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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. Moar mixing less bumping!
  2. DRAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the opening I thought I WAS listening to the workout theme from IV.
  3. Next time I play UMK I'm turning the music off, the sound effects to max, and playing this song on my laptop. BTW, whatever happened to Beatdrop's track after it was taken down? Anywhere it can be downloaded?
  4. Your logic would be correct given that OCR is doing remixes, except that the goal is to do ReMixes, a term coined by DJP. This term encompasses everything you said that makes OCR submissions not suitable to be placed under the label 'remix'.
  5. Just keepin my promise.
  6. Good luck if you go on ebay. I wish so badly I could afford to take the PS3 off your hands, but I just can't right now.
  7. I'm gonna go all mainstream and say the 'Kong Countries, especially DKC2. An HD version would rule so hard... And the music could be replaced with OC remixes. I probably wouldn't survive the announcement, though--heart attack on the spot from an epic joygasm.
  8. Games I play the most: The Orange Box (Half-Life 2 series plus Portal and Team Fortress, excellent buy) Gears of War series Mass Effect series Bioshock is a definite, 2 is okay if you love the first one Dragon Age There are others, but these account for over half of my total playtime.
  9. He probably dodged answering the "Kinect in Halo 4" question because they don't want to start receiving bombs in the mail from pissed off players just yet. And yes, one would be from me.
  10. I dunno. I know the project leaders hadn't formally requested permission for the project so it had to be cancelled, but surely they could regroup and try again with the progress they had already made. We were having a semi-contest of naming the album when it got shot down. So yes, more BK/BT please.
  11. Seriously, if you haven't heard any of these tracks, just take a listen. Some of the best racing music on the PS1. 1) 2) 3) Gets epic at about 0:38
  12. Too good to reach the bottom...
  13. I got the original for the 360 when they were fooling customers into thinking the campaign was actually worth a damn. But yes, the multiplayer has a lot going for it. It's fast paced and very strategical.
  14. I'll hold off until they work out the kinks on the inevitable yellow ring of destruction, or whatever it will be called this time around.
  15. That was beautiful. Although he should have put toad in the never-ending death spiral after he says, "The princess is in another castle." But still, brilliant.
  16. Dark Cloud 1 and 2, fun yet overlooked. Ratchet and Clank series. Jak and Daxter series. (Including Jak X, an immensely underrated racing game.) God of War 1 and 2. Armored Core (lots of them; IMO Armored Core 2 was the best.) I would be doing some top-rated google searches if I were you, considering that the PS2's library is so massive. I own at least quadruple the games I listed above, but they are definitely the ones I enjoyed the most/got the most value out of.
  17. So, is there some super-obvious way of getting Dream Pals that I'm missing? I figured you would be able to select from people you have registered in the Pal Pad, but that doesn't seem to be it... I have the feeling that once again Game Freak has made something that should be elementary be instead incredibly annoying.
  18. Wow. I wasn't expecting it to come online this month with all that's going on over there.
  19. I have, but its been years. Elaboration?
  20. You win the internet. Dragon weak to ice isn't surprising, they usually are in most stories and movies that I'm familiar with. But Poison weak to Psychic? Hmmm..... That's gonna take a couple of nights to sleep on it. Even better, WHY do bugs resist fighting? I don't know about anyone else, but the few times I have punched a bug I definitely won the fight.
  21. Damn, I turn my back on this thread for one second and we're all of a sudden applying typing to real life scenarios. If someone really wants to explain some weaknesses, explain the dark vs psychic vs fighting vs ghost relationships. Psychic killing fighting makes sense, but the others? You cannot rationalize this one (but I want to see someone try)
  22. Yay, another update! You're totally going to do this with the 4th and 5th gens too, right?
  23. That's certainly worth cheering about; breeding for Hidden Power can drive you insane faster than any other gaming goal I know of.
  24. Anyone still interested in a fifth gen tournament, join the pokemon group and check in with Conan the Politician. So far we only have about four or five entrants. The time for the tourney isn't set yet, so there's still plenty of time to prepare a team.
  25. BTW, I'll be on IRC so we can coordinate as needed (if needed).

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