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Everything posted by glasfen

  1. Does anyone out there know where I can find a copy of Lareine's "The Last of Romance" album? I'd really like to replace the one I have, which is scratched and skips terribly. I've only been able to find the album on ebay for around $50...
  2. This was the question posed last week: Veteran Gamer Opinion Poll #1 In a platformer, which is more frustrating? a) a time limit one-hit deaths c) unreachable power-ups d) unavoidable enemies Here are the results: a - 4 votes (14.81%) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b - 9 votes (33.33%) WINNER! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c - 6 votes (22.22%) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d - 8 votes (29.62%) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It was a close race for a while there, but the instant KOs ( squeaked out a win. The masses have spoken! Okay, 27 people don't constitute "masses", but I appreciate you all taking the time to vote. As a small thank you, I've made a sig that you can preview here. For the large version (815 x 246) use this image code. (right-click, "copy link location", and paste in your signature block, removing everything before ) For the smaller version (606 x 184) use this image code. Other sizes are available upon request (private message, please). Thanks again and look out for another poll next week! In the meantime, there was some concern over the word "veteran", so should I just change it to "video gamer opinion poll"? Show of hands? Other suggestions? Questions? Concerns? PM me!
  3. Suh-weet rockin' fret-flaying. It's mind blowing to have two metal Wily mixes at the same time, each unique and expertly axed. This one sounds like it should have been in the game. The sudden stop makes me think a drop-off ending would work. Very nice.
  4. Today's the last day to vote on the first Veteran Gamer Opinion Poll. Results will be released tomorrow!
  5. This is an incredible ReMix. I find it very engaging, not only because I recognize the source tunes but because it moves with such a confident swagger amid a brilliantly executed arrangement. Excellent use of Big Boo sfx and multiple themes. Great work, AeroZ!
  6. Symphonia will be hard to top. I made the mistake of renting that game and, in my completionist madness, probably spent far more than the value of the game itself. I'm not sure what to think of the sequel (intro video here)...
  7. I have no affiliation with the survey but I did complete it. It's very easy and time efficient. I look forward to the results.
  8. As far as purpose, this is just for kicks. It also gives me a reason to make sigs. Let's see how it goes for the first couple questions. I'll evaluate time issues at that point (see my replies quoting The Damned for more). I totally empathize on both counts. Not that I destroyed my cartridges, but the Clinger Winger level of Battletoads certainly made me want to do so.
  9. I've been meaning to develop a couple ReMix ideas that I have for a long time now. Thankfully, I've gotten into this kick of just sitting down and working on the creative projects that have haunted me for ages. Maybe it's the weather or the influx of awesome ReMixes I just downloaded... I dunno. It could just be that I'm fed up with wasting these inspirations. Is that, no, it couldn't be- maturity?
  10. I could have used your help for my thesis! On the polls, they are limited by my creative abilities. I've got a few more questions but no sigs! As long as interest is maintained, I'll keep posting, but I will spread the threads out so I have enough time to generate new questions and quality sigs.
  11. I considered that, but I was cautioned not to flood the forums with frequent posts. Also, it gives more people the opportunity to reply and I wanted to make a "prize" available in the form of an original signature. I'd rather not wear it out in one week. If people are still interested next week, or the week after, I'll keep it up. I had a plan for something else like that on the NOA boards which I may implement here.
  12. To be honest, I didn't think this thread would get so many replies so quickly. I'll tally up the answers next week and post a new question/theme the week after. I've already got this poll's sig done but need time to work on the others. Thanks for the patronage!
  13. Excellent ReMix. Just... excellent. Even though I'm not a big Metal Gear fan, I've had the mix stuck in my head all day and it's been great. Nice work, musicalman! Any more in the works?
  14. On "unavoidable", I'm thinking large expanses of spikes, lava, quick enemies (dogs in Castlevania, Robocop, Narc, fill in the blank), cascades of projectiles, or, as Overflow said, a boss attack. On "unreachable", see my Mega Man reference a few posts back. It also might be something like taking the wrong path in Kid Icarus so that you miss a door or have to go the long way instead. I should hope so! (unbeatable games... that sounds like a good post... or remix album)
  15. ??? Ha ha, I didn't even think of submitting my own. I'm going against the grain here, but definitely c. The Mega Man games are blatant violators in this sense. Why, WHY would you put an energy tank over there?! No love for the M-Man.
