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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. This. Congratulation sand all that lark. Also, I now hate you. Emu, screw the judges, join with me, and we shall take over and rule OCRemix, as Boat and Rock, and together NO FORCE SHALL STAND IN OUR WAY!!
  2. Sixto has told me himself that he uses Superior Drummer 2. I bet he uses various drum kit plug ins tho
  3. My Reviews! Gario - Attracted to Power (Magnet Man in Wily Castle 2-1): I really enjoyed this remix. It was a great remix of two famous themes done with creativity and flair, and considering the amount of times I've heard both done, I commend you on a job well done. The way themes were used seemed balanced enough to me. The Production was nice and clean, but there was some issues with a slightly thin soundscape overall, and some rather iffy samples at a few points. However I do understand that many of these samples were intentionally low-fi so I'm happy to give you the benefit of the doubt. There was also some pops at some minor sections... be sure to keep an eye out for stuff like that. As far as this track goes, I found it just on the border of being very enjoyable, thanks to the quirky arrangement style, and the clean if not slightly flawed production. Nice job! AkumajoBelmont - Far From Home (Cold Man in Wily Castle 2-1) Oh man, this is awesome. I'm really digging the feel of this mix, 80's is my fav decade of music as anyone should have figured out by now, so I'm pretty biased in favour of this stuff. The Arrangement I felt while it did the job seemed slightly lazy to me in some ways... using vocals was a great idea and I give you props, but I felt this dragged on doing pretty much the same thing throughout. Considering the structure of this was basically split into two halfs - Cold man and Wily - the samey feel I get throughout probably isn't a good thing. The Production however is a brighter subject! No issues here, I found it perfect for the style. Everything fit together perfectly, the samples were nice and full, the vocal performance was great... Full marks! Enjoyability was pretty high for me as well, thanks to the 80's feel and the lush soundscape, but because it dragged on a little too long for my tastes, I won't be replaying this over and over in my itunes. However, this is still good enough to hit my top 3 so don't think I be hating! Def a keeper and an awesome job man! Mr. L - Glacial Age (Frost Man in Wily Castle 2-1) Woah, this is messed up In a good way don't worry. It sounds like wily and frost man are stuck in an alternate Icy Universe, all alone, with nothing but ice around them. The arrangement is an interesting one. I'll admit that i'm not totally up to speed with frost mans theme, but other than the intro, this sounds like the majority of it is wily. However, the variation on the themes is pretty creative, in someways seems random and improvisational. Very unique arrangement idea for sure that deserves some credit. The production is also interesting. Nothing sounds horrible but nothing sounds drop dead gorgeous either... maybe that was your intention, as it gives this track a very specific feel to it. It feels very minimal overall, again, intentional? This is a bizzare mix and honestly, i'm not sure how to go about critiquing it... its very ambient and the piano needs some EQing to fit in the soundscape better... I feel you could have really gone mad with some crazy effects and had alot of fun with textures... something to try next time maybe? My only other critique for you is that you have quite a few dissonant sections in your track, which didn't quite work out for me. As far as enjoyability goes, this sort of music isn't really my thing so I probably won't be keeping it, sorry! However, credit were credit is due for a unique sounding mix which seems to have been a successful attempt at getting a specific feel. This is mood music and pretty good mood music at that. Well Done Mr. L! Chernabogue - Glitch in the System (Crash Man in Wily Castle 2-1): Cool drum intro man, really digged that percussion, also, lol at the voice samples, I actually thought they were used well here. Pretty funny stuff. The Arrangement was a little iffy, it seemed like there was a slight bias to crash man, not that there is anything wrong with that but I would have liked to see some more wily myself. There wasn't too much variation, things stuck relatively close to the source but there was a neat groove and some cool little sections in here (like the intro and outro) The Production was ok, things were slightly muddy overall, there was minor compression, generic sounding samples, and at the wily section, things got a little thin overall. All small things but they added up. Crash man was handed well overall, but wily... what happened there? at 1:43 onwards the bass just starts to do its own thing, and ends up clashing with wilys theme quite badly... something tells me there is an intentional reason behind this but I just couldn't get into that part of the track. The Outro was ace tho, I wish you'd have carried on there. Overall, not a terrible mix but not the best of the bunch. Well done Chernabogue! Neblix - Light Your Way (Flash Man in Wily Castle 2-1): I have to say, Neblix has been one of the people to really look out for in these compos thanks to his continued development of his style. More Electronic goodness from Neblix, but things start off more mellow in the