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Everything posted by K.B.
Didn't we all become depressed and reclusive, find solace in music, and lose our scholarships sophomore year? ...no? oh. ...doppelganger? This is phenomenal. The production is raw, the guitars are dirty, and the percussion is in-your-face. That in itself is a recipe for awesomeness. But the energy... the energy is what truly makes this remix. It's passive-aggressive. The drums and guitars floor you right off the bat then leave just as abruptly, leaving you dazed with some almost-soothing bass noodling and contradictorily tense drumming. Then another guitar explosion! Then more subdued tension - with, like before, a six-string playing backup to the bass, and that's just freaking cool. Then the final kick-it-out starts at 2:23 and never lets up. I can't not air guitar this entire section, and 3:02... yesssss. Plus I hear a touch of angst throughout the song, and that makes it all the more moshable. For me, Mute City has literally become Voices Broken. The only reason I can imagine revisiting the source is for a little extra nostalgia, but even then this remix is simply too kickass to go back. Rawk indeed.
Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption - History
K.B. replied to OceansAndrew's topic in Projects
Because Cecil and Cid are obviously too badass to need capes. Also, it's out of 11. -
We're not talking about Pachelbel here.
(huge explosion, normal lights have gone out, emergency lights flashing red) Elly: "Are we okay!?"
ohsnap I just put on symphony no 40... anyone else remember the Learning Company game Outnumbered?
You might be missing some of the benefits that stereo can provide.
tldr, but this is wrong even according to the Wikipedia article. The most you have to do is notify the other parties on the line that you intend to record the call and ensure you have their permission to do so, passing on said notification and permission-requesting to all new parties who join the conversation. I am not schooled in law, but having lived in one of those twelve states listed in the article this is exactly how it works on the other end: they say the following call will/may be recorded and that if I don't want to be recorded that I should hang up. A private citizen has just as much right to do this as a corporation.
I'm up for grunt work (menial tasks that don't require musical or web-design skill). I know that's not the help you really need, especially at this juncture, but if I can help I'd love to. Great soundtrack, yes. More than enough there for at least one disk's worth of mixes. EDIT: Jade, you might want to go with Wild Arms Complete Tracks for your track listing, since the Wild Arms OST leaves off more than half of the tracks and some of these left off are quite good and/or memorable (Wild Arms, Power Fighter, After The Chaos And Destruction, Marsh Where The Migrant Birds Gather, Kishum Flame, Battle Demon, The Prologue Begins From Here, etc). Also, the OST is chronologically whacked-out; Complete Tracks isn't perfect chronologically but it's much better. See: wikipedia, rpgfan. Also FYI: Zophar's minipsf library has the OST but is missing the first nine tracks; it has most of the tracks left off the OST but these are in random order. If this project garners interest I'd be happy to retitle, reorder, and re-rar these (and throw in the missing tracks as mp3s, if we can do that) so potential remixers can get a good listen to all the tracks. See: zophar's.
Lame. Don't associate, it won't work. Even 'had me at hello' will always mean the band is some jerry maguire ripoff. Come up with something original, even if it doesn't make sense. Like starbucks. I'd rec names, but it has to be self-inspired. And I mean SELF-inspired. Even if you do a Trent Reznor and say 'do you know how hard it is to come up with band names' and decide on NIN, at lest it's self-inspired.
First and last bump. Four youtubes for instant previewing. Three butt-kicking boss themes: Ifrit (efreet) Wyvern Anthemic bgm (starting at 1:49 you can take on the world): Limestone Quarry I stand by the other recs in my first post. Dragon will be the most recognizable, though, because even folks who said 'eff this, this game is impossible' would have heard it. As glasfen pointed out, I shouldn't have said "...deserves some ocr lovin'". That sounds prickish - not what I intended. So redo. This game has some awesome music, yet ocr hasn't one remix of it. While that's because it's not as popular as mariozeldasonicmetroidfinalfantasyetc, and possibly also because the sample quality and arrangements are already top-tier, that doesn't mean someone here can't do something mindblowing. I've been amazed by last-gen game remixes more than once. So it would be effing sweet if one of you would take up the challenge and throw down a Vagrant Story remix.
It's OK folks, he's a medic.
^Ha... hahahahahaha. Liontamer, there is another broken link: the picture for Akumajo Dracula. Here's the current pic (broken at the time of this post): If it's not copyrighted, you could probably create a nice pic from the box art here. Also, this game should should be called Castlevania X68000 (or Akumajo Dracula X68000), not Akumajo Dracula. Akumajo Dracula is the original Japanese title to Castlevania (1), and it was used again as the Japanese title for this game (which was a Japan-only remake on the Sharp X68000 PC). Two different games; same title. However, the use of 'X68000' has precedent... this game was remade on the PS1 as Castlevania Chronicles; the Japanese title was 'Castlevania Chronicles: Akumajo Dracula X680000' (explained here; seach for 'Japanese/European Differences'). So even though 'X680000' wasn't used originally, it was used later as clarification. This works because the clarification was in reference to the game for the Sharp X68000 PC, not the PS1 remake. I think this clarification is warranted here, especially if OCR aims to draw in Japanese gamers/musicians without confusing them. When a Japanese gamer reads Akumajo Dracula, he/she will probably assume it's our Castlevania (1), and that's not the game we're talking about here. No sense making someone figure out wth we're talking about when we can just add X68000 and avoid all that.
