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Posts posted by WillRock

  1. I hate to be the downer here, but why are people going on about this? I keep seeing this everywhere. I mean... its cool don't get me wrong, but when something gets this sort of attention I expect it to be utterly STUPENDOUSLY good considering how much amazing stuff doesn't get the same light of day in comparison. 

  2. blahblah transients blahblah loudness blahblah. minimalist blahblah


    You wanna make things loud? From my perspective, mastering is a big part of it, but you want to make your music sound as loud as possible in the mixing stage before hand. You can achieve that through compressors to reduce the dynamics without affecting the actual volume, creating a more consistant and louder mix. Then you can get a louder master. Also, sometimes I experiment with stereo imaging to widen the stereo field and keep boosting the volume. Widening the stereo field can bring out quieter instruments creating a bigger and louder sound. Its all about perception. Sorry if any of this is obvious or already been covered :P

  3. Yeah, I'm not sure what you're going on about, Will; this is relatively expected in terms of jazz fusion. There's a lot more "out" stuff than this.

    Whats "expected" in a certain style wasn't the point. Try asking someone who doesn't listen to jazz fusion or other experimental genres - which is a lot of people. A lot of musicians find it too much as well, which is why I asked. Based on the responses here, you all find it quite acceptable but a lot of people I asked personally (including some people from OCR) found it to out there to be enjoyable. Not that they all did, but it was roughly half the people I asked. I was curious on other peoples opinions here so rather than ask in person, I made a thread. Getting a much more one sided answer here, which is interesting :)

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