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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. ...How? They're the next most popular thing to bizarrely irrelevant numbers on gym-appropriate apparel."45 SPORTS STAR" anyone? That said, I actually like both designs for the sheer design of the designs, I'd buy both.
  2. Are you planning on doing anything colour? Or is that just too expensive/inconvenient?
  3. My girlfriend is coming along. You'll recognise her from such songs as "The Insubstantial Bridge" and that Crazy Bus mix.Autograph books at the ready.
  4. You want René Descartes' "Meditations on First Philosophy"?Bah, he's the worst.
  5. Apparently cool people say you're cool. They say you're a regular cool kid.

    Well are ya', are ya' punk?

  6. It'll be with you tonight, dun wori.

  7. Honestly, why!? I didn't do anything! (Flattered though.) If anything, credit the guys who made the list, or the original poster of the '100 best NES tracks' thread!

  8. Mousetrap blends elements of gameplay and narrative seamlessly. SPOILER The bit where you set off the mousetrap with ball bearings and get caught by the plastic cage was genius, so cleverly linked with the title of the game. I cried, but then again I was six and a sore loser. /SPOILER
  9. Personal fave too. Virt is my new favourite musician.
  10. Awesome! Just purchased. There's a couple of albums I've been meaning to get forever so this is perfect. Just checking, do the downloads last beyond a day? Or will I have to get 'em all now? Am I blind? Is that anywhere?
  11. Right, sent a mail, would be kickass to win this. Also, pretty flattered Modus 'n halc, however we just need Binjovi, The Otaku, or OA to show interest in this thread and I'm seriously done for.
  12. BUMP. C'mon! There's gotta be more people interested!
  13. Getting something together for this. The prize is awesome.
  14. Do you have a link to the font used? I'm thinking it would give the product a cohesive 'identity' if the same fonts were used.
  15. Glad they got The Moon in the top 5. That song is harmonic awesome.
  16. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37703&page=2 First off I'd use this as a guide. There's also explanations on track choices.
  17. I've spread'd the word. Hngh, lame stuff.
  18. Ahahaha. Excellent.Anyway, hope this gets sorted soon.
  19. 'Wingroove' is the next chiptune.
  20. As a UKer I wouldn't care, but it's like being a kid all over and having your best friend grounded. Yeah, you can still go out but... pppssh, what's the point?
  21. So much win. Too much win perhaps.
  22. Yeah Emu mixpost extraordinaire. Oh and well done 99 I guess, whatever. Lovely stuff anyway guys.
  23. He's just in it for the sexeh girls and the crazy mad bank; such a sellout.
  24. As in key or chord? If it's key you're on about then no, not unless you're playing live; different keys are difficult for different instruments. I'm sure it won't even matter to someone with perfect pitch, really. However if it's chords you're on about then yes, it matters a lot. EDIT - Bah, you all covered it anyway. Whatever. This can stand as a testament to me knowing what I'm on about.
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