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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. Recommendation: put that PayPal button (or corresponding link) in the first post. It took me several minutes to find it - I'm so used to seeing it in the sidebar that I didn't realize it was there. Putting it in the first post would, at the very least, make it easy on newbs; it might even draw in a few more bucks. If this has been said before, well, then it's been said again. (tldr beyond first post) Regardless, thanks djp, lt, and everyone else who keeps ocr alive and kicking.
  2. Right. Sorry. Forgot a remixer had responded. It's surprisingly hard to even type with a foot in your mouth, so I'm going to stop now.
  3. To be fair, if I could remix like a vet, I'd have my hands full getting through the list of things I'd want to do. So I don't fault anyone for not taking my input, regardless of how awesome it might be (shameless plug was requisite; I regret nothing). I'm amazed, and very happy, that things like PRC even exist. But half of my post was to say ugh... maybe it was the recording, but I swear I felt my ears bleeding.
  4. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here's the thread. Go bump it. Ugh.
  5. Yeti got the short end of the skier. Actually, the voting was a lot more skewed than I thought it would be. There were some dang good drawings here. Once again, thanks guys.
  6. ^Hey somebody get that clown outta here. Serious rec: Ashane and LuIzA - Cessation of Mammon. Proggish, very awesome. I still can't figure out most of what LuIzA is saying, though! http://dod.redheadedblacksheep.net/past/jun05/04%20Ashane+LuIzA-CT-Mammon-DoD.mp3 EDIT: I guess I broke the thread... that's not from ocr. It's still beechin' though.
  7. No disrespect to Shael, no none indeed. But let's be honest. It's IceCap. And it's Stairway. AND IT'S STAIRWAY. Jimmy Page! ...I mean Henson!
  8. Wait, what? WHAT!?!? How can you people be ignoring the greatest of them all? BCG has even posted and it STILL hasn't been mentioned?!? Well ok, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that's out of modesty. The best guitar-vocal vg remix to ever grace the internet can be found here.
  9. Fair 'nuf. I guess stuff like that affects different folks differently. I almost wanted the time back that I spent watching the third Matrix, but I still love the original. In fact, I've been meaning to watch that one again... and it is movie night......
  10. Reality... what? Dude, don't harsh my mellow! I can honestly say that this has never happened to me. If the original is good I'll keep liking it regardless. I mean, I still like Chrono Trigger. Running away...
  11. Bump (bumpchars). EDIT: bump cuz votes are due tomorrow!
  12. Oh YES. I don't care if they have to retcon a bit. MAKE IT HAPPEN SQU-...WHATEVER! I'd even hold out that, with some clever writing (and perhaps some healthy concessions to commonly accepted time-space theories), the perpetual cycle of Ultimecia's rise to power/creation of SeeD could be ended. Which means there could still be a happy ending. Yay! Right. I should have said at least part of the cast; otherwise, even if it's in the same land with plot tie-ins I think it would feel more like a standalone game than part of a series. Not that that would be bad but, in my opinion, it would defeat the point of a sequel/prequel. Much to the disagreement of others (I assume), I would cite Chrono Cross as an example of this.
  13. This one never should have become buried in my vg remix collection. I am elated that I rediscovered it. The combination of organic and synthetic sounds is astoundingly beautiful and profound. It truly surprised me how appropriately these seemingly polar opposites could meld as they interplayed; also from what I understand, such a melding also fits perfectly with the theme of the game itself. The poignant touch, in my opinion, was made in giving each style its own moment to speak... the sounds intertwine and build, then the organic quiets for the synthetic to profess its secrets, both build and recircle, then the artificial withdraws and allows the natural to give its testament, and finally they rejoin and crescendo only to eventually fade into the distance. This is the story I hear. It is further accented by the panning, which completely envelops me in this strange world, and by the pitch bending of the synth, which sends a chill down my spine every time it is introduced. Now I must listen to the soundtrack from K-Pax. However, I will venture a guess that, even if the idea originated from Mr Shearmur's work, the inspiration evident here came from none other than Mr Getman. Do be proud; this is phenomenal. Thank you for this.
