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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Remedy Drive: Get To Know You. Note, I prefer these guys live, then on CD.
  2. Good luck brad, you'll do great. I got to see you play at Jamspace at MAG a bit, I can't make it, So I await for you to upload the files
  3. Went for a bike ride today.. holy shit. When I got home my legs were so tired it was tough to walk.. I'm so out of shape. :\ The only problem I have with curls, is that it hurts my wrists to lift at times. it was to a point where they hurt constantly and thats when I stoped and grabbed a wrist brace.
  4. I'm doing home workouts again... I have no fucking choice. and I don't want to get in worse shape. I always find my workouts don't last that long. no more then 30 minutes. I may only weigh 120. but I'm getting a good layer of flab goin' Not cool. Probably will get burned off in the coming weeks with biking and such after school is over. So, should I pace my self or what? I want to extend my workouts and get more out of them.
  5. You can hightlight in the piano roll and hit CTRL+Q and quantize it to the playlist. Thats what I usually do. As far as copy pasting, why not just write the whole thing in one piano roll, and quantize it. Then just work on syncing it with everything else?
  6. I will be sure to watch that, thanks ^^. Well, I guess part of it is laying it down in FL. I know how FL works pretty well. Its just applying it. Like I work better seeing how shit it done. If you tell me to go do this and that. Yeah I will probably get confused. It helps seeing it done, or what some people have said in this thread. They're straight forward about what I should do, and can do. Over the last 2 semesters of schooling. I don't see my self fixing computer networks for the rest of my life. I just wouldn't be happy. I like music a lot. But hey, I'm already pretty good with computers, compared to music ;P.
  7. Gave my keyboard to my friends brother who was more musically incline with the keyboard then I was. Hence, a straight up Theory book is what I'm looking for.
  8. I had a few piano ones, and they focused on the piano aspect. I'm looking for ones thats just for theory. Not ones that pertain to an instrument. ]:
  9. Anyone have a Music Theory book they'd give up for not so much cash? Like one for a very new beginner. add this to wants if you could, thanks ^^
  10. Well. I know WHAT makes up structure, its just applying it. Which is something I wanted to learn before I came back, but obviously as you can tell, school wasn't the only thing that got into my way. I'm gonna work a little bit experiment, and then come back to compos after school is out. And I'd have these idease in my head, but thats the problem they had no structure. Thats what I'm working towards. To get a little bit of a "Oh yeah, this is how I put this together and make it work" Because I mean, making a song out of thin air is fun for OHCs. But I atleast want a bit of something to work off of, you know? Its like riding a bike with one training wheel. You know somethings missing, and its pretty difficult just to ride with one training wheel and learn to ride a bike. I needed to find that other training wheel so I could figure out some of the simple things. I kinda just wanted to learn outside of the OHC. since I only did music on OHC. I wasn't learning anything, just wasnt working for me. I sat down every thursday and wrote stuff that popped into my head. When I took a listen to all my old tracks, I decided I want to leave ohc and go work on some things, structure mainly. Just to get a grasp. [: Thats what I'm doing. I mean last night I transcribed a part to Morgan Page - Call My Name. after the first couple of chords came in, the drum and bass came in. I sat there for a few minutes trying to figure how how Page got that to fit in, I figured it out, but I don't have a sample to fit it I'll come back to OHC, but after I pick up on some of the things I think I should.
  11. I will def, look into this. Never knew he had a demo out. Hah, thanks for the advice and the tip on that demo ^^ This is awesome as well! Thank you. Most of my time won't be spent watching NCIS anymore haha. Appreciated guys, [:
  12. Well I'm gonna get to work on some stuff. Thanks for the advice. I'll start grabbing some different styles of music more often, and play with some songs and such more often. Now that I think about it though, in high school, like my boring history and english classes. I would either sleep, or zone out and make silly rhythms in my head of sounds and movements from around the room. Like the clock ticking, people tapping their fingers, papers shuffling. Off to do some work though. thanks ^^
  13. I get the whole widening my music listening, but listening to things outside the genre confuses me? I like House/Electro Pop stuffs. What could I learn from someone like, The Who for example? I mean they use guitars, I might or might not. Thats what confuses me. What can bands and artists from other genres help with the music I'm interested in writing?