  16. Well, I use the term "veteran" loosely (plus, VGOP sounds cool). Really all it means in this context is that you have experience with a variety of games and are familiar with the classics insofar as understanding the poll questions. Case in point, for this poll, a "veteran gamer" may think of the NES and SNES Mario or Mega Man games.
  17. Hello, gamers! Your opinion counts. That's why I'm posting the very first Veteran Gamer Opinion Poll. The purpose of the VGOPs is simply to have fun with questions about gaming and elements of games. Yes, the name says veteran gamer, but all are welcome! It just helps to have played a variety of games. Here's how to participate: 1. A question or situation will be posted. 2. Simply reply to the thread with your choice of a, b, c, or d. 3. Watch as others vote. 4. Check back when the votes are tallied to see the consensus. Nothing to it! I will also offer a poll-related sig for interested parties at the end of each voting period (about a week). I hope to post the VGOPs on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. If you have any questions, pm me! Now that the formalities have been addressed, here is... Veteran Gamer Opinion Poll #1 In a platformer, which is more frustrating? a) a time limit one-hit deaths c) unreachable power-ups d) unavoidable enemies Vote and be heard!
  18. Beautiful arrangement. The quiet parts are too quiet in my opinion, compared with the fortissimos. Overall, though, it is very fluid and respectful of the original track. Nice work! You wouldn't happen to be the mind behind a particularly good Rygar orchestration I came across years ago, would you?
  19. Hear, hear! I agree, also, with Strike911 on the point that ambient sounds can successfully substitute for music when appropriate. Take Eternal Darkness, for example. I tried but couldn't remember a track from that game and then I realized: it was almost entirely ambient sound. But that was perfect to build the mood and create an engrossing, highly enjoyable game. That said, I think our standards for music in games have increased exponentially over time. We expect high quality tunes in modern games simply because there are precedents of great game music which are a basis for comparison. This makes it a little bit more difficult to create a lauded OST. DjSammyG is correct in that emphasis may have shifted to the visual component of a game (an obvious choice as it is the primary sensory input for most) at the expense of music. All in all, music can be an integral part of a game but may be outweighed in importance by a number of other factors: visual appeal, storyline, accessibility, fun, etc. These other components may still create a great game. Now that Wii Music is coming out, it will be interesting to see if a game based almost solely on music will succeed as well as those in which music is important, but not predominant.
  20. Holy moley, that song is so good! It needs better exposure no matter how it happens. My local 80s weekend station doesn't even have it in their playlist! Insanity! We need The Touch, we need the power!
  21. This ReMix was my introduction to the musical stylings and incredible voice of pixietricks. It blew me away to hear such emotive lyrics woven into a wonderful source. Inspiring and poignant, it made me happy to have found OCR.
  22. F-Zero "The Freedom of Zero" by Harmony Final Fantasy VII "Black Wing Metamorphosis" Chrono Trigger "Team Gato" Mario Kart DS "Charade"
  23. News from the Tokyo Game Show! and the website has been updated.
  24. Actually, you've done a great job answering my question. I guess my real intention was to gauge the site's reaction to game-related lyrics. These replies have given me a good idea of what is acceptable and what is not. Thanks for the links to other lyric-containing ReMixes! I wish there was an easier way to find them (search option, mayhaps?). Adding them to my playlist... now.
  25. As with any artistic medium (some of this came up in another thread), video games will include references and instances of real world issues and problems. As video games are a relatively new form of entertainment, the focus is still generally on fun as opposed to "art" or political/social/philosophical purpose. This is probably due to the fact that most games today are made for profit and, therefore, are marketed towards wider audiences to maximize earnings. As gaming becomes more integral to the Western experience (likely within the next generation) and software to easily create free or inexpensive and highly distributable games (as RPGM2K in the article) becomes more widespread, new niches will open up for artistic or avant-garde products. As the number of people exposed to gaming increases, the number of perspectives and, thereby, gaming preferences and desires follows. Artists like Luc Bernard will push this change as pioneers in the gaming industry, just as authors, poets, painters, directors, etc. before them moved their respective media in the same direction of diversification. To sum up this all-too-lengthy post, it is the natural progression of video games to incorporate realistic, often controversial, themes as the medium comes of age.
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