Sounds like the rhythmic synth might be going on at the same time as the plucked strings during the guitar lead part I mentioned earlier? Not sure. It seems to me that the arrangement is fine, I can hear guiles theme clearly, Chun li's is there but a little more subtle, like palp, felt like the other themes didn't really need to be there, guile owns this one Brickwalled production blahblahblah. Mixing issues are very problematic but its really the only major problem. However its throughout. If it was only during one section I'd probably let it slide but its quite prominent. After giving it some thought I think I'm going to ask you to send this one back. It won't take much to fix and it'll sound so much better after you've fixed it! NO (resub)
  15. I'll give it a listen as soon as I get to a good pair of headphones
  16. 1: Pikachu 2: Arthur 3: Scorpion (seriously guys how do we not have pikachu yet, he's fucking PIKACHU)
  17. I have put the album on the staff evaluation forums. EDIT: Guys, if all remixers could check the subforums plzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. I got it, been a little busy so i've not responded yet, but I will
  19. Happy Briggsday! Totally wanted to think of something smart to say that wasn't obvious, if ya know what I mean. Not that what I said was smart.
  20. On request of Brandon, I've critted the whole album - you can see my thoughts in the Project Sub-forum, so go there and complain about how I totally missed the point with all my crits and you all hate me etc
  21. Yeah I sent that one out to everyone. I was referring to a PM that I'd just sent out - one that I didn't send you because you got back to me like... 3 weeks ago... lol
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