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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Thanks to everyone who came to the listening party, it was a HUGE success! Now go download the album! http://9bitrecords.com/releases/9-bit-blitzkrieg/
  2. Guys the listening party is NOW!!!! Go to http://areciboradio.com/
  3. Important Announcement Brandon has offically taken over as main director for the project. Any questions, go to him. Hopefully he'll be able to do a better job with this than I did. He or I will update everyone on the projects status shortly.
  4. This is as if halo was sold to nintendo. Don't get me wrong, disney do well enough. Pirates of the Caribbean had a good thing going for about 2 films, then it just milked everything to shit. I predict that 1 great movie will come out of this. Then 2 more shitty ones, and everyone will cry, and want to slaughter disney for "ruining" star wars. I mean, the star wars fandom is some of the pickiest i've seen. Granted, George Lucas has made some rather shitty decisions but the star wars fandom feels SO STRONGLY about the NOOOOOs and the Greedo shot first's and the JAR JAR IN RotJ etc that I feel anything Disney do will be seen as traitorous to the star wars legacy, PARTICULARLY since they'll be fucking around with the main film series. This can only end badly.
  5. 9-bit Records and myself are proud to announce the release of: 9-bit Blitzkrieg An original chiptune compilation album, featuring the talents of Mazedude, lazygecko (formally known as Gecko Yamori), halc, PROTODOME, Suzumebachi, TheGuitahHeroe, Hylian Lemon, DDRKirby(ISQ), myself, and many more! And best of all, this album is FREE!!!! Part of my inspiration for making this album was to showcase many of the artists on OverClocked Remix as composers of originals works. However, release on OverClocked Remix was not possible due to the site objectives. For anyone who doesn't know, 9-bit records is halc's new chiptune label, and is currently taking demos and submissions for future releases! You can download the album from here: http://9bitrecords.com/releases/9-bit-blitzkrieg/ Thank you to everyone who has helped with the creation of this album, be it music, art, or simply showing your support, its greatly appreciated!! News Articles Destructoid: http://www.destructoid.com/ocr-s-willrock-and-more-chip-out-on-9-bit-blitzkrieg-238111.phtml
  6. Well that was the point of the WCRG - so we could do collabs. Darke has mentioned it before (I remember reading it). My suggestion is that we keep voting open, because there is no need to provoke drama, and its not exactly fair on Phonetic Hero if he didn't know. However, I think its only fair to at least allow collabs till the end of this compo. From there, put it in the rules for later compos whether they are allowed or not in the first post, so there is no confusion later on.
  7. Nice arrangement that compliments the original quite nicely. Piano sample seems ok to me, if not a bit thin. I'm not a fan of the dryness of the sample either, it doesn't give off a very realistic stereo space, which ultimately exposes the piano as sounding a bit more midish than it might have otherwise. Like the other judges, I do feel like the 8th notes gets a little tiring, but there is a nice amount of variation on this otherwise. Quite a few nitpicks that ultimately adds up, but the arrangement means i'm still ok with this, altho its a close call imo. Nice work! YES (Borderline)
  8. Even if this is a standards violation, I like the way you fused Beethoven with Street Fighter. I think Beethoven might be pushing it a bit with sections like 2:48-3:01, as cool as they are. Like Larry, I agree the weak point is the drums. They are basically Rock drums in an orchestral track, and the fusion doesn't quite work. They don't fit with the rest of the instrumentation, and they sound flimsy and weak. I actually think this track would benefit from their removal completely and just not have drums at all. Beethoven aside, I agree with the others that the drums bring this WAY down into resub territory. Seriously, I think just removing them would do the trick here, or at least replace them with an orchestral kit (and the writing to compliment it). The rest of this is solid. This is a good submission, but based on the drums I can't pass on it i'm afraid. NO (resub)
  9. Great use of variation on display here. The whole thing is basically nothing but the source tune, but its so widely variated upon it never gets boring, and never loses its connections to the source. Folks, this is how you do an arrangement! The production is slightly less impressive when compared to the arrangement, but its nice. I feel like this is lacking in alot of bass content however. It really lacks some punch, and the track is slightly over-saturated with too much reverb at times. The arrangement throws this over the bar however, and i'm cool with this as it is! Keep it up bro! YES
  10. Ah, Oracle of Seasons/Ages. One of my childhood memories (altho a later childhood memory). This is bizzare in a good way, much like the source. There are some slightly different modal changes to the melody, and some rather unusual harmonies at work as well. Its cool, I like it! I think the delay is a little over done. I would have automated it so the feedback didn't clash with itself so much. The track itself is very creative tho, and the source is obvious and well variated upon. Lack of a clearly defined outro is a bit of a shame (seems i'm hearing alot of that lately, is it just me?) but this is pretty solid stuff imo. Nice work Lemon! YES