intro, which was a big plus overall... some pretty neat sequencing going on there. The arrangement wasn't bad at all... the sources are used evenly and there was some cool personalizations on the themes. The structure was awesome... all good stuff. The production had some minor muddiness overall but it packed a punch for sure and all the samples were good. It feels like its slightly unfinished and unpolished to me but its a fair effort on the production side of things. I for one really dig this overall - awesome dynamic range between the different sections and it all fits in well. One of the highlights of the round imo, well done Neblix! Geoffio - Mr. X was Wily the WHOLE TIME (Tomahawk Man in Wily Castle 2-1): I have to say, this mix started out fairly promising. But there is one thing that kills this mix and its the dissonance. Intentional or not, it just didn't do it for me, and really affected my voting for this track overall. The production wasn't terrible, things were a bit muddy, and the samples were a bit iffy (mainly that guitar) but its not terrible. The main issue with this mix for me was the dissonance - fix that and it would have really improved this mix on my ranking of the 12 tracks. Keep at it Geoffio! Phonetic Hero - No Ticket! (Charge Man in Wily Castle 2-1) There is alot to like here! Good energy levels for sure, I dig it. I wasn't too keen on the arrangement... the sources were both used evenly from what I can tell, and there was some cool variations going on, but alot of this seemed to have a dissonant flavour which I wasn't quite digging. The production was ok, but it was slightly overcompressed, as well as muddy. The sound design wasn't low, but the sounds were a little generic I felt. I've heard much worse. However, the energy and overall feel on this won me over - I found myself tapping my foot. Its not without its flaws but its a pretty neat mix overall... Well done! Rexy - The Root of All Things (Plant Man in Wily Castle 2-1): I've been a fan of Rexy's music pretty much since the beginning of my time at OCR, so I've been looking forward to her contributions here! Does she deliver? Yes yes yes! The style is a sort of cool fusion of rock and ethnic, and it works very well. The arrangement itself is pretty creative... I was having some trouble picking out plant man but what I heard was great arrangement wise. Production wasn't bad... I'd heard from some people that there was mixing issues or something, I dunno, it feels like its lacking some bass frequencies that would help ground this thing better and the drums felt a little buried but production didn't seem so bad to me. There was some cool synths throughout that I digged, but I found myself getting slightly put off at times by slight timing issues, which were few, but notable enough for me to hear. As for the track itself... I dig it. Something about it didn't grab me in comparison with one or two other tracks but it got my foot tapping for sure. Rexy, you're awesome and carry on doing what you do because you do it well! Amphibious - Shadows of Wily (Shadow Man in Wily Castle 2-1): Now then! I wasn't expecting something with this much energy but DAYM this delivers in a big way for me. I'm a sucker for good rock music and this is good rock music. The arrangement for me is one of the strongest in the compo so far, I really digged the way that shadow man and wily were fused together in the intro, thats how it should be done kids! Arrangement didn't reach the heights of the intro quite after the fact, but there was some really cool harmonies in the guitars and cool chord changes to keep me interested. I do wish it was a little longer tho! The production came off as slightly, but overall this was pretty good production wise... good samples (that drum kit sounds midish tho! ) awesome guitar tone, and the soundscape was nice and full. Out of all the mixes, this was my fav. I just really digged the arrangement and the feel too much I guess. I have no hesitation to call this my 1st place mix! Awesome work Amphibious, I want moar! Emunator - whatever.jpg (Bubble Man in Wily Castle 2-1): Emunator has been a interesting musician in the sense than he started critiquing music before arranging. Since he started tho, he's put out some really nice piano improvs, and he continues the trend here. As far as the arrangement goes, i'm not hearing much bubble man. I'm hearing alot of wily, and its arranged well considering the structure seems improvised, but bubble man i'm not getting here Production is fine, its solo piano, but the sample is great and its mixed well and sounds gorgeous. Personally, slow improv piano isn't really my thing so this didn't quite get in my top 3 but you get props for your treatment of wily, even if I couldn't hear any bubble man. Nice work Emu! Obtuse - Smooth Heat (Heat Man in Wily Castle 2-1): This one started quick! It ALMOST doesn't have an intro I fear but I can let that slide I guess I really digged the drums here, a really nice rhythm you've got going on. The arrangement was ok... it felt rather conservative, not too much variation but you got both sources in there evenly as far as I can tell. Production was pretty decent... the samples were ok, it sounded clean... not bad stuff at all. The soundscape was thin overall however, and one or two of the sounds seemed a little over processed. The track is alot of fun but I felt ultimately it dragged slightly. Not a bad effort by any means, keep it up Obtuse!
