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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I have to say, this one was a stand out for me when I heard it. Great track. However, I'm having a harder time with this one than my fellow judges. It basically follows the source to a tee up until 2:40. Yes there are some nice performances, and there is some nice little updates in the backing instrumentation that wasn't in the original source tune. However, everything that was originally in the source remains unchanged at this point minus a few chord differences, which aren't even drastic enough to be noticed by most. I'd call them more "add ons" to whats established in the source rather than variations. Then of course, the solos come in and the connections to the source dwindle until the riff comes in before that wicked synth solo. Yes I do hear some nice variation points here, like in the bass, but I don't feel this is enough. Cover + variation in backing elements over solos doesn't equal enough to me to pass this. Its a great song, and the production is awesome, but I don't feel the arrangement is varied enough for the pass. You guys are going to hate me for this, but I can't pass on it. Sorry dudes, great remix, but I just don't feel this is right for OCR NO
  2. I definitely hear some WillRock and halc influence here If the intro was inspired by Slowpoke Shuffle, you should know that this is better than slowpoke shuffle Pretty sure there is a Ben Briggs shout out here somewhere as well. Track was solid, altho I didn't like the piano. It sounded thin, tinny and actually hurt my ears through an overemphasis on highs. Thats my only production crit. Didn't seem as much of a problem during the low velocity arps tho. Anywaysz, nice job, keep the pokemans coming!
  3. Yay for first Magellanic Mixpost! I knew you'd get there bro! ^-^ Count me surprised that the guitar fits in as well as it does here. Sounds damn awesome in its context, better than some of the synths even. Granted, a few issues, like minor synth timing issues. Even so, the bits that work are really really awesome. Nice first mixpost man, and I look forward to seeing many more! P.S. Nice job on going with a source tune that really doesn't get enough love!
  4. Whats the track called? Send me a PM and i'll look into it for ya! :)

  5. A man remixes Doomsday Zone. A man calls his remix Doomday. And nobody on OCR has yet to mention this?? hahaha in all seriousness this is a cool remix, I love that intro, its dark, its moody, and its awesome Great work man
  6. Hey Magellanic, good to see you submitting! I like the style adaption, and the arrangement. Good stuff there. The production has some notable problems however. The biggest issue is a distinct lack of bass presence in your mix. As a result, your frequency spectrum isn't wide enough, and most of the instrumentation is taking up the same space, muddying up your mix. If you just brought out the bass more in your mix, it would make your mixing much much easier and you wouldn't have everything fighting for the same frequency range. Basically, bring out the bass presence in your track, and sort out EQ on your Rhythms and leads so they aren't clashing with each other in the frequency spectrum. Atm, its quite a large dealbreaker and I know that you have the potential to get the production passed the panel! Again, nice work with the arrangement (and awesome source tune ) but I can't pass this as it is. Keep on working at this one and send it back bro! NO (resub)
  7. I think this is good personally. I like the arrangement, and the guitar performance seems fine to me. The vocals get slightly off tune with each other during the chorus harmonies, but this is pretty solid otherwise. There are some moments of muddiness, the vocals and rhythm guitars take up most of the soundscape (unlike palp, I felt the vocals were at a good level personally) Overall it could have been a bit cleaner, the bass could have been a bit more exposed and those rhythm guitar arps get buried under the main rhythm playing. Even so, I'm cool with it where its at. Its not perfect, but its a strong track and damn enjoyable, particularly if you're a fan of heavy metal. I dig! YES
  8. Basically gotta agree with my fellow judges here. Great work, and I can certainly dig it, but its just not right for OCR due to its conservativeness and SNES Style instrumentation. Its a great track, but i'm afraid it just doesn't hit OCRs standards, sorry bro NO
  9. I remember this mix from the GRMRB! I seem to remember voting for this one, and you did lose against the runner up, so yeah... this was, and is, pretty good!
  10. I have a question about the criteria, since trism came to me with concerns, and i've seem to come up with a bit of a hole in the criteria requirements which makes it VERY hard to pick a source. Why aren't arcade games allowed? I've noticed that basically all the notable games released before the date in question were in fact released on arcades (donkey kong, ice climbers, mario bros etc) and they are very important parts of video game music history. As a result, if people who don't do chiptune style music, and don't have a vast in depth knowedge of games before this date, (which is most people) they've got to look into alot of obscure titles, from consoles they probably don't own (like C64 or famicom), only to find out that the games that are familiar to them were either released after the date you've picked or were in the arcades. Yes, you can still remix SMB, which is what I reckon all these people will end up doing, so you'll probably end up with at least 3 SMB overworld theme remixes, since its by far the most obvious choice and no one is going to be bothered enough to do the trivial research required to look into anything else I understand the release date rule, but the arcade rule just seems to make things harder for everyone involved and rules out some important and historical games for no reason. Sorry if i'm being awkward, but your criteria seems very hard to hit for some people depending on their skills and personal styles. I'd suggest criteria thats a little less "specialist" next time EDIT: Bahamut actually beat me to the post, I was just asking some people to see if my concerns were valid.
  11. Hans Zimmer - Broken Arrow Theme - Slaughter - Prelude - Steve Vai - Sisters - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogeUP6kUao4 She - Memories - Vince Dicola - War -
  12. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who downloaded and listened to the album. Its been a great success! Be sure to spread the word about the album if you enjoyed it!
  13. This is a pretty cool track, the arrangement is pretty damn awesome. Some sweet soloing, some good personalisation and melding of the sources, and I felt it all clicked instrumentally. However, I do have some nitpicks. This track is REALLY busy, to the extent that there is alot of details that get lost in the mix, and overall it makes this feel really overblown. I'm not so sure mixing is the issue, it could have been general overcompression, but the mixing could have been improved to give everything a little bit more clarity I feel. Like OA, I also noticed the guitar imperfections during those speedy guitar solos - as someone who also does this, my advice is don't be afraid to slow down the pace with your guitar playing if its a little too fast for you to play cleanly! It was a reasonable job overall tho, and that organ solo was awesome. Its got a few niggling flaws, but the strength of the arrangement sees this one over the bar. Nice work bro! YES

    Damn i've missed saying that.

  15. Arrangement is awesome, I'm really liking the variation throughout. I didn't look at the cameo tracks, since the source usage added up without them imo. - At first, I thought that the reverb sound would suit the piece, but as soon as it got more uptempo, the reverb only really served to muddy up the soundscape. I find the performance issues slightly troublesome. Its just enough for me to consider this not quite ready. Some sections are performed very well, but I can tell you've had alot more trouble on some sections of the source, I'm on the fence here, but I think this needs a performance clean up before I accept this. Its a nice song, and I hope you resub this one should it not pass the panel! NO (resub)
  16. oh damn. DAYM. This is awesome. This is great great stuff Didn't think chiptune/Orchestral would work out quite as well as it does here, but damn does it deliver the goods in a BIG way. DAYM.
  17. We just got coverage on Destructoid! http://www.destructoid.com/ocr-s-willrock-and-more-chip-out-on-9-bit-blitzkrieg-238111.phtml
  18. I'm glad you enjoyed the album bro! Who knows, there may be a sequel in the works at some point in the future if you (or anyone else) would be interested! Not going to promise anything tho.
  19. Reception of the album has been fantastic so far! Keep the comments coming in!
  20. No Thread, I did it in secret, via Emails, PMs and Facebook Messages. No threads or anything like that. I wanted this to be a surprise for everyone Glad you enjoyed it!
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