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Everything posted by K.B.
Seconded. Though I respectfully disagree on the choice of songs. The ending theme is good, but it's not as recognizable as others. To me, Theme (Sealed) absolutely, positively, must be remixed. Listen to it here: Terranigma - Sealed If that doesn't tug your heart strings, then you are made of stone. As happened to her in the game... Other neglected tracks: Underworld, Overworld, Title (Magic Rocks)... tracks 4, 11, and 25 on the rsn, respectively. SPC here (I like zophar's track titles better than snesmusic's in this case).
This site needs Post-Hardcore/punk (with vocals)
K.B. replied to The Vagrance's topic in ReMix Requests
What, no Bad Religion? Well at least there was Fugazi... Oh, he said post hardcore... the /punk in the thread title was misleading. And I was all set to offer lyric-writing for a punk song You might want to clarify the post title. What you have there is strictly post-hardcore, as far as I can tell. No post-punk and definitely no punk, the latter of which is what I originally thought you meant by /punk. -
Hey! Screenshots were added! Awesome work OA and company. Wish I could have helped, but that turned out awesome so you didn't need me after all! And yes, bated breath for the release.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Every section and every transition is incredible. What's truly amazing to me is how the ICO feeling is kept throughout the remix, since the raw energy makes this the veritable antithesis of the somber source tune. The more I listen, the more I find Castle In The Mist... nearly every layer seems to be working with a piece of the original, just drastically altering it to work within the mix. Wildly creative. Gets me pumped every time. I wish the explosion at 2:56 (and following section) were made a couple decibels higher; more oomph would have capitalized on the transition. Everything else, of course, is fantastic.
Just make sure she doesn't. EDIT: And the thread title got the nighthook.
Wannabe superhero for life or one-time bad date, it's your choice I spose. But man, I wasn't talking tubgirl there... there is a line yaknow. Heck, hit up a nerd girl. They exist! See: here. And no, I was google-pic-ing super troopers snozzberries (for battle of the pics). Consensual, of course. Atomicfog... yeesh.
This is what happens if you don't get laid. High-schoolers, pay attention: hit that shit, any shit, now.
The extended buildup and the following explosion make the song. Chills at 1:15. Every time. The rest is gravy. In the parallel universe where I am not colorblind, this remix plays in my mind every time I, in training, fire up my Talon. The pre-combat tension, along with the hectic, blood-pumping, ephemeral nature of the dogfight itself, is captured perfectly, to my ears at least. Sure, I wish the Corneria portion was longer, but what you did here Wingless fits perfectly with how I would envision aerial combat. Then the comparative serenity and reflectiveness in the aftermath... yes. If only you could make a cut-and-dry distinction between good and evil forces and fight on the side of good. But nevermind the impossibility; this piece takes me there.
I am of this same mindset, but we have to respect the wishes of the site's owner and operators. This also allows for VGMix to retain one of its niches. VGMix has classifications and rankings, so if you're intimidated by the hundreds of remixes then you can start there and then ease into OCR. That's what I did anyway. And that's also why I like both sites for what they are.
Barring any dateline shenanigans or a total apocalypse, only today and tomorrow left in December! so... GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO with the reviews!
OCR01104 - Final Fantasy VII "Nanaki Searches for Truth"
K.B. replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Whenever I hear the intro to this remix, I expect an episode of Star Trek TNG to begin. I also have the problem of imagining Red XIII awkwardly hopping about on two feet in a sailor uniform, except with the reflective nature of this remix he's now slow-dancing. HoboKa might have been listening to Stone Eyes. The source tune to this remix, however, is clearly what is stated on the main page of this remix. I've always heard a bit of pensiveness in the source tune from 1:08-1:29 (despite the distracting horns), but I never expected that concealed emotion to be laid bare as has been done here. This remix is truly creative in its complete departure from the mood and instrumentation of the source tune. The piano line is wholly depressing; it is restrained and deliberate, and with this the listener feels the weight of every note. The spareness of the first half of this piece highlights the solemn interplay between each (imaginary) hand on the piano and between the piano and acoustic guitar. The background wind fills every space between notes with an oppressive emptiness and fleetingness, and when the strings come in I feel like I've been punched in the gut. It's enough for me to remember the deep, dark places I've been and how I wished so hard to escape but couldn't find a way. The atmosphere becomes haunting and bleak, with a glimmer of hope returning at 3:30. My only gripe is the stylistic choice with the ending (3:52 onward). I would have, had I the ability to construct such a beautiful work, left this unresolved. But it is clear that Dev desired a degree of closure, and this he accomplished masterfully. -
OCR: will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?