  4. yeah thats fine, I'll wait till you pass go. Hey maybe I can buy a house with the money.
  5. might be a moot point by now, but one thing i've just done was to show people how simplifying the votes properly would have ended up changing everything. Right now, My team (block rockin beats) is 5 points ahead with 64 in the voting tally. So I found the right number to divide 64 by so it would be closest to five, and rounded it up/down (which is 13). If I divide the voting tally by 13 for every track and round to the closest whole number, the points system goes like this: Block Rockmen Beats - 5 Bad Guy Robots From Mega Man - 4 The Beat Busters - 4 The Hard Men - 4 Blue Bomber Brother Hood - 4 The Concrete Men - 3 Cold Steel - 2 Dr. Lights Luminosity legion - 2 The Mega Ballers - 2 The GentleMasters Club - 1 Notice the difference? I sure do. Just a quick observation, go back to your prophecy tallying
  6. This all comes down to a matter of perpective. As far as I can tell rexy, the only reason you don't want this other voting system is because under it, some mixes will do much worse than others whereas with the system right now, it would level the playing field up to the fourth vote. Of course, that sounds great for those who are doing worse and will probably make some others feel better who didn't vote well last time. However the voting system is too simplified for those at the top of the ranking board, which is where the flaw is realised. You see, where it levels out people who didn't do as well, it divides the top 3 by a considerable amount even if they didn't do so much better than say the 4th or 5th placed tracks. Therefore, this new system is giving a very fragmented view of how well these tracks actually placed. And because the system is so fragmented, it has the potential to change the final outcome. Which do people prefer? A safer but fragmented voting system designed to try and keep people getting upset at massively low scores? Or a more in-depth and ultimately more realistic voting system which might upset those if they feel the voting should have gone differently?
  7. Since people are talking about the voting system, I'd like to add that I think this voting system is slightly silly, and this is coming from someone who right now would really benefit from the current system. The reason for this basically what everyone else has stated... if people voted for the wrong group, then it hasn't really made a difference. Not to mention, you've got to count up the votes anyway. Why can't we just count up the amount of votes we've got and just have a separate sheet for each round. Its got to be done anyway, and at the end, just add the votes for each team up. I'm guessing that this system might have something to do with giving other teams who have less experience a chance by tieing everyone 4th place and below but its an unfair system because its not a realistic showing of how the votes went in each round. Its great for the teams that win but its devastating for those that get 4th or below if the top ranks were close to begin with. My team placing 1st to 4th was basically down to a few points and because we got a few more, we are - thanks to this new system - way ahead of those who didn't do as well. I've probably said the same thing as people below me but I feel that goes to show that because many of us are of the same mind, it might be worth reconsidering the way the votes are being tallied.
  8. I think thats a little harsh as well, but interesting you aren't the only one with that opinion i've spoken to. I do think that the first round had a more consistent output (but lets be honest, it was a fucking great round) but this has had some great mixes come out of it as well. Over half of these I plan to keep, which is probably the same as last rounds output considering it was smaller, and these days i'm much more critical of music overall so I'd say its a triumph
  9. You assholes don't make this easy do you? DO YOU??? Must... Choooose... RAWR!!!!
  10. Don't forget to give in your WIP before the due date damned. And the same goes for everyone else!
  11. Your name requires breaking writing laws if its the first word of a sentence. IT MUST BE CAPITALISED. Also Damned... remember that Deadline we set? The december one? PUT IT IN THE TITLE OF THE THREAD LIKE RIGHT NAOW.
