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Everything posted by Sir_Downunder

  1. Damn, this thing is addictive just slapped a random pattern together and this is what came out: http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=0w1y2p3f8e7u6a5g8975615b4j3x2n1206
  2. Blue Stahli - Takedown Blue Stahli - Give Me Everything You've Got
  3. Got my 3DS when it come out a few days ago. Loving it so far Friend Code: 4253-3505-4865
  4. Some games I do finish 100%, some I don't.
  5. Played this game after a month of letting it gather dust on my shelf, and I'm still as horrendous as before on my 360 controller (Which I still use). Gonna probably play online a little with my Haggar/Deadpool/Akuma team (Swapped out Spencer for Akuma) 'Kuma's a placeholder until I find someone that clicks Hag and Deady.
  6. I bow to your highly superior skills, master Nario! Congratulations on beating Ninja Gaiden (on a dance pad no less). Take a break buddy, because you certainly have earned it.
  7. If it's region-free (which it most likely is), then yeah, I'll import a couple of months after it's release. If it's NTSC only (which is probably is not) then...
  8. Got it yesterday, spent some time doing everyone's mission and some time in arcade... ... Yeah, I suck. I'll be buying a fightstick in the future.
  9. Just a little under twenty four hours I'll have this hot little game in my hands and play the shit out of it.
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