  14. Way too much of that around. As an outstanding coincidence, I just today rediscovered and put on repeat the awesomeness of http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01702/. Unless the tag would be Mazedude's review then it would be wrong. I don't see the helpfulness of tags, but as long as they aren't in-your-face like they are at remix.thasauce then I think most listeners (I can't speak for remixers, of course) would be ok with their addition. I'd still very much like a way to disable them if they do get added.
  15. There could be some interesting backstory explaining a few things, such as the lunar cry or the relationship between GF junction and memory loss (and why such a sacrifice became necessary... likely to have been a war, so what's the story there?), but you'd probably have to backdate that quite a bit. So I agree a prequel would be tough if you plan to include the same cast. However, what would you do with a sequel? Squall and Rinoa will make babies so they can have a dysfunctional family, Laguna will remain one card short of a full deck but this time his shenanigans will be presidential, and Quistis, Selphie, Zell, and Irvine will continue to be caricatures of their developer-ascribed stereotypes (though Quistis will remain hot so that part's ok). Not a lot going on there... Or is the simple answer that Ultimecia or Adel were somehow not fully defeated and go for round two? Was this possibility left open? No, I take all that back. What would make a cool sequel is if the evilness in some sorceresses is actually a dormant gene in all of them and something sets it off in Rinoa and she goes ape-shit over everyone. Rinoa: *flips the hell out* Squall: 'come back Rinoa! I love you!' Rinoa: *lightning to Squall's crotch* Squall: 'baby you hurt so good'
  16. Oh hey I forgot to respond to these. I didn't mind Cait Sith that much; he was just doing his job. But I did want to head-thump the of the cast for taking him back in the party and, for that matter, for letting him tag along in the first place. Ominous fortune reading = bffl in Cloud's party, apparently. Sides, his theme song was swanky. Be-dah-be-doo-be-dah-ba! And FFVI sequel gets a NO.
  17. __________
  18. Cloud used Seph's sword to kick Seph's ass... with the sword still lodged in Cloud's body. And you all want to compare badassness.
  19. What did we decide this thread is about now? I'm still shitting bricks over the threadmergeforumchange. Also, what is this 'dub', and why do I have the sudden urge for a Red Stripe?
  20. Woof. Well ok, I haven't played Crisis Core, but woof at her being anything more than bearable in FF7. The only worse playable character, in my opinion, was Cid. F-ing douche. Shaddup and make me some tea you slave-woman!!!! I don't think the Turks were played up that much in AC, though. They happened to fall on the right side that time, but they were still Rufus' thugs. AD, have you seen Last Order? It's extraneous (if you've paid attention in FF7 you'll have inferred the basic points that are presented), but since you're talking about how Zach died and liking how much of a badass he was then you might enjoy watching it. Aeris was aight but Tifa was better. And yes, they could have switched bodies and Tifa still would have been better.
  21. Right, but Q/A didn't have a recognizable single whereas Freedom Of Choice did. So FoC is the only real contender if a popular single is a requirement; but FoC charted rather highly, so I wouldn't count it either. It's not a bad album but, like The Real Thing, it's not on-topic. Not that I agree with every album that's been posted here, but we should at least try to keep the rails in sight. If anyone's wondering, I'm getting my chart info and such from AMG. It's essential, really.
  22. Anso, don't kill the thread... more: 10,000 Maniacs - Our Time In Eden (single: These Are Days) Cardigans, The - Gran Turismo (single: My Favourite Game) Eels - Daisies Of The Galaxy (single [well-known via Shrek, anyway]: Mr. E's Beautiful Blues) Jane's Addiction - Nothing's Shocking (single: Jane Says) Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The - Pay Attention (single: So Sad To Say) EDIT: I have to un-agree with Luke now that I realize that The Real Thing reached 11 in the billboards... not exactly 'lost'.
  23. I second Luke. Also... Aquabats, The - The Fury Of The Aquabats (single: Super Rad) Days Of The New - Days Of The New (2; Green) (single: Enemy) Local H - Here Comes The Zoo (single: Half Life) Monster Magnet - Powertrip (single: Space Lord) Smiths, The - Meat Is Murder (single: How Soon Is Now?) Stereo MC's - Connected (single: Connected)
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