OCR01797 - Chrono Trigger "Chrono Moonstone"
K.B. replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
No way! It's Trigger Chrono! This makes my night... nay, it should make the night of anyone who has not yet heard this incredible work. My initial response when listening to this many weeks ago on vgmix was something like: wow, this piano is so incredibly far beyond my abilities I can't even scratch the surface of the appreciation it deserves. To give another esoteric compliment: I've kept in touch with an undergrad friend who's in the same league as Shnabubula with regard to piano talent and this was one of the four/five remixes I randomly sent him and with this he said something like: 'this is some damn good jazz piano... pacing, balance, this is really good... this is staying on my hard drive.'. He didn't know Chrono Trigger (not a gamer) so his basis of comparison was the gamut of other musical pieces. I'll keep working on him to compose a remix to give you some more competition, Shnabubula . Phenomenal piano and solid drumming (I'll leave that complimenting to the drummers in the audience). Brilliant interpretation. Instantly one of the best pieces on ocr. -
You know, if JigginJonT doesn't happen to garner the 1800 spot, the poor soul that does might have to endure that pic the rest of his/her ocr career. And that would be plain mean. So I hope we can all expect some new JJT... else for shame, Liontamer.
You could recruit! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19642. No difference to me since I'm still Zen Xtra-ing (green and black screen), but if that tiles project doesn't fall through it sounds like you might have folks interested in associating the pics with the remixes.
Please? End the month's sig with a bang? I almost wrote penises... I love Oprah. EDIT: of course, this... ...would be a nice touch too. EDIT 2: I swear I didn't see the seal flames a few minutes ago. Facepalm?
Wait, you people were listening to the drums? They were more than competent enough to stay interesting and headbang to... but guitar! For this we listen to goat, and with this he does not disappoint. This is a nonstop onslaught from second one with a two-pronged (layered) guitar attack and an incredibly tight arrangement. Each iteration of Energy Zone flows seamlessly into the next with plenty of variation and bits of original material that keep things balanced and butt kicking. Then, enter Boss. Simply wicked. A nice touch is added with the synth at 1:57 that gives the perfect transition into some major riffage. 2:22-2:48 is pure, metal ecstasy; I can't listen to this without jumping out of my chair and wailing on that air guitar. I'm no metalhead; I can't even handle an axe. I have zero cred to comment on anything technical, but you don't need cred to know how much this rocks. Though the remix section of my player is stacked with goat, chiefly his Castlevania awesomeness, Feeding Frenzy is my hands-down favorite of all his stuff. Simply put: Contra music was made to be remixed like this. Rock on, goat.
Yes. Chili Pepper's video: good... Ray Parker Jr's (imeanHueyLewis'): incredible. Slow toward the end, but solid in the beginning and middle. The lip-syncing bit made me laugh so hard I cried. And Advent Children was great. They built Tifa's fight scene around the piano version of Those Who Fight perfectly, and For The Reunion still sends chills down my spine... yeah, I probably wouldn't love the movie as much if it weren't for the soundtrack.
I echo this. From reading a few soundtrack liner notes and interviews with Uematsu and Mitsuda, it sounds like the conditions at Square back in the day were just as demanding (or unreasonable, depending upon your viewpoint) as those for the Sonic Team now, according to the blog anyway. The only difference I can tell is that Square was often successful and acclaimed then and Sega is mostly treading water and taking dumps now.
Not yet, you and chthonic still need that direct post. Haha... now your fans have to wait until Marihana passes! May the schwartz be with you. And oh yeah, nice mix. Wasn't digging it at first, like always, but, like always, the chippiness infected me. Makes me do left/right head-nodding with the beat. I even smiled once. Not many songs make me that happy .
Thanks OP and thanks Black Mage for bumping this. Some of the pics on this thread are amazing. I'm going to have to check out these accounts. I sense many future desktops originating from this thread. I should take my camera in the woods next time I'm out. Haven't done much since high school, but I think I got decent at b&w so I know I'd enjoy picking it up again. I have a hand-me-down slr, a pentax, but it's in great condition and I love it. Only problem is no darkroom... sigh.
Yes. If you like snes rpgs, play it. Now. Also released for ds.
OCR01793 - Adventures of Bayou Billy "El Lagarto"
K.B. replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This is not only instantly awesome, it gets better with each listen. Latin-funk-wahwah...whatever it is it's effing boss, and I never knew I needed it until now. It's like there's a party in my ears and all the belly dancers are invited. Even Shakira. I listen long time. -
Kirby: Canvas Curse - "Winter in Dreamland" WIP
K.B. replied to halc's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Yes, this. Better with every listen... it still takes a few listens to open my heart to the chiptunness I guess. After several more listens than I had last night, I think you did balance the blantantly chippy sounds with other instruments (or less-blatantly chippy sounds, whatev). Some sections are a bit too chippy for my taste, but there's still a good balance so I'm always enjoying it. Through 2:22 is awesomeness. The progressive buildup is money, almost gives me chills. Can't tell where you're going to take this... look forward to hearing it though. I had to wikipedia time signatures again... -
This site needs Post-Hardcore/punk (with vocals)
K.B. replied to The Vagrance's topic in ReMix Requests
I now fully support this motion, tacked on at the end . And I was serious about the punk lyric-writing (send me the track and idea, along with the general framework of the instruments if you don't want to write around the lyrics). Hooray variety!