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Everything posted by Demonstray

  1. LOL MUSICALLYINSPIRED & NORRIN RADD?! Seriously?! I forgot about Christian Pacaud, too. So yeah there are like 5 Canadian metal remixers on here (probably more, but I didn't click them all to see who were remixers). thx4link. EDIT: musicalman = montreal!
  2. It's not. Vegeroth and myself are Canadian, and we're metal remixers, but I don't know of any other Canadians 'round hurr.
  3. I fit in the stereotype of all Canadian remixers being metal ones.
  4. Accepted. This ought to be a nice change from my usual crap
  5. Hmm. Thought that PM said Hitori and I would get our challenges yesterday. As in, the day BEFORE the deadline for confirmation.
  6. Edirol HQ Orchestral VST +Symphony soundfont All-Around Violin soundfont Hope I've helped.
  7. I always thought a metal remix of that would be totally awesome. With all clean vocals, and maybe subtleties of screams in there. Of course, I'd better finish my OWN track before I start fantasizing about sweet ideas.
  8. Everyone had better finish theirs this time. I don't want any awesome tracks to go unreleased.
  9. Pray to Oji that you don't get a lump of coal. I've already prayed.
  10. Aw damn, I totally forgot to track down the mp3 before I sent in my request. Well I hope the YouTube link is good enough.
  11. Mega Man Legends. I can't stop playing it because I get really nostalgic of how it was when I was younger. What with the Easy Mode...and now I have to beat HARD Mode to unlock Easy Mode? BULLshit!
  12. OH NO! IT'S WILLROCK. Don't let him in, he's gonna show me up! ...jk ilu
  13. Wait, isn't that competition done? Are the tracks from older FBR Challenges available? I really wanna hear SnappleMan's take on Live And Learn.
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