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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. No stream, just a comment: could folks also provide a brief description of their streams? Info like what genres are played, when and how often streams usually occur, and any specific format/niche (commentary/comedy, high score, speedrun, glitches/tricks, etc) would be convenient to have. I mean, I'm interested in this, and I think this is a very neat thread idea, but having a little more to go on would greatly help in figuring out what I might want to check out and tune in for.
  2. Cool, I'll check it out. Certainly liking this album enough to listen to more of his stuff.
  3. . Electro/French house. With chiptunes.[note: NSFW image] Liking the album lots. Other tracks are various combinations of dubstep, electro, glitch hop, and dnb (and more). The next track, , is particularly neat in its genre-melding, I think. So fun. Here's How and Distance especially... I think they even outdid Asturias' original .
  4. How so? Alternately: worth it for the first 3/4?
  5. Another positive experience, here. I eventually decided to build my rig myself, but back when I thought I was going to order from Brad, he was exceedingly helpful, spending a half hour or so on the phone then answering additional questions via e-mail and giving a couple potential builds with various options, noting price and performance differences. Knew his stuff (obviously) and was a very cool dude and easy to hash stuff out with. For various health/work/misc reasons on my end, I ended up putting things on hold for months and then cancelling the order, but I felt assured when I was preparing to order from Brad that I was going to get a solid, reliable rig. [And I paid him half his base fee because I thought it would have been a dick move to go halfway through the process and not give him anything for it.] I know that doesn't hold weight the same way as other experiences do - from people who sealed the deal and are happy owners of prophetik computers - but I thought it couldn't hurt to add it and I wanted to give a public recommendation/thanks-of-sorts.
  6. New GitS, eh? Sweet. The last two episodes of Hellsing Ultimate need to hurry up and get dubbed. A friend pointed me toward this. I haven't gotten to it, but it sounds interesting. How did you guys like it?
  7. It is awesome, but it was original music before it was game music. Bandcamp album link: Chipzel - Phonetic Symphony. So an arrangement of it wouldn't make it on ocr. Not that this should necessarily discourage someone from tackling it, of course; it's just worth noting. But! Both and were released specifically for Hexagon or Super Hexagon. And they're still very Chipzel, so they're still very good.By the way: anyone who likes difficult, twitch-reaction games (or chiptunes) should check out Super Hexagon. It's only $3, and it's worth several times that in dodging fun and challenge.
  8. This game is awesome. Or at least it is if you like action-puzzle games, arcade difficulty, chiptunes, and epileptic seizures. For only $3. Above link has a gameplay video - which melds sections from several difficulty levels - and a link to the steam page. You can also play the original Hexagon as much as you want here. And you can buy Super Hexagon for iPhone: see blog. Hexagonest difficulty is kicking my ass. Somebody best 37s and get me re-energized. edit: aaaa.
  9. Time to figure out who the fuck Marley Quinn is. Because goddamn. This reminded me that I'm an aeon behind in your music. Checked out four.Songs too and dug it, and that lego film was a blast to watch, so very neat that you composed some for that.
  10. Either would help, and both would be good, but one requires a change to submission standards whereas the other can be done at any time and comparatively smoothly. So I'd prefer to focus on going hd, per the topic, as it's a much easier change (ostensibly, at least). And higher-quality downloads/torrents is a separate issue. I don't have a stance on it; I'd simply prefer to limit the number of crusades in this thread to one.
  11. I didn't mean all at once! Very cool.
  12. quintin: that's one of the ways we tested, the other being uploading at varying video qualities and downloading the mp4 on the video manager page. The bitrates were the same for both tests. That is, for example, if playback is set at 360p, the audio is the same regardless of whether the video was uploaded at 360p, at 480p, or at any of the hd values. True, but at that point it'd be the listener's call whether to bother with hd. No harm in giving the option. Although yeah, it'd make for longer uploads. This reminded me that ocr does embed youtubes on the mix pages. I have no idea how much those are used (although the youtube owners could check the stats on a few videos to get an idea), so I don't know how much of a concern that would be. Or maybe there's a way to restrict fidelity options for embeds. I'd also forgotten that LT asked for wavs in addition to higher-qual mp3s. Probably way more trouble than it's worth to redo existing youtubes, though. You could, but what a headache. In case I was unclear, I just meant going hd for future uploads.