  14. Alright. I used to listen to a lot of electronica, whether it be OC ReMixes, The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Propellerheads. I listen, to Pop, Punk, Rock, Hard rock, Death metal, Metal, Nu Metal, Punk Rock, oldies rock. I listen to a little bit of everything. Depends on the mood I'm in which will have me choose what I'll listen to. I really have gotten into Deadmau5 and Morgan Page, DJ Dan. I like House and Dance a lot. I was going to start doing what you said, when I get some time. Figuring out how songs work and such. Experimenting etc. Was going to start with some of Morgan pages laid back songs. But starting with older music, would that be a better idea? I'd personally want to start with Morgan Pages Electropop Its fun, catchy. and then go into Deadmau5 later and some others. But yeah, starting out with older music figuring out how they did what they did, you think that would be a better option? I ask because I don't think I'd be as into doing as much as I would with some house and dance music.
  15. So, as some of you guys may know. I haven't been entering compos much in the past few months. School will continue to hinder that, atleast until the summer. Something happened though, I got all into loving all this elctronic music. But I've always felt that everytime I asked for help, it only went so far. I kinda just, gave up. Thats not me, I get pissed when I lose a game of Madden football. None the less give up at something. What I have as far as equipment and software: Shitty midi keyboard FL Studio 9 Money to get new stuff - $0 I have a ton of great drum samples and some other odd ones. What I have noticed though. I don't like KORE Player at all. I can't stand it anymore. I do use Harmless a synth plugin for FL Studio. What I'm looking for is some guidance. Where can I find some tutorials that will benefit me? Some helpful articles? When I say tutorials, I've done most of zircons and such. I just want to LEARN. The main reason I quit compoing, is most of my tracks have no structure. I want to learn what makes a song a song. How to peice it together, time things. I failed to learn these things before. I kinda know what makes a song a song, but when it comes to writing it in FL. There really is no structure when I try to compose. So basicly I'm saying, where can I find good tutorials? Good Articles to read up on to help with whatever. Anything that will help a noob. I've been around the community long enough. Time to stop dicking around.
  16. are things progressing for you in that routine? and I only have a set of 20s and a jug of whey protein. And do you feel satisfied after your workouts? Thats my main problem. when I was in the gym. I left with a satisfied feeling, but at home its different.
  17. Hey, Halt is back again. So I'm still a solid 120lb. Played some basketball last friday. I'm pretty out of shape. I can't get into a gym, I use my high schools gym because my college doesn't have one, and I know the people that work it, so they let me in for free. Only problem is the schedules are so wonky I can't work around it and set a solid routine in. What are my options? I've Talked to Lukas about this more then once. Back then, my workouts didn't seem satisfying, I have a set of 20lbs dumbbells, and a jug of whey protein. I guess I'll have to work from home. What can I do to get the best workout from home? (Maybe set up a routine too?)
  18. Hey Man. I never even liked baseball. My dad will always hope that one day, the brewers might actually win a world series. As for me, I hope the sport dies. Watching tennis is more fun then watching baseball.
  19. Burn this thread. It's horrible. Makes my eyes bleed.
  20. I miss listening to the OCAD crew, but the last like month and a half I've had no time, between college, NCIS, and stuff. Forgive me, as I need to get back into the groove. [: My cat was roadkill you bastard. If I got to see him in roadkill form I probably would have cried I miss my cat.
  21. You know. We crunched the numbers in my last semester math class, about power consumption. We used a 500w PSU. Now, we figured if you were pushing ALL 500 Watts for a month straight on 24/7, it would cost like a little over $20 a month. like 28 something if I remember correctly. So they don't use up THAT much electricity.
  22. Got the album this morning ^^. Great stuff guys :].
  23. Yus, I'm still waiting for mine ^^
  24. I'm going to point out, brute forcing is highly illegal. :\
  25. maniac stalkers? The guy was a friend, remixer, great musician, and all around great person. Its not common that a group of people would pursue him. He just up and vanished without a trace. Really makes you wonder, what the hell happened. Not having met him either I can't vouch for much. But its clear he was a big part of OCR. Edit: oops, my bad. Manic, lol disregard kthx.
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