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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. Well, you'll have to have an account anyway to use the dreamworld... By the way, because there is no way to figure the mini-game out besides playing it and the instructions are vague, here's a little breakdown for those who want a specific Eeveelution: You have to beat all four levels to get a pokemon. The type of pokemon you are offered depends on how many colored orbs you collect while playing. Fire orbs come out of fire blocks and represent Flareon, Lightning orbs come out of Lightning blocks and represent Jolteon, and so on. Whichever type of orb you collect the most of is the type you will be offered. There are six orbs of each type of Eevee, meaning 42 overall. I just ignored all the others and collected only pink orbs and was awarded Espeon at the end. It will save the pokemon to your account, and when Dream World becomes active you can transfer it there. BTW Damned, if ya get a minute... FC: 4298 2424 2564
  2. *.............********************************* I'm just hoping they keep the insanely hard difficulty modes in. Just because I couldn't do them all in the first one doesn't mean I didn't have fun getting my brain twisted. And this one had also better end with a totally awesome song, though I doubt the first one can be outdone.
  3. Anyone mind discussing Battle Subway strategies? I'm considering running singles, using a Tyranitar followed by an Excadrill with Sand Rush. Problem is, I don't know if the AI has EV'd pokemon. If they do and I run a max attack Excadrill with some defense EV's (in case of priority fighting moves), I'll get owned by any opposing Excadrills with any investment in speed. Can anyone confirm?
  4. Absolutely no contest Donkey Kong Country 2. One was awesome, and still 2 took it to a whole new level with design, music, atmosphere...
  5. Although I like it now, I can't possibly be the only one here who, after getting this brand new game and playing it for a few minutes, popped it back out of my NES to make sure it really said "Super Mario Bros. 2".
  6. My Victini wasn't nearly as balanced; it's defense were mediocre and it's HP was in the 0-6 range. But on the plus side, both attack stats and speed were 30-31. With a hasty nature (+Speed -Defense) I guess he'll be a bit of a glass cannon. BTW, it absolutely sucks that you are basically forced to keep the Reshiram/Zekrom that you catch. You have two battles directly after capture, and you can't check natures in battle, and without knowing nature, you can't get a very decent idea of what the IV's are. (That is until after the game automatically saves and puts you back in your house.) I've got Zekrom, so as long as his nature didn't diminish Attack or Speed I would have accepted it. I got very lucky; Careful nature (+Spec. Def. -Spec. Att) and all IV's in the high twenties, with a 30 on attack. It could have been much much worse.
  7. Did you mean an illegitimate level 100 Arceus isn't terribly difficult to obtain? Because I have yet to get my hands on a legit one.
  8. No joke. I went looking for a Totodile a few weeks back and there were 3 offered. I don't remember what the first guy wanted, but the second one wanted a Jirachi, and the third wanted a level 100 Arceus.
  9. I'm probably gonna be a major outlier in this survey, but my total comes to: Every game I own. The only person near my age who could have played with me, my older brother, firmly believed video games were for nerds and would hardly ever touch them. Friends and I would play multiplayer, but if we played story/campaign we would very rarely alternate levels; we'd just have separate save files and watch each other play on their own file. According to my backloggery I currently own 127 games, so that's my total (I'm not gonna list them, don't worry). Would have been nice to have someone in my household to split that number with though.
  10. Ugh. I hope that was actually a legitimate rumor and not the product of some idiot who thinks it's funny to start shit like this in the aftermath of a crisis. Although I'm not sure what the definition of a 'legitimate rumor' would be. Sounds a bit like an oxymoron.
  11. Any Black users wanna trade a Sawk for a Throh? Friend code is : 4298 2424 2564 Edit: NVM, I just got extremely lucky and caught my own. But if any Black users still want a Throh, let me know.
  12. I will not let this thread reach the bottom of the barrel. Will. Not.
  13. No prob. Good luck fitting a custom pic if you were planning on it, it wouldn't do it for me.

  14. http://www.teamfortress2.fr/achievements.php?eng

    Just go through the steps. You can save the picture or save the URL.

  15. I live in woods. But, turns out I almost stroked out for nothing. Gamestop JUST sent me a shipping notification. I stand in corrected awe.
  16. OMGWTFBBQ So mine's back-ordered. Whatev. I'll cancel the order and order it from Amazon, since they have it in stock. So let's go cancel the order, shall we? WRONG. "Your request cannot be processed at this time. Please send an email to douchebaggery@gamedrop.com with your order number to make changes." And from experience, I know this will take at least 72 hours, which by then one of a few things will have happened: A) They get the game in (right.) They charge me twice because of a computer error. C) Amazon gets back-ordered. Gus frabagh. Oh, and even better: the homepage specifically lists both games as "in good supply."
  17. AGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Gamestop, please explain to me how my game is all of a sudden back-ordered when I pre-ordered it OVER A MONTH AGO!!!! Please, feel free to laugh at my stupidity in placing my trust in Gameflop.
  18. Does anyone know yet if the shinies or Celebi can have items attached when they go through the Relocator?
  19. You people with your malls and local Gamestops... I'll just have to wait for mine to ship (prob by Wed) because I don't feel like spending the time and gas to drive two hours to get it. But I'm not bitter. BTW Damned, it's Oshawott, not "Ohsawott" nor "Ohsowott." Shows how much you care about our newest otter friend...
  20. Version: White Starter: Oshawott Willing to trade any white-exclusive non-legendaries, and will be breeding Oshawotts for any who want them. Friend code coming soon.
  21. Actually? I am offended ;)

    But I do think it would help cross-game communication a pretty fair amount. I'm just hoping people don't play for twenty-four hours straight right after release and then start demanding Oshawotts from me. I want to savor the flavor a little, ya know?

  22. Hey, what do you think about updating the first post of the black/white thread (after release) to show who has what version, who is breeding what, friend codes, etc. It'd be nice to see at a glance for trading and whatnot.

  23. "Troi will be wearing a large coat..."
  24. Beautiful. Get it out while you can, only five days remain until we all become slaves.
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