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Everything posted by 42

  1. Can't say I really care for this mix. I agree that the guitars are off. Still its obvious that effort went into this and people were tributing a game that the love. This mix gets an A for effort.
  2. Deeply profound, the title is highly appropriate here. Can't really say I'm digging the drums though, but still this is a great mix. Very cinematic, majestic, full of abstract alien wonder like deep see exploration and seeing all the bizarre forms of life down there. Definitely worth checking out.
  3. This feels good and appropriate. I love that suspenseful orchestral groove going on. I also like the piano work here. Nicely done.
  4. Creeeepy.... sort of. At least not untill 0:39. It comes in layers which is "meh" to me, and too much of the mix is more atmospheric than horrific. and when it does, the mix gets too muddled. >.< I just talked myself out of liking this one. darn it.
  5. This kinda reminds me of Barracuda by Heart plus something from Sonic Adventure 2. I like it, very rocking.
  6. no thanks. Some things should be electronic, and other things shouldn't. This mix belongs in the latter category.
  7. This started off interesting, but I don't know.... At times it holds my attention, but at others, it doesn't. It's good, but, imo, it plays too much going left and right, does too many things. Well, it's really hard to pin down this mix. Its nicely trance-ful, yet very well grounded. I'm wanting to like this mix, but I just don't know...
  8. Cool. A dance mix, I haven't ran across one of them yet. Interesting. It isn't as quite as energetic as my preconceptions of dance mixes want me to believe but it's still cool. This is great stuff and a must download.
  9. This is what one would here over the credits over some heartbreakingly sad movie. Great job , but this is definitely not for me.
  10. I can't take this mix seriously. This is definitely worth listening to just for the experience. Great job.
  11. eh, ummm... no thanks, this track just isn't doing much for me. It just doesn't sound right to me for some reason. Ultimately, its an average, run-of-the-mill, o.k. mix.
  12. It sounds like a some weird possessed techno circus. almost. The clips from Willy Wonka were a nice, if quasi-creepy, touch. Definitely not a bad mix.
  13. Crud, this sort of reminds me of something and I can't quite think of what..... Still, this is modern, laid back, mellowy, jet setting, starlit, subdued, "hey, don't worry about it" kind of jazz. Be warned, the only flaw is there's no ending; it just randomly stops >.< I even re-downloaded it to make sure there wasn't any downloading error when I first obtained it. Still, its good stuff and worth downloading.
  14. I didn't really care for the change at 2:34 with the drums coming in and all. It's trying to add a marching tone to pretty good classical piece before hand. Don't get me wrong, this is still a great and well done mix and worth checking out if you like orchestral/atmospheric mixes, but it just isn't for me.
  15. I honestly can't say it any better. This is an incredibly well produced and genuinely great track. Great job.
  16. weird. It's sort of trying to be both atmospheric(especially at the beginning) and techno-electronic at the some time. As a straight up electronic track, it's not bad. Definitely worth a listen for techno enthusiasts
  17. I can't quite put my finger on it... ... ... .. The electric guitar (at least I think that's an electric guitar sounds too much like static, which, imo, detracts from this mix. I'd be a whole lot better with out it. So far it's an o.k. mix; not too bad, but just misses the mark of greatness.
  18. So far so good. Nice, relaxing, classical, and sweepingly orchestral, reminds me of a woodlands/forest theme. I really loves how it opens up at 2:53 and then gently closes. o.k., the pause at 1:07 doesn't really help; it breaks up the flow of a nicely moving piece. But other than that, this is great stuff to listen too.
  19. eh, its not bad. very experimental and an original and interesting take on a good theme. I don't particularly care for it, but still an A for effort.
  20. Whenever I come across this mix, I have this mental image of a silhouette of Sagat riding a chopper while flying through the sky in front of a giant moon a la E.T. the Extraterrestrial. This theme just seems to lend itself to being techno-trippy really well. Still an awesome mix and glad its in HDR.
  21. Oh, yeah. This is the good stuff. The piano here is mind blowing. Great job.
  22. Now this is invulnerability. me, too. Freaking awesome mix and great job.
  23. It seems to me that this mix went off in a weird direction. I really wanted to like this one, but it just doesn't really make it. It's too short, too repetitive, and doesn't really go with the nature sounds in the intro, imo.
  24. Around every corner at OCR, there's always something new and different to jump out. I'm still having a little trouble mentally reconciling the NES and Genesis soundchips intertwining and interweaving. It sounds so bizarre. I like how at 1:59 both just explode into the rest of the mix. This mix is definitely worth listening to for the experience of how unique this mix actually is.
  25. ooOOoo, shiny. And sparkley too. This is the anthem for stargazing. None of that fancy shmancy looking through a telescope junk, but lying on one's back on a hill on a cool, clear summer night and imagining the infinite. Great mix and great job.
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