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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Kid's got a nice original logo too.
  2. ...You made your own birthday thread? Isn't that against the rules or whatever? Happy birthday dude.
  3. ...... ... D'aw. Yeah okay I'm not mad your new album is damn awesome. <3
  4. Yeah I wasn't going to reply, but your tone is annoying now.You know I was being light hearted, you know I was trying to avoid needless conflict, so why persist? This thread is dumb and ended ages back.
  5. Whoa dude, chill, chill, I was simply explaining what the original term meant lexicographically because the previous few posts were oddly off the mark. This wasn't about you or your music.
  6. No, it referred to an overt display of compositional virtuosity simply because you can.I'm sure someone said this. Did someone say this? Someone said it.
  7. As a music student who's just about to leave uni and has no idea what he's going to do, please lock this thread and make it go away forever.
  8. Not wanting to be the harbinger of malicious criticism, but I think the chiptune elements weren't the worst thing here by a long shot.
  9. Personally I liked how you abandoned all hope before asking if this was possible.
  10. Do I detect just a hint of jealousy?Gario's response was pretty obvious.
  11. You just wanna change the tempo? You know you can automate pretty much anything right? Either right click on the tempo and select "edit events" or right click and "create automation clip". The automation clip can be a little fiddly, but edit events works like a charm, especially when you use it on individual patterns.
  12. Exactly 3,000 pageviews! You must be very proud.

  13. No, making music for the right reasons: for himself.
  14. Pointlessly chipping in (lolpun) to say I bloody love this track.
  15. So is the default Windows GM synth.Hey guys, we should make miditune, wingroove, GMbeat, winpop, it should happen.
  16. You have no idea how much this is me you have no idea.Haven't played W/B for this reason. I should play W/B.
  17. Be careful, that question "What do you consider as good game music" is a bit vague, they'll pick you up on that when they mark your questionnaire design. Also, people usually have multiple favourites rather than just one; felt a bit strange that my favourite soundtrack wasn't composed by my favourite composer and that my favourite genre wasn't the same as my favourite game. Anyway, answered as honestly as I could and good luck with the study.
  18. You did not mention me, or BGC, and we're proper legit OCRemixers. That extra special christmas card I was saving for you? Yeah, SonicThHedgog's gunna have a good one this year.
  19. I do think the limitation thing is a null point; DrumUltimA's percussion mix was incredibly limited and passed, plus there's that Zelda Heineken mix which was comprised from sounds from the bottle. I'd imagine the limitations here were a contributing factor to their success. If anything, limitations force you to be more creative with what you have; and that is so incredibly true with chiptune I don't know where to begin. You can squeeze more harmonic creativity out of those three channels than a jazz pianist has fingers. But, at the end of the day, I can see the why chiptune would be discouraged and I'm happy to lay back and take it.
  20. Wait, who is this kid?
  21. This is the best thing I have seen all year ever in my whole life.
  22. Delicious username. Your sig needs to be some form of body lice to top it off.

  23. Wow, odd art style. Like a quasi-art nouveau/classic manga/old sci-fi book cover thing going on. Never heard of the guy before; shame really.
  24. Exactly what I was planning to post.
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