  11. This is a cool mix, and i'm liking the arrangement for the most part. That intro drum part is pretty sweet. The scrap brain source usuage is pretty liberal as far as it goes. I had to analyse the source rather closely itself to catch it. When Mystic Cave hits in tho, the mix becomes alot more familiar and the variation on the mix keeps it from getting boring. The production is flawed however. The bass frequencies are clashing and thus it gets rather muddy even when considering the mix is very sparse. The piano has a tad too much reverb on it (yay for typical harsh reverb crit) and like the others have said, that sax is unrealistic. I'm not digging the vocal part. Its badly mixed (too quiet) and while it fits with the mix aesthetic overall, it feels a bit tacked on at the end there. Then the mix just ends. Like the others I feel like it could have used a better ending than that. I think the mix is sweet, but the production issues keep this one from letting me pass it i'm afraid. It shouldn't take too much work to get this one up to standard (halc did yes it after all). If this doesn't make it and you wanna resub, i'd fix up the low end, bring out the vocal part, fix the unrealistic sax, and give it a good ending. It should be good to go then! Keep at it bro! NO (resub)
  12. This was my favorite track from the WCRG, so it saddens me to see people NOing it. However, people are putting up excellent points with the source usuage. I've listened to this track countless times now, so i'm going to try and delve into the arrangement somewhat. Production is perfect. Moving on. Source usuage isn't perfect sadly. Its difficult to figure out exactly whats source and what isn't as far as Wily goes but i think i've managed to come up with a good enough breakdown: Verse - 0:00-1:12 - cold man, vocal melody takes some risks but nothing unrecognisable Verse 2 - 1:12-1:46 - Clearly Cold man chords, but vocal melody takes some MASSIVE risks, and half of it seems original, if not "inspired" by the cold man theme at 1:22-1:25 and the the same at the next run through of that part of the chord sequence. Its as liberal as it gets while being traceable to the source imo. Link - 1:46-2:05 Again, cold man chords, but no source melodies from what I can tell. Lots of "ohhs" instead. Chorus - 2:07-2:40 - This bit is actually awesomely clever source usage imo. MM2 Wily Stage 1, Chords from "chorus section" of source (at 1:03 in source link). The vocal part "taken me a million miles from home" and other similar bits are the wily melody after the main riff section (at 0:22 in source link) Thats enough to allow me to count that part. Link 2 - 2:40-2:50 simplified melody from the chorus section of Wily. LInk 3 - 2:50-3:09 obvious wily riff is obvious Chorus - 3:09-end - same as before Now, if i'm kind, I get over 3 minutes of source thanks to the wily chorus section and cold man intro. Yes its liberal, and my source breakdown was very rough (larry can go through and sharpen up my breakdown if he likes) but it all adds up, and I still feel like the wily sections are in fact wily sections, liberal as they might be. I'd say the arrangement barely squeaks by and if the production wasn't absolutely sublime i'd probably vote no. However, thats not the case, and as a result, I'm cool passing this. Great job bro! YES (borderline)
  13. I'm going to nip this thing in the bud. I'll update you all on this projects status shortly.
  14. Oh man this is sweet. While I agree with Emu that the intro seemed a little out of place and wasn't quite helped with that transition, the attention to detail with the arrangement, the sound design, and the mixing just throws this way over the bar imo. Lack of a decent outro is a bit of shame tho. Awesome stuff regardless. I'm very cool with passing this. YES
  15. Pretty awesome work here. Some of the balance is a little off (particularly on the violin and piano leads in relation with the Lead Guitar) but I think the arrangement and the rest of the production more than makes up for this. Some of those chords at the end don't quite mesh with the melody either, it almost seems dischordant but I can't quite place it. Either way, nice work guys, this is cool to me. YES
  16. You can remix any track thats made specifically for the game. If the track is a remix of a non-video game track, but the remix makes it into a video game, its a no (exception is tetris). However, to my knowedge, the judges allow you to pick the precise audio that you're remixing as long as the original was from a game. Say if you chose to remix the Dark World music from Super Smash Bros Brawl rather than the original from a Link to the Past, I assume they'd let you since the two are distinct versions in their own right and could influence the writing process of your remix. It might be worth another judge coming in just to clarify tho, just in case i'm wrong
  17. Gotta say, I enjoy this. The arrangement is pretty sweet. There is some nice expansion to the source, particularly in the second half, there is some sweet sequencing going down and those guitar solos are awesome. Production is a mixed bag however. The majority of the sounds are chippy, but there is enough processing on the sounds for this to pass imo, even if many of the sounds are very similar in timbre. The guitar and piano as a result sounds a little misplaced when they finally enter. The mixing also feels slightly muddy, as many of the sounds bleed into each other. It doesn't help that the timbre of all the sounds are so similar. Some of the leads are too loud, and need turning down slightly. Lastly, it feels like things are too strongly panned, and as a result, this feels lopsided at points. I almost feel like you did this to try and clear up some of the muddiness before, which I wouldn't recommend if thats what you intended here. Best advice I can give you is Levels and EQ for that. This is a nice track, but I think the production issues hold this one back from fulfilling its full potential. Keep at it bro, you got some good ideas present here! NO
  18. Voting ends today at 5pm EST! I'm currently at 20th place! EDIT: 17th place!!!
  19. This basically. Its a sizeable issue in what is otherwise a great track. I see what people mean about the bass, but I think the other sounds all work quite cohesively together. I found the arrangement tricky to follow, although I do hear it in there. Still, the timing issues are too problematic for me to sign off on this one. Sorry NO
  20. Ok guys, the Deadline is Tomorrow! That means I need to go up about 10 places in the next 20 hours or something. A tall order, but considering I was in the 30's yesterday, I know it can be done! Now lets do this thing Thanks guys
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