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Everything posted by Demonstray

  1. Yeah Luke, don't let us down!
  2. The secret is: This project is just a Christmas present for the Demonstray.
  3. I believe a bump is in order for my less-than-satisfactory WiP that I'm currently striving to make at least 20 times longer, but it's a WiP nonetheless. Check the WiP forums meow :3 SHPLADOW!!!
  4. Alright so I've been a bit behind but due to free time for a while, I should be able to come up with a shiny new Eternal Darkness WiP today or tomorrow because I've ditched the old software, drums and rig for a far better one. I've come up with an intro recently that I think you'll all enjoy, so as soon as I get the new WiP up I'll bump my thread.
  5. ALRIGHT, so I've been pretty behind on my serious-song-makings, but I've got some free time now. So depending on the way my day goes today (after I wake up of course) I should either have a delicious WiP by the end of today/tomorrow, or a satisfactory, less flavorful WiP by the end of today/tomorrow. I'll be working on both this and my Boss Themes WiP, but I'm determined to get this WiP done ASAP.
  6. Excellent! Welcome, Mokram! Furthermore, I am still working on that WiP; it is VERY hard to figure out the timing in a way I can program in Cubase. Bear with me, I'll have it as soon as I can make it. (Which will be pretty quick if I have any choice in the matter)
  7. Shitshitshit I missed it! Ahh well, happy belated birthday OA!
  8. Epitaph, you have NO idea the amount of shit you just started between us. IT HAAAAS BEGUUUUUN.
  9. Yeah I guess if it's allowed, I'd like my newer version to be used instead...I mean, it's a lot less quiet at least. EDIT: Linking again just in case http://tindeck.com/listen/yryh
  10. All I have to say is... HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, etc. Also, I never played FF7 either.
  11. KEEP PLAYIN' KEEP PLAYIN' Soon there's metal comin' outta every orifice! It's AWEsome!
  12. Not that it matters, but I remastered (re-mixed it and re-recorded one small, small section) my track and you can hear the new version (which is much louder ) at http://tindeck.com/listen/yryh .
  13. Well my MP3 is 7.9 mb's, therefore too large to upload at ThaSauce...here's the Tindeck link, I'm sorry if it's quiet or something; I'm not very good with limiters and compression, etc. http://tindeck.com/listen/nspn Wild ARMs 2 - A Journey into the ARMs of the Wild Sloppy, all-over-the-place metal remix of "A Journey" and "Lord Blazer Battle" from Wild ARMs 2. Some of the synth was live, some wasn't, and I gotta say I'm a lot more pleased with the production than with the playing. I'm not a very good guitarist/keyboardist, see. Anyway, hope you enjoy, especially whoever requested it. But I'm sure you were hoping for better lol.
  14. Now the kids listen to the rap music...
  15. Thanks man, I should have a WiP within the next week or so
  16. I'mma start working on a Neutral Area WiP as soon as I can re-establish my BadAss project WiP. Expect it soon, but not too soon; I like to be lazy. ^__^
  17. This is rad! Keep it up, I wanna see the full version on the OCR front page STAT.
  18. Yo you're rockin' the Claw pretty hard! Keep that up!
  19. This is gonna take me a while, 'cause all of my recording software (all 4 programs) don't detect any form of input anymore. My ASIO4ALL driver works fine in FL Studio, but I don't use that to record, so it's useless to me. The ASIO4ALL driver is the problem in the other software (it shows all of the inputs, but doesn't show the active/inactive buttons so I can't turn them on). I need to investigate this further, because I've been SPAZZING for a week and a half now.
  20. And my Sonic & Knuckles challenge. Oh well, I'll just make it myself during my spare time.
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