  12. The Game Boy 25th Anniversary Remix Album The Idea: April 21st, 2014 is the 25th anniversary of the classic portable gaming system, the Game Boy. But, for a portable that had over 600 games, was the launching point of multiple series that are still around today, and was one of the most successful gaming systems in history, it is woefully under-remixed. That needs to change, and what better reason to do it than a big celebratory remix album? The Plan: There are over 600 games to choose from in the Game Boy library, and that's just the 8-bit games. Each of those games has anywhere from a half dozen to a hundred songs used in them. That's tens of thousands of songs to choose from. But that is far too many to choose from. WillRock and I decided that we have to set some restrictions in order to make this album feasible. Rule 1: Only Game Boy and Game Boy Color games can be chosen. This removes all of the Game Boy Advance titles and cuts the list from over 1500 games to just about 600. Even then, that's still a lot to choose from. Rule 2: Only one remix per game or series. This prevents lots of remixes from more popular series taking up most of the album. This also lets more obscure music from more obscure games get some attention. There is more to life than Mario and Zelda music. Rule 3: Spin-off games are allowed. This exception allows titles that are based upon, but are still different enough from their parent game/series to warrant being counted separate. For example, Wario Land and Mario Land; Wario Land came from the Mario Land games, but stands as its own series. In the event that a remix of a spin-off game or series uses music originally from its parent series, it will be considered for acceptance, depending upon how much or how close it is to the original. With those three rules, it may seem like a lot of choice has been removed, but really, it hasn't. Just look at the tracklist so far. It's a wide variety of games and it's not even the full list yet. The Staff: Project Directors: The Damned and WillRock. Shared duties and authority, this ensures that there should always been someone in charge to deal with any problems that arise. It also helps that WillRock's musical talent covers my complete lack thereof... Remixers: WillRock Protodome TheGuitahHeroe Brandon Strader Moomba Rexy Dusk Drakken Level 99 Halc Sir Nuts pu_freak While they aren't working on a remix right, the following people have asked to help with their own talents. If you need a vocalist or instrument, contact them to arrange something: Orangedragan - vocals The Remixes (in no particular order): 1. Batman - WillRock 2. Alleyway - Protodome 3. Pokemon Pinball - Halc 4. Dragonball Z - Legendary Super Warriors - Brandon Strader 5. Donkey Kong Land - Rexy 6. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - Drakken (WIP!) 7. Pokemon (Main Series) - Dusk (WIP!) 8. Final Fantasy Legend - Moomba (WIP!) 9. Smurfs - TheGuitahHeroe (WIP!) 10. Castlevania - Sir_NutS 11. Mega Man - Lidawg 12. Legend of Zelda - TheGuitahHeroe 13. Solar Strike - Malcos (WIP!) 14. Crystalis - DaMonz 15. Kirby - Pu Freak 16. Metriod - AMT 17. Tetris - Nintendude794 18. Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories - timaeus222 19. Warlock - Argle 20. Duck Tales - Theory Of N 21: Action Man - Sixto Sounds 22: Super Mario Land - G-Mixer 23: Donkey Kong - Chernabogue 24: The Time Table: April 2014 isn't that far away, really. Factor in a few months before that date to allow for distribution and website setup and all that, and we're actually talking more like January 2014. Factor in that all of the art, music and website stuff has to be ready before then, and we're suddenly looking at late 2013. That's almost two years, but it's still a lot of work for that amount of time. That's why we're going to be adhering to strict time limits and deadlines. There will be some flexibility to allow for special circumstances, but mainly, we have to follow the deadlines. If we start going over them, we'll start to run into the time needed for setup and distribution. If that gets used up, we have less time to meet the release date of April 21st, 2014. Want to Help Out? With the large number of member that OCR has, there is a serious talent pool available. Anyone that wants to join needs to be either a skilled remixer, artist or web designer. Submissions aren't mandatory, but would help a lot. Remixers. We need them. Without remixers, who would remix? Not enough remixers means not enough music for the album. Artists. We're going to need album artwork, website art, CD cover, the whole thing. This may require more than one artist, depending upon how much we need. Website designer. This will be the last big part of the project. We'll need someone that can design the site, make it and have it ready for OCR staff to put up for the albums release. Et cetera That's about it. We're aiming for a two year turnaround on this. It won't be easy, but it is doable. Other remix albums have come around in less time without suffering any quality issues. We can totally do this. So, good luck, work hard, and remember to have fun with your work! Don't get too stressed! Get plenty of sleep and eat your vegetables!
  13. I want to get back in here! I SHALL START A TURNTABLE WAR! But first I need an army of tough guys, and I need a bunch of soft guys to make the tough guys look tougher, and I want the ordering to go as thus: Tough, Tough, Soft, Tough, Soft, Tough, Soft, Soft, Tough, Soft. I AM WILLROCK. MY WILL BE DONE!
