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Everything posted by DusK

  1. The fuck am I doing. 1. Green Hill Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog) 2. Tropical Resort (Sonic Colors) 3. Lava Reef Zone (Sonic 3) 4. Labyrinth Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog) 5. Flying Battery Zone (Sonic & Knuckles)
  2. TITANFALL HOLY CRAP I WANT THIS SO BAD Also, Super Smash Bros 4 and Mario Kart 8.
  3. I keep all my recordings on "resample" and it doesn't do what Dolan's describing, so I don't think that's it.
  4. I remember back in the day when Stevo was telling me this track had unanimous NOs. Extremely happy to see this track hit the front page.
  5. If Be Aggressive! doesn't get you pumped, nothing will.
  6. Just a heads up: Something came up and I've had to go out of town for a few days. I'll be back on the night of the 22nd. If you've sent something in, I'll get back to you then. If you haven't sent something in, hey, free extension!
  7. Oh snap, I didn't even know DJP was pregnant! Grats, dude.
  8. This is crucial. This is why I always show all my WIPs to my fiance, who knows absolutely nothing about music production or composition whatsoever. She'll say things, what she likes, what she doesn't, and even though she may not exactly know what's actually going on, I can still use it to make my track better. Even critique from less experienced musicians can be taken into account when making your tracks better. For example, a rather noobish producer recently did a lengthy critique on one of my tracks, "A World in Motion", and although he was incorrect about a few things, I was still able to use what he said to make my music better; such as when he said that one of my rhythm guitars was playing a "wrong note" at a certain time, I was able to evaluate what I was doing (each guitar was actually playing something different at that time, they weren't actually supposed to be playing the same thing) and pinpoint exactly why he would think what he was thinking (my execution on that specific production technique wasn't as good as I thought I was). Another critical piece of advice, though; know when "criticism", and I hesitate to call it that when referring to certain statements, is utterly useless. You'll know it when you see it.
  9. Pretty much everything first-party; Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, and Pokemon X/Y are standouts for me.
  10. I'm in agreement as well. I've been a part of so many forum communities over the past decade that I wouldn't even bother trying to count them at this point. This place really is better than all of them.
  11. Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAKE! Happy birthday. :3
  12. I ran out of time, unfortunately. Wedding stuff, and fiance decided to spring Christmas decorating on me. Enjoy this victory while it lasts, Chernabogue!
  13. Quick note, because I was watching (and wasn't invited to partake, meanies ): In regards to Brandon's response on metal on OCR "needing work", I feel like the issue is that, if a remix were submitted with well-executed/well-mixed scream vocal work, it would still negatively impact the judging negatively due to the highly subjective acquired taste necessary to appreciate scream vocal work, and the absence of that acquired taste within the judges panel. Scream vox are going to be off-putting to people who don't like metal, even if they're done well, and I agree with Brandon that it really shouldn't be the case on OCR.
  14. These sources do not play well together at all. Your randomizer has a sick sense of humor, Brandon.
  15. If next week's anything like this week, I should be able to hang out for the SMD party.
  16. I didn't feel like FFX was too complicated at all. I actually recommended it because I felt it's way less complex than just about any other FF game I've played. Though to be fair, I've only played IV, VI, VII, VIII, and XI.
  17. I'd definitely recommend Final Fantasy X to any first-timer to the series.
  18. What even is Gogo's Theme? I have to put this... circus music and Auron's Theme together? This is gonna be tricky.
  19. Alright, you got it. Gimme somethin' by December 19th. Also, a quick note on that: If any of you guys claim a track and your initial WIP deadline would fall anywhere between December 4th and December 18th, your deadline is going to be December 19th, because reasons.
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