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Everything posted by Demonstray

  1. Update should be up in about six hours; my CPU usage is way up right now so I gotta close Firefox and stuff before I attempt to listen back to the song in Cubase to fix production.
  2. Yeah if someone tells me to revise my track I'll do it. If it's going on the album, I will NOT have my original track going on it. lol.
  3. Yeah as soon as I finish my first MMX2 Opening Stage WiP, I'm claiming a few other songs because I'm pretty confident I can tackle some more.
  4. First game's battle theme for me
  5. Someone say my na-- Oh thanks Bahamut! Yeah, what he said.
  6. Sorry dude, I couldn't make it; I had a couple friends coming with me to the show, but one of them bailed because she honestly felt like staying at home, and the other one (said he'd give me a ride) forgot to save up a bit of money for it.

    But I've been making plans with the same friends for the next Powerglove show...the one with Sonata Arctica. I will definitely be there for that one.

    Sorry again for not showing up. Hopefully see you April 16th? :)

  7. As soon as I read that, I had this overwhelming urge to get everyone on my Friends list to spam you with requests, but then I realized that would just be silly. Urge-away.
  8. Now, having as broad a preference of musical genres as I do, I checked this out. I really like it. A lot. Drums could stand out a bit more, but I'm not one of those totally badass remixers whose words you should trust. Where the hell are they? They should be checking this out! CALLING ALL DARKESWORD AND DJPRETZEL AND STUFF.
  9. Oh yeah I forgot about that. Yeah, it's KNGI.
  10. I'm seriously so pumped for this. Busting out the Forte Falsetto and a ton of reverb.
  11. Welcome DarKsidE555! I'm familiar with your Newgrounds and ReverbNation work!
  12. I also still play my PS2 very, very often. Even more often than my Gamecube. And that's pretty often.
  13. I don't know all the tracks, but the metal ones are pretty easy lol.
  14. @prophet: Is it bad that I know exactly who did the metal/rock ones? Answer: Not particularly ^__^
  15. Oh hahaha I would probably suck at that LAN, I'm a terrible online player. XD

    I go to metal concerts quite often, not really anything else except the occasional trance gig with my friends. (Quite a leap of genres, I know lol) I'm also striving for the demand of chiptune concerts in Canada. I've never heard of a chiptune show in Canada so far. Moar!

  16. WiP coming between 1 and 3 hours. Expect something that's still a little short, but way longer than last time, and way better-sounding. Hopefully it's satisfactory EDIT: Sent PM to pu_freak. ^__^
  17. Yeah I was a bit worried about the fate of my entry for a while but it wouldn't have been a big deal if I missed the deadline. Had a few things to panic about, but now I see my entry is feeling great so far, so I'm not worried at all.
  18. I most definitely will! I could have it done by Saturday, or I could rush it and probably get it done by Thursday, maybe even earlier. Any preference, or does the offer stand for as long as it takes?
  19. DAMMIT. I totally mistook the deadline for a different contest. Eh, it's all good. These are some wicked remixes, great job everybody!
  20. You'd better believe I'm cooking something up for this, and if the whole thing turns out the way that it's been coming along so far, then...well then that's good.
  21. Awesome! Thanks dude! Well yeah. It's not a song. In the video description I say that I'm on a write-as-you-go sort of plan with what I hope to turn into an album, and this song isn't anywhere near finished, I literally tossed up the time signatures, tempos and keyboards/drums/bass together minutes before recording the video with the guitar. I could, uh, toss up the rest of the song in about a week if you'd like, and bump the thread when it's done?
  22. Oh wow! Hello fellow Albertan! :D

    Fragapalooza...I've heard that name before, but I'm not familiar with it entirely.

  23. I guess I might as well leave this here. (EDIT: I had to replace the Hyperlink because for some reason this exact link led to an entirely different video. :\ )I'm having strong doubts that ANYONE on OCRemix is interested in the specific type of music that I am tossing unto the world. But it never hurts to throw it out there. Anybody like? Any strong dislikes for a particular part of the sound? Opinions: Yours matter.
  24. Yeah, no, I've been listening to Hellion Sounds for years and there's no denying that there's only occasionally real guitar in there. And when it's real, boy is it good. Prime example.
  25. Oh pshhhhh I thought this was "lame", Snapple!
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