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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Nice arrangement, personally I'd've liked to have heard some more dramatic deviation from the original chiptune parts, especially the basslines. It's very coverish, leaning heavily on original lines. That aside, instrumentation is tasteful and was an enjoyable listen; must be awesome to hear your work played live.
  2. NiceBirthday.jpg
  3. I like the idea, and I really like the style, but the singer just hits too many flat notes for me. EDIT- Yeah I said that this morning and now I love it. Fuck, that chorus.
  4. This should definitely be community for the world to see, but yeah, shame.
  5. This is absolutely no help at all, but I used to have this way back with high quality MP3s on my old PC.
  6. yesyesyesyesyes
  7. Whilst you will never see this ever:

    Hello my brethren.

  8. Papyrus huh? A font bedfellows with the infamous Comic Sans. What I will say though, is that this is actually pretty good. The sound design is just gorgeous, especially at 3:20AM, it's like Minecraft music, but mixed well. If you built the sounds yourself then props.
  9. I would do anything right now other than this dissertation. Seriously. I spent two hours this morning watching this.

    My mind is not well.

  10. The graphics aren't actually terrible. I'd play it. I'd buy it.

    Also, dissertation in this Friday. We should meet up next week.

  11. 404'd. And you'd taken the time to send me a nice PM and everything.
  12. Just write it. Brains are stupid and fail to co-ordinate fingers correctly even when you know what you want to goddamn play. Don't worry, it's fine motor neurons, take it easy, you've only had 21 fucking years of practice.
  13. Actually, the workshop thread has been kind to my degree.
  14. I instinctively searched for the 'like' button.
  15. WAY TO LET THE WHOLE FORUM KNOW. sneakywhitewords
  16. Have a real birthday kiddo.
  17. Slap my ass and call me pretentious, but it just seems to be poorly articulated. I know the classic style of writing when I see it, and this is not it. Perhaps having to vomit out grammar perfect essays monthly does this to you, but I just can't enjoy the 'style'. /justification
  18. I mean, c'mon, that's terrible grammar right there. Most of those 'ands' should be commas.
  19. It's so horribly written I can't bring myself to finish it.
  20. It gets better.

    I don't even like Chrono Trigger that much.

  21. Dude, this is a huge step up from Zero-G. The effects are just :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  22. You may have just made my day. To Google!
  23. This.Although I'd love a new portable music device, I'm getting sick of having to transfer everything through an incredibly inflexible bit of dedicated software.
  24. Yeah, it's stupid close to Minecraft, but it's presented so much better.
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