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Everything posted by Demonstray

  1. Downloaded and listened thoroughly Demonstray is pleased.
  2. Oh I thought this was a metal thread, not a metalcore thread. As I was evidently wrong, I'll let myself out.
  3. Oh my god I can't stop listening http://chimpspanner.com/index.htm Somebody help me please
  4. Huhuhuhuhu daddy likes gettin' chilly.
  5. Whoa, congratulations! And for sure, I'll get started right away
  6. I, uh, want can has Title Theme. Is this doable? 'Cause I have ideas swimming in my head about this and could probably have a full-length WiP in the next two weeks.
  7. I like you Emperor Charlemagne. I liked you in Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem too. I did my best to save you, can you ever forgive me?
  8. Dibs Magma man plox? EDIT: Someone please do a prog-rock/metal Junkman!! I'm begging you. I just saw the suggestion DarkeSword made about putting all the phenomenal remixes and putting them on a remix album. I think this is a great idea
  9. What Swann said. I have little more than average piano skill, but with some practice alongside the material I can usually put together something solid...or soquid
  10. I actually can't see how someone can talk about Dethklok seriously here. They are taking themselves probably way LESS seriously nowadays as you can plainly hear by the overuse of double kick (which gets really, really annoying quite fast, I had to listen to a lot of prog rock to remember why I like music). At least on the first Dethalbum they had interesting drum beats/fills and some interesting melodies and riffs. In this one, it's like Brendon took what everyone loved about the first Dethalbum and changed it ever so slightly (recycling old stuff) but by then I was already bored with it. The joke actually fits with the show, so the music should stay there. Anyway, fuck that, Edge of Sanity. Crimson (38 minutes) & Crimson II (41 minutes) bitches. Exciting the whole way through.
  11. I'll Demon-strate after DoD. Remind me kthx.
  12. I need to...Learn to remix right. Also, master the sweep arpeggio; I've only got half of it down
  13. Legendary!!

    I feel like remastering my Wizards & Warriors series medley now!

  14. So wait...donating would be recognized as a gift...but you're shipping albums, so...purchase of goods?! WHAT DO
  15. This is a worthy cause. I would donate to this. In love dollars.
  16. Haha I've never heard of a game called Demonstray...but I'll check it out! Thanks! :D

    People around TheShizz joke around calling me Nanostray after the game on DS, haha.

  17. Yeah and drummers are really hard to find sometimes That's why Toontrack and XLN Audio do what they do.
  18. Luke, he said this is primarily a solo project he's doing. lol
  19. Sorry I couldn't enter; I was out all day assembling my costume 'cause I couldn't find anything earlier. EDIT EDIT: Wow that's awful, I'm so sorry. XD
  20. Oh I forgot there was a TheShizz thread on it too Wicked, I'll toss this shit up like a metaroni salad!
  21. So uh, does it HAVE to be scary? Like, does it legitimately have to SOUND scary? Or can I do my metal thang? :3
  22. I--I can't believe this. I'm forcing myself to believe it, but trying to believe it makes me almost succumb to a nervous breakdown. I can't--DAVID WISE + GRANT KIRKHOPE + ROBIN BEANLAND?! Three of my top favorite composers of all time, on a REMIX ALBUM!! I...I need to lay down now...Yeah, I'm gonna go lay down now.
  23. Okay, then it's a good thing I didn't start working on my part yet
  24. I'd love to be a part of this! I have some other projects on the go but I could most likely pull this off quite easily. I'll be able to offer some rock/metal. Some FRAPS footage of the game would be great to give us an idea of what kind of feel to go for in the music...or at least, me. I've subscribed to this thread so that I can start ASAP.
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