  13. . Disco house. So fucking good.I need more songs like this. Many more.
  14. Which is what I always do. In fact, I don't subscribe to ocr's youtube because it clutters my feed to no benefit, but the youtubes make for an easy way to share the mixes with other people. Which is the entire point of having music on youtube. Not sure why you're being antagonistic.
  15. There's an appreciable difference in playback audio quality, especially if your starting audio is already lossy. You'd have to rework the video template to have a width of 1280 (or a height of 1152), but it seems to me like that wouldn't be much trouble. Especially when weighed against what you'd gain. Here are the numbers, which a couple friends and I pulled back in late Aug. All are in kbps for lc aac. -hd: 192 -480p: 130ish (vbr) -360p: 96 Audio quality for hd playback is the same for 720p, 1080p, and original. 240p is surely worse, but I don't have data for it and it's moot since you guys upload in at least 360p. [fyi/factoid: youtube raised their re-encoding quality in early July: hd used to give 150ish (vbr); I don't know how the other values were changed.] The audio at 360p will have noticeable artifacts. It's probably fine for most tracks for most people, at least for casual listening, but it isn't hard to notice cymbals that sound like garbage, for instance, if you're paying attention. Not an huge deal with every ocr mix, sure, but even your run of the mill "e" glowsticks are going to sound a little different, if nothing else. And that's assuming you're starting with lossless, which doesn't seem to be the case. Starting with v1 lame mp3 isn't so bad, but the end result is still going to sound a lot worse than 96 aac, which isn't great to begin with, and 192 mp3 will be even worse because that's already pushing transparency (and that's to say nothing of earlier stuff in lower quality, since there isn't anything to be done about that). I'm fairly certain this is the reason why ocr youtubes generally sound off to me, even with my shitty setup and my average-at-best hearing. I highly recommend requesting lossless versions of future submissions for youtube uploads (even if you aren't going to release them for download/torrent), but, in lieu of that, lossy ones will often need the hd treatment (or at least the 480p treatment) in order to sound decent. And, again, going hd is a comparatively quick fix that will benefit every future upload, regardless of starting audio quality. I bet you guys have more pressing issues, but it's low-hanging fruit. And I'd be happy to help however I can.
  16. I would have left out "chunky".
  17. Hey Gollgagh (and other electro-house/prog house people): Nhato track on the C82 Diverse System. It's hot. That and the maozon are my favorites. Album thoughts in the description. Cool. Going to check out the album.
  18. Thanks for the scoop. Bought.
  19. I'm thinking of building, or asking to have built, a computer designed for longevity and bang for the buck. Something like the $1000 gaming PC in the system value builds on Tom's Hardware, just as a rough example. Would there be any reason to wait a few months? Perhaps for any specific, really good components to come down in price or for some other reason I'm not seeing. I'm out of touch, and I've never built a PC (all I've done is some basic research, although that a couple years ago), so I figured that this would be the best starter question.
  20. I hate it when you're right. At least the Haruhi movie was decent. Although I could have done without the entirely self-centered, melodramatic decision-making scene. Puke.
  21. How can someone/something be a definitive example of a genre that has no definition? I liked some of Orbital's stuff, which is IDMish. Brown Album was dece. That's about all I know on the subject.
  22. Oh. Then nevermind.
  23. Watched that a while ago based on it being mentioned in this thread. Enjoyed the first third/half of it. Nothing particularly wrong with the politicking I suppose but it wasn't my thing, and the ending was begging for an ending. Manga was probably fine, but the selection used for the anime was odd. Still, good ass-kicking and adventuring for all of the first portion and for parts of the remainder. I brim with anticipation. I've heard about Endless Eight, but I figure I can skip it if I don't like it. Or take a nap. And there might be other issues with the second season but it's all quite irrelevant to me as I'd tune in to just about anything for that voice acting of Michelle Ruff. "Your loss." hnnggghhhhhh
  24. That settles it. My permanent method of taking recs from this thread is going with whatever you guys dislike. ...I should get around to watching the second season of Haruhi now that I've finally tracked down a copy of the dub.
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