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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. Yeah, this whole album sucks ass. Fixed for no particular reason. Question time! Can someone (AeroZ?) please provide a breakdown of sources used in Tellah's Prophecy? I've heard five for certain (listed below in secret writing!!!), but I know I've missed some and I absolutely, positively, need to know what other source tunes were used. I know OA is sick of my fanboyish enthusiasm by now, so can someone else help me here? holy crap he wasn't lying: main theme, fight 1, within the giant, cry in sorrow, long way to go Also, can I draw out others' ARness in determining what other sources were used in various tracks? Here's what I've found unlisted thus far: 102: The Prelude 105: ...... 106: Into The Dark 302: The Prelude If no one else cares then ok, fine, I'll stfu. But I really enjoy placing every source tune used, so if you're like me in that regard then... let's do this! [if this really pisses people off we can do this in another forum] Finally, track-by-track love is forthcoming. I should have each one sufficiently adored in two week's time (job interference next week, sorry).
  2. Thanks for that, Vogler.
  3. I have a four-day weekend then. I am considering hitting N GA for some hiking/camping, so I could spend part/most of Fri doing this convention thing (whatever that entails, never been) as a pit stop. Put me down like Oasis.
  4. I concur. I started my serious listening with trepidation due to the uncertainty of what might be done with my second-favorite vg track of all time. Once I heard Dao's take, I smiled the biggest smile. And I cried a little. Beautiful. So perfectly articulate; every emotion, every significance is enhanced. 1:10. LD nailed it. Phenomenal. Thank you so much. Edit: The in-game significance of the "four hands" part of the title hit me this afternoon, then the entire title clicked. He surely was smiling. I never thought about it quite that way before... how agonizingly bittersweet and touching.
  5. Hey all, that was a lot of fun. Awesome way to take in the album. Wish I hadn't missed the first half, since I'm twelve tracks in now and the first half appears to kick just as much ass as the second. Also, sorry for being a drunken asshole. Great first irc impression there, yep.
  6. Carpets Co and I agree again! Wholeheartedly! I might like this guy. Yes yes so everyone torrent, listen, and give praise in the album review thread. And continue bumping this one for good measure!
  7. Nah, not impatient, though I am pissed at the cliffhanger at the end. Just how does the bear tear him apart? I really want to know. Cyber bear? Steve Colbert is going to launch a full-scale war at that. Humility forces me to admit my shame in not recognizing the Doom sound clips on first blush. That is absolutely hilarious though that a reputable wildlife station/magazine would stoop so low. Unless there's a sound engineer somewhere laughing his ass off at management.
  8. Which is exactly why I resisted the urge to comment on it. Never know where fallout will land 'round these parts. Huh? Darke, what are you doing with that hammer? Wait, noWAIT AUUUGGGHHHH!!! My Knee!!! I won't be able to walk for months! What the f-wa... no, NO, NOT MY-
  9. Not really. He's just going to move it. Then everyone in comm is going to be like 'wtf who are those guys'. And then the thread dies.
  10. I demand a photoshopped Cecil nwg. Now. I finally, just re-beat the game and am now fully awash in nostalgia. So I shall give a critical listen to this over the next couple/few days. But from the second half that I was able to tune in for at the irc kickoff, I was made very happy. Thanks guys. Remixing my favorite game of all time and doing an awesome job at it makes you all officially kickass in my book. Also, I am so, so incredibly giddy that I have THREE FULL ALBUMS (and then some) to listen to. You guys covered... well... everything, didn't you? I couldn't ask for more. Question: as tracks get posted on ocr, will there be any that are submitted/posted differently than they appear in the album? I ask because this might save bandwidth (at least from my downloading)... if I know a track is the same as on the album then I won't dl it, but if I think it could possibly be different then I'll dl it anyway. If that sounds AR, well, maybe it is, but I've found (subjectively, at least) better ocr versions before.
  11. And I totally mopped the face of the moon with your- Album review thread is for album reviews. Reign in those horses, men.
  12. Zeromus didn't use torrents either.
  13. You'd go for her pot of gold, eh?
  14. Sure, if you like the leprechaun aesthetic.
  15. Kyle's with us - we can do this! PS: so do I nyah nyah!
  16. Which I dled and converted to mp3s starting approximately two seconds after I discovered the existence of spcs. Then I got crazy one day and actually got the ost. Anyway, listening /= playing. I wanted the full nostalgia onslaught. Wait a tic, are you implying I am not completely loony for this game? En garde! How many hours do we have left to +1 in this thread? This needs to get to 750. 700 at LEAST. In other news, this month's featured article in FFWiki is Rosa. This is an omen: just like their front page, this album will be hot. ...ok, back to the grind.
  17. Like Cecil Harvey, anything is paladinable! ...done now. I swore I'd beat the game again (and loop the st a couple times) before listening to the remix album, but I'm just now getting to the cave with the evil wall. And those trap doors are tough in hardtype! Muh...... I might sleep tonight.
  18. Gonna fly this whale to the moon somehow
  19. OCR Adventures was fun and I'd like the man to get paid... even if he didn't design the game engine. To hell with the rules. Nothing. Just a random mental connection.
  20. Surprised this hadn't yet been posted. FYI... http://indiegamechallenge.com/?or=nl Develop a game, pay 100 bucks, give up all rights, and then you have a chance to win. If you're done by 1 Oct. [EDIT: closer inspection makes it indeed seem that you don't have to give up rights to your game, just ownership of the cds or what-have-you that you send them. ...that really throws a wrench in my sarcasm.] ... Someone get FlankingLine to enter.
  21. After reading Archaon's PM to Sauzer, I decided to put on Discovery. Soon I was listening to Superheroes and how they come in the air. Which makes sense.
  22. I'm just going to leave this here...
  23. The 18th is my mom's birthday. It's also the birthday of my ex. Fate was against that. Hard. So, IRC... let's do this on something that doesn't cost money, eh?
  24. Incredibly happy. The chiptuneness grows on you too... such a great medium when done right. And this does it right. I said it before, but solid work guys. But, seriously, what did you do from 1:25-1:30? That sounds like you put bees in a blender... do I need to call PETA?
  25. Happy birthday! Cheers to being one year closer to good ole', simple nonexistence! Couldn't resist a poke. I also first your post as "... with an obnoxious redhead" and thought damn, yeah, been there.
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