  14. I do believe you can open your garageband files in logic so thats a fair choice... it has good plug in support but doesn't have VST which might be slightly limiting... not so much so as Reason however, which is self contained (I use Reason). It might be worth a logic guy to comfirm this stuff for sure... Rozo???
  15. Burn The Castle - I've noticed this one has got quite a few 1st place votes and I can see why. Immensely enjoyable stuff, perhaps the track I enjoyed the most out of the whole compo, with the exception of my first vote. However, Production issues brought this one down for me. For the record, this one deserves a special mention, because this track so narrowly missed my vote... broke my heart to do it Double Doctors - Main Finger put together some class remixes last time, and he's carrying on the trend here. Overall a solid piece of work, and for the most part this was awesome stuff. Pretty decent production, and the arrangement was cool, but it has to be said, I thought doubling gemini man's theme was a cool idea that didn't work out so well at the tempo it was... it felt rushed and unnatural. Also, I can't say I liked the use of the sample... it made me think a little too much of some shitty youtube poop videos for my liking. Good mix Dubious Brother - aww man I'm digging wily's theme in here. Another mix that broke my heart not to put it in the top 3 but that goes to show just how solid all these tracks were this round. There was an awesome arrangement going on here, and the production was fine... it has quirks but nothing that detracts from the music. I thought the use of the sample was cool, but it did borderline annoying for me, can't understand why tho... sorry ben, I know you dig that sample! Overall, awesome work. The Knight who says ROCK! - This mix is AWESOME. I love the combination of synths and guitars, and the synth samples are good enough for me to dig. The mixing is ever so slightly off, and the arrangement seems a little standard to me, but the enjoyability factor here is mega. Got my second place vote The Last of the Clan - I thought the intro was pretty funny This mix gets thumbs up for the production skills, and the attention to detail on the different sounds really adds to the character of this mix. Pretty different stuff but its executed very very well. Got my third place vote She's a Squirter - Pretty strong stuff from brandon here, yet another mix I was forced to leave out of the top 3... broke my heart once again. Really cool mix overall here, really creative use of the synths overall, a successful blend of different styles. The production wasn't all there, but that was overshadowed by an epic arrangement. Great job! Totally Rad Winter - 80's! Gotta get my first place vote right? OF COURSE IT DOES. Not to say I voted blindly, the production and arrangement while neither are perfect, are both pretty damn good overall. Looking forward to more! 1st place vote. Two Minds Without A Single Thought - I commend you for taking such a hard to remix source. Its evident that this mix isn't quite as strong as the others, but it gets props for trying something ambitious with an ambitious source Under Construction - No this isn't the mix from sound of speed. DAT BASS. I dig it, don't ask me why, but that bass is epic. The production is a little rough around the edges but overall this is solid stuff. Nice work. And yeah... this has had a very consistant and stupidly tough voting round. Usually the first rounds of these compos, people are just getting into it... well you know what, if this is you guys warming up, I'm fucking excited about later rounds, I mean god DAYM. Excellent stuff all round
  16. There was extensions before iirc Not going to talk for Darke but these compos rules have never been set in stone... gotta remember, these things are for 1: doing awesome mega man remixes and 2: having a fucking good time doing it. I don't see the issue. That said, wait for darke to clarify
  17. Just wait for Darke to clarify at this point I guess
  18. Happy Birthday You might be the youngest OCRemixer on OCR right naow... BUT MOTHER NATURE HAS OTHER IDEAS MWAHAHAHAHA.
  19. thought i'd write an album review of this piece of 9-bit bloop-step - Awesome Work halc. Also, love the synth solo in be more chill, ballin stuff
  20. OA showed me this mix - seems like eons ago now - when it hit the panel, because he thought i'd really dig it, and dig it I fucking do - pretty awesome glammy stuff. I really don't think this is mix of the year tho, I think you guys are over reacting there. Each to his own tho. My only critique on this is that the production sounds too rough for glam... it lacks the production cleanness and is more rough sounding than much of the style. Maybe thats what they were going for however. I do think the synths are biggest weak point, they sound too vanilla. Yeah it sounds like i'm hating on this mix, and believe me i'm not, but as good as it is, it could be better, and i'm sure with time, these guys WILL get better and kick some 80's ass. Hope they continue to submit
  21. halc shall be representing the Block Rockman Beats!
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