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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Personally, the way I vote is that I do a score system and vote for the tracks that get the highest... half of it is arrangement and production, the other is my personal enjoyment out of it. That way, if a mix is lacking in some areas of arrangement and production, but I enjoy it anyway, it'll still do well in comparison with a mix I thought hit the compo criteria perfectly, but I didn't enjoy in the slightest. Its up to people how they vote, but if a track I didn't enjoy hit the top of my list over a bunch I loved to bits, I'd feel I was doing an injustice with my voting. Also, for the record, quite a lot of the time I use more than just the main theme of the tracks in my remixes. Because of that, some people don't hear source usuage I use because they don't dissect the sources enough. For example, the 16th note arps I use in the intro of my remix were all from wilys theme, but people might not hear them as source because in the source, they are only used once or twice as part of a bigger melodic phrase, which was in the background.
  2. The problem with the flute is that its too strong in the mid highs. Bring down the mid high EQ on the flute and bring up the lead to a comfortable level. That should help fix the issue. As for the lack of bass, I'd considering bringing up both the kick and the bass slightly. If the bass lacks bass frequencies then add some to help fill out the low end. Personally I think that messing around a little with the drum quantizing has done quite a bit of good. It still sounds slightly loose but not terribly so anymore. It might be worth going through your instrumentation to move some midi data thats quite far off the beat closer to it (snap turned off mind you) its annoyingly repetitive work but it works well, and if you do this every time you do a performance, it'll become second nature and ultimately your mixes will sound tighter performance wise. Of course, sometimes you won't need to do it but its always a good idea to check if you can't hear the timing issues yourself. One thing i've noticed is that your synth lead has legato portamento added on it. That means if the midi data overlaps, the note pitch bends or "glides" to the next note. Automate the portamento so that its not quite as strong in some sections I suggest, most notably around the 3:20 section. I'm not saying remove it, just bring it down a notch, or even better, use it in some parts and not in others... you'll have a really strong degree of control on your bends if you automate the portamento and ultimately, you'll help bring your leads to life. Hope some of this info helps, but this is pretty strong arrangement wise. Keep at it and mark this as mod review when you're done and i'll swoop in and give it a listen
  3. Still says suspended for me. The staff are aware of the issue - hopefully it will be sorted out soon enough
  4. A bribe suggests that you offered me money or some other form of favour or desirable in order to corrupt my original naming of my re-arrangement of these exquisite pieces of music. You did no such thing, you just kept asking me to do it which is another way of saying badgering, no bribing involved.
  5. It was indeed bach. Prophecy kept badgering me about changing it from Air on a G string to Air in a G string tho... BLAME HIM! HE'S HE CULPRIT! @At mindwanderer - I appreciate your opinion, Treasure Hunter is a fan favorite, alot of people think thats the pinnacle of my work, so I can see why you don't think this is quite as good. That said, I dunno why you're comparing Air in a G String with Treasure Hunter, thats like comparing apples with oranges
  6. Almost Done! Its cutting it close but my track is near completion
  7. I shall call him squishy, and he shall be mine and he shall be my squishy. Come here squishy. Come here little squishy. come-here-lo-i-de-da-ba-da.
  8. Pretty cute stuff here. The production brings this down slightly (that piano is painful to my ears thanks to high frequency overkill) but thats the only major issue in generally a very short, but very sweet remix. I dig it.
  9. But if he's bored that might mean he's finished...
  10. For the record, I would never have subbed the original, it just didn't feel like a finished piece of music
  11. ... Is that actually true? If so... damn you're bored
  12. Hylian Lemon, Flexstyle, Prophetik, Jewbei, Rozovian... Lots of big names this round... Bring it on.
  13. and the only way to win is to tear all the other bastards limb from limb But of course everyone is a winner and all that jazz.
  14. I remember a time when larry voted on EVERY SINGLE MIX. Wat happen?
  15. Is that a challenge? You're ON. No one outsolos me
  16. I shall download tomorrow Put it on bandcamp!
  17. You should not be a judge if you're actually passing mixes thats not what they do
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