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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. Saturday: 5555 (ohwaitamilost?). Actually not bad; surprised me, anyway. Especially since I thought Discovery was just somewhere between good and meh. Yesterday and today: I Love This Radio and Dreaming Of Brass Love. Thanks to (ocrduh), ThaSauce, PRC130, and Rexy (and ToN and DZ).
  2. Thread of awesomeness, I resurrect thee! (please nm the ms paintness...)
  3. Well that's a dozen more right there. I found Spirited and Mononoke on imdb's top 250 and watched (and thoroughly enjoyed) them recently, but the uneducated-on-Japanime me didn't realize they were from the same studio or that there was a studio with such a solid track record (three more on the top 250 plus a bunch more highly-rated films). I have yet to capitalize on this newly acquired knowledge, but I'm pretty sure this thread just made my next couple months. EDIT: I just realized that at least a handful of Studio Ghibli's works are on Veoh. So FYI: you all can watch some/most/all of their films for free. [Aside: I can't get the web player to work, but I can still use their software to download the movies and that's just as good for me.]
  4. AH!Ahahhahahaha!!! That was priceless. Jeez, it has to be a joke because even I get it and I don't know jack about music (at least compared to the folks who post here on music theory). I think he took for granted that, since his youtube title had "Jazz Piano" in it, his listeners would know the songs from one of the most famous jazz albums ever recorded.
  5. This thread just increased my to-watch list of movies by nearly a dozen, prompting imdb-ing and further additions. Even though Disney-ish movies (simple themes, overcoming of adversity, emphasis on morals, heartwarming stories, etc) are my favorite genre, I've somehow largely neglected them for the past few years. So thanks for this! Yes, All Dogs! And since it hasn't been mentioned, if you like that sort of movie then go watch The Brave Little Toaster. That's going way back in time I know, but it has darker bits (that scared the pants off of me as a kid) like have been mentioned in other movies (like All Dogs) plus a nice little adventure/reunion story. And it has Jon Lovitz as the radio! I wasn't impressed by the trailer of that newest Disney flick, but I hope the film proves wrong my initial estimations. Regardless, hooray animation!
  6. Homestar's Mystic Quest. 'nuf said. and.. meow, meow-meow-meow, meow meow-meow, meow, meow, meow... or the Mustin tribute... meow-meow-meow meow, meow-meow-meow-meow-meow... My hysterical laughter on every playing of that track proves my insanity. But yeah I'd like to hear more MQ mixes too.
  7. I attained instant nirvana.
  8. I'm not. The music will have to be so awesome that we all attain instant nirvana by listening to it to justify the closure of this thread.
  9. This is the Story that NeverEnds, yes it goes on and on my friends... I'll watch it.
  10. It was in the smile. Awesome job guys and gals; I thoroughly enjoyed the art. Hope this keeps up (hope the banhammer is merciful). Also, nice Tifas .
  11. Theory #2: it's the blade's self-regeneration device. Swords, even well-made ones, become chipped and dulled after a few uses. This device solves the continual-reuse-of-the-same-sword problem inherent in all final fantasies by detecting cracks/dullness and reallocating metal to the needed areas. Oh, rule of cool, right... nevermind.
  12. In that vein, I was very relieved to learn that Lightening was a gal. Damned androgyny.
  13. I didn't quite hit what I was going for... but here's my go:
  14. It's an anti-gravity device that lessens the weight of otherwise-unwieldy swords. Not everyone has mako, you know. Also, it's not a sword-chuck, so I don't care.
  15. Aerofunkamics and Aboreal Ascent. On repeat, switching between the two periodically. For about an hour now. I did it for the first-page glory.
  16. I am also surprised that no one has given him a cat.
  17. This is always the question. Except ocr is full of dudes so I don't want any of it.
  18. Awesomeness. Saw the pic update while reading and was hoping to beat you to the thread, OA. Shoot. Only problem is now DJSeal will be impossible to control. My reviews are going to be all over the place.
  19. This remix saps my will to live. EDIT: I meant (and mean) that in full seriousness. A complete transformation of one's emotional state upon listening is the highest compliment I can imagine giving a piece of music. This remix does exactly that. Thank you, Mr Craig.
  20. Spider sounds like it has a sweet soundtrack. Also, the first track posted smacks of Robert Smith. Jazz Jackrabbit was also awesome. Good finds in this thread. Ys' soundtrack, however, might be widely unknown to the casual gamer but it surely isn't underrated. Kind of like Vagrant Story's (shameless plug for my remix request). Silver Surfer, indeed. Follins take the underrated crown. In that vein: Sky Shark EDIT: Man, four tracks on that soundtrack and they left off the best one.
  21. You clever dicks... hiding it on the front page...... ...though I only ever look at the latest remixes section, but I believe my crow is ready to come out of the oven so please excuse me...
  22. Double-post b/c two different issues. What happened to the remixer quick-search on the sidebar? I used that a lot. Would you please bring it back?
  23. I gave a suggested pic-fix (and other input) on this about a month ago here. Hope it's of some help.
  24. Cheaters like me go here. (shhhh Abadoss, don't give spoilers, there are only 11 characters!) As you can see, all except Cecil and Cid have capes or some other extraneous, dangling, cape-like appendage attached to their clothing. So ok, I should have said Cecil used to be badass enough. Thus the engineer remains, like always, the badassest. Yes. They should have called it the Insta-Druid . One time, many years ago, I told my parents I wanted a cape as a birthday present. They got this look that was like "who are you?". I never asked again. I still want a cape.
  25. Hey look guys I changed the thread title without lifting a finger! 'itt' must have been drawing too many wretched off-toppers. "Don't look into the death star, or you will die." "Get a silk bag from the graveyard duck to live longer."
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