K.B. replied to K.B.'s topic in General Discussion
I guess it would be... except that I included you. Ohsnap. I was only including folks who posted on this thread and their ideas, so I definitely didn't do justice. Don't care though; I was bored and it was fun. Honestly, I'm just surprised I didn't kill the thread. I didn't know about kwed before, or if I did I didn't check it out because I never owned a c64. But that's good to know that torches have been carried on at other sites. I'm still curious about ocr but not enough to press the issue. I'm happy with the joke responses -
OCR: will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?
K.B. replied to K.B.'s topic in General Discussion
This thread turned out better than I could have imagined I didn't feel like braving the crowds today to shop for gifts, so I got a wild hair and decided to incorporate the above into an account of the future of ocr. djp Jr will be running the site and all will be well... that is, until one day when he notices that new submissions of the past several weeks have all been in the style of experimental jazz (which is completely inaccessible at this point). He is puzzled by this and sees that this trend will result in a serious fanbase exodus in two years time... when he'll have finally worked through the current to-post queue. So, he consults the leader of the jedi council of elders (ReMix division), Darke (who dropped 'Sword' from his name since he finds his powers awesome enough to make light sabers passe), on what is happening and what should be done. Jr learns that the minds of remixers have been corrupted by the one who calls himself 'Mr Nicework', who has created a machine that has allowed for global, musical, telepathic influence. He must infiltrate Mr Nicework's lair, gain control of the machine, and broadcast a remix of such supreme grassroots rockingness that it will overpower the desire for formless dissonance with serious foot-stomping and/or booty-shaking (exact effect being listener-dependent). Jr is pondering how to create such a remix when Doc Liontamer busts in with his newest invention: time travel. He sends Jr back to the 1950s, where Jr eventually meets up with a then-young Chuck Berry (via his cousin Marvin). Jr whips out his laptop and Chuck his guitar and they of course create the most old-school-rocking remix ever, and Chuck even signs and gives his guitar to Jr to sell in the future so there can be at least one April where ocr doesn't pester everyone for donations. Jr makes it back to the future, sneaks into the core of the hideout, and is just about to broadcast the remix when his laptop is grappled (Link-style) out of his hands. He hears a sinister, bellowing laugh and turns to find Mr Nicework gloating on a platform above. Jr is momentarily frozen by the paradox of someone so evil having such a nice smile. Nicework winds up for another grapple, this one aimed at Jr himself (Scorpion-style), and lets loose. Jr regains himself and jumps to the side at the last second, but in this time Nicework has jumped down and is upon him, ready to deliver the final blow. All seems lost until, inexplicably, Nicework reels backward, clutching his ears in pain. Jr hears from somewhere... anime remixes! Nicework, in his all-encompassing passion to destroy vg remixes, had overlooked his other critical weakness: music of tv characters with disproportionately large eyes! The outer door swings open and OverCoat saunters in, a Naruto mix blaring from his stereo. However, Nicework struggles back up and, despite his visible agony, makes one last lunge at Jr... but just then The Coop (wolves apparently being unaffected by the telepathy) leaps forward into Nicework, sending him flying into the wall. In serious pain, with a ticked-off and very capable (despite being graybeard) wolf bearing fangs over him, Nicework pleads for his life. Jr asks The Coop to spare Nicework and, for now, just watch over him. There is a more pressing issue: Jr needs to save the vg remix community! But when he picks up his laptop he sees a gaping hole in it. He tries to start his compy but nothing happens... that grapple spelled the end of his laptop, and with it went the remix to rule them all. Worse yet, Jr feels himself, even with his pure ocr blood coursing through his veins, starting to be overcome by the telepathy... the strain of another journey back in time to try another mix would push him to the dark side of music. Hope is slipping. OverCoat offers his laptop, but Jr doesn't see how this would do any good since he couldn't possibly recreate the awesomeness of before, the awesomeness required to save his friends. Then OverCoat yells out at him "You played it for her, you can play it for me!" Having no clue wtf he was talking about but inspired by OC's belief in his, Jr's, abilities, he summoned up the spirit of AnSo and the overnight remix and got to work. In less than an hour, Jr had conconcted a nearly three-minute tune. It had an rollicking electric guitar, a solid backbeat rhythm, and all the soul Jr could muster. So he hooks up the laptop to the machine, crosses his fingers, and hit play. It truly was the greatest remix in the world... tribute, but would it be good enough? A minute ticked by, then two... nothing. Then the song was over... shouldn't he hear something from fellow remixers if this was working? Another minute passes, then two. Jr can't take it anymore and begins sobbing (big manly tears of course). Suddenly his phone lights up... it's Doc Liontamer! "Great scott! Jr... you've done it!" he blurts. Before Jr can respond, he gets another incoming call, then another, then another... remixers are flooding him with calls! It worked! There is much rejoicing (yay...). In the commotion, Nicework manages to slip out a back door. Next time they will have to catch him for good; but, at least for now, everyone can continue to bastardize his picture and paste it all over ocr. Dyne reveals that Nicework is actually the evil clone of djp, but this is met with a barrage of sarcastic pictures and is otherwise ignored. Jr arrives home a hero and declares a 48-hour remixer/listener party in every major city. Folks from throughout ocr's history all gather (though mostly virtually) and eat potato-based snack foods, crunchy and mushy alike (mushy being preferred among the old-timers). At some real gatherings even a girl shows up. And it is good. The end. -
...you'll be older too. And, if you say the word, I could stay with you! I'll admit the impetus of this thread was a Beatles tune and a bit of silliness, but I'm curious: what are the long-term plans for this site? I inquire because this doesn't seem to be an endeavor for the elderly... once the rest of us get married and make our own little remixers (or listeners, in most of our cases), as seems to be the latest trend around here (with heartfelt congrats to the lovebirds and baby-makers!), who's going to carry the torch? I am truly not trying to step on anyone's toes here. I'm just wondering if this has been thought about and, if so, what has been thought on it. I admit, keeping up the analogy, that I'm new to this relationship (even including my stalking [omg what?!?]), but I think this has a serious future regardless of where time and technology may take us, so I'd like to see this site continue for many, many years. Yours sincerely, Wasting Away
Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption - History
K.B. replied to OceansAndrew's topic in Projects
Post... here? Battle of the pics, eh? Here are two of FF2 (US) that I took some time back. This is my favorite, followed closely by this. I believe I still relate more to Cecil than I relate to any other character of any video game, novel, or movie that I've played, read, or seen, respectively. To me, the scenes at Mt. Ordeals perfectly capture the inner struggle all good men face in their efforts to rise above themselves and be a force for good. That was straight from the heart. My heart is made of cheese. Sorry. EDIT: traded pictures for links; pics took up a ton of space. -
Bwahahaha! (and looking forward to the posting!) I originally had Margot & The Nuclear So And So's, but apparently they aren't as obscure as I thought. Meh.
Ya, I bumped it. Die other thread, die.
YES! I'm gonna cross my fingers on the encounter rate... I heard it was even better than the half that made it to the US. Thanks! I'm gonna monopolize a PS2 in the local (aka: not Game Stop) game store for an hour on Saturday to try out Persona 3... hope they have it in! So half my question was answered (hooray!)... anyone played both Persona 2 and 4? I'm sorry if I'm getting this off-topic. Persona games are awesome and I fully endorse playing them. Thanks for the OP!
Has anyone played Persona 2? If so, question: does Persona 3 or 4 have a lower encounter rate than 2? I tried out Persona 2 and was completely sucked in; it was so cool and original (at least to me)... then I started getting into battles every ten paces. I wanted to consider this a blemish and look past it, but it was so frustrating to battle on end. I like to explore and this game just beat me down. I really want to play Persona 3 or 4, but I have to know they won't punish me.
The only reason I see this having so few reviews is that McVaffe was just too prolific back in the day. He just didn't make folks wait long enough for a new mix for them to really appreciate how good each one was! I've never said it before and I don't believe I ever will again: the wood blocks sold me. Of course since this is McVaffe, the percussion as a whole definitely does not disappoint. Its progressive entry sets the flow, then the piano kicks in and yesssss. The layering in and variation of the strings and flute (and triangle!) give it that final push over the top into forbidden-doughnut-level deliciousness. Sadly, like all McVaffe mixes, you get a two-second warning then poof! it's done. I could groove to this a lot longer... but hey that's what the repeat button is for, right?
Hooray seal! I'd still like to see a club and a "please be kind" in there somewhere
Aw nuts, I guess I should have enabled cookies 'cause it's still starting me back at the beginning. Eh. Nah, I'm used to it, just a minor annoyance. I just fiddled around at the start of each level to figure out what needed to go through what to get where. Game was good enough that I didn't mind. EDIT: nm, I think I get what you were saying now. I grabbed the swf and I'll start it up from the hard drive next time I get motivated to try again.
This, unlike Qwop, is NOT pure evil. The music was the best part for me. But I wish they hadn't used green in their color scheme; I couldn't tell it apart from the white. Made it to 3.4. Then I wanted to take a break so I opened a tab and the flash farted and firefox gagged and died. I'm content with 3.4.
This is pure evil. The farthest I made it was about 5m. Backward.
It's pretty damn awesome listening to a song in a game...
K.B. replied to Subz1987's topic in General Discussion
OMG PLAY CHRONO TRIGGER +1. This thread was dead before it started. I think I only had this happen to me with Metroid Prime. I had a strange sense of deja-entendu when I got to Phendrana Drifts (and later when the Tallon Overworld music changed, but Phendrana was way cooler... pun). Didn't